Jaws closing?


Well-Known Member
In parks that already get criticism for their lack of family attractions, you cannot get rid of the kid stuff. If anything they really need to expand upon some of that and make their offerings (in both parks) more family friendly. It's been a problem with IOA since day 1 and even Disney has a problem with it at AK. Height requirements for every attraction just doesn't make a good theme park. That's one real downside in losing Jaws too. It might not have been the most kid friendly attraction, but at least an entire family could ride it together.

I agree.... but I though Universal wasn't going for the "Kid friendly " angle... I thought they were always the anti-disney.... ie The make up show "I don't have to be nice to you kid, this isn't Disney". I thought they even advertised this angle and were using it as a niche......

I understand that kids bring in revenue.... lots of it.... so I think my comment should be taken with a pinch of salt.

I think I'm just upset and concerned that some of my favourite parks ever will be unrecognisable from when I first visited.... my kids will never be able to go to the same park I went to....

I'm also not crazy about HP and don't want to see Universal turn into Harry Potter world with a couple of movie attractions on the side.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
I agree.... but I though Universal wasn't going for the "Kid friendly " angle... I thought they were always the anti-disney.... ie The make up show "I don't have to be nice to you kid, this isn't Disney". I thought they even advertised this angle and were using it as a niche......

I understand that kids bring in revenue.... lots of it.... so I think my comment should be taken with a pinch of salt.

I think I'm just upset and concerned that some of my favourite parks ever will be unrecognisable from when I first visited.... my kids will never be able to go to the same park I went to....

I'm also not crazy about HP and don't want to see Universal turn into Harry Potter world with a couple of movie attractions on the side.

I think there is a difference between being kid friendly and making your parks family friendly. Whether Universal likes it or not, the majority of visitors in Central FL are families. If you want these people to come through your doors, you can't have a park completely built on thrills and exciting attractions. You can be edgy (like that line from the makeup show) without chasing away entire demographics of people.

As far as the nostalgia angle, I was never one to support that in any capacity. I like Jaws, and am definitely sad to see it go. However, stopping progress in the name of nostalgia is not something I support. Is a new development will bring something exciting and innovative then I won't complain that a 20 year old boat ride is disappearing. I take the same attitude with Disney too where my personal connection with some attractions is much stronger. The only time I have a problem is when you get rid of something with no replacement or one that is clearly sub-par. With Harry in mind, I stated earlier that I would be thrilled to see him in both parks. I think that you pose a very big risk of diluting a very profitable franchise. The early spike in gate clicks at the new attractions can only be sustainable for so long. You don't want people to think that your only successful ideas are held in one particular character. Even if the idea of a train ride and Diagon Alley sound awesome (putting any logistics aside here), I would be wary about seeing an expansion in two places.


Well-Known Member
As for the plot behind MIB, that is always used for at least to houses for Horror Nights. It's such an important event to Universal that I doubt that plot will be used for that reason alone. Heck, I think that even with Jaws closed, the extended queue area will probably still be used as a Haunted House like it is every year...

While HHN is a very profitable event, Universal Creative aren't going to let it get in the way of park expansion. How these changes might affect a seasonal event simply isn't of much concern to them. It isn't their area of expertise.

As I mentioned before, the sprung tents are portable. There's also several permanent locations where houses could be built if push comes to shove, and it certainly will, since they're already removing Jaws. They aren't going to keep the ride's extended queue standing throughout this entire makeover. That venue is already a goner.

It's also worth mentioning that the closure of Amity will leave Mardi Gras with an altered, shorter parade route.

Sorcerer Mickey

Well-Known Member
Much more than that. Much more than I can talk about.

But throwing that aside, it makes no sense. Jaws is a huge plot of land. It's the size of a land. One single attraction will not go there. It could fit multiple attractions the size of Transformers. They aren't ripping out a classic to replace it with a ride they have space for in other locations within the park.

If Transformers comes, it'll go between Simpsons and MIB. Not on the really, really big Jaws plot.

I have even more stuff that I can't talk about.

And that's why I come to this discussion board. To talk briefly (and in poem) about stuff I can't talk about.



Premium Member
I agree.... but I though Universal wasn't going for the "Kid friendly " angle... I thought they were always the anti-disney.... ie The make up show "I don't have to be nice to you kid, this isn't Disney". I thought they even advertised this angle and were using it as a niche......

I understand that kids bring in revenue.... lots of it.... so I think my comment should be taken with a pinch of salt.

I think I'm just upset and concerned that some of my favourite parks ever will be unrecognisable from when I first visited.... my kids will never be able to go to the same park I went to....

I'm also not crazy about HP and don't want to see Universal turn into Harry Potter world with a couple of movie attractions on the side.

The problem is that the angle Universal had been using wasn't working for them...attendance was MUCH lower than the Disney parks and people just weren't getting it.

Even as much as I love IOA, it really could use a few slower dark rides that families are interested in.

Once HP opened, everything changed IMO, they became a destination (Finally) in their own right and Universal doesn't want that kind of impact to go away anytime soon, which is why I think we will see more HP stuff.


Well-Known Member
I just learned through my connections at Universal Creative that contrary to reports, the Jaws ride is not going to be shut down.
There will be an upgrade, however.


Well-Known Member
I doubt it's a coincidence that Screamscape just heard WWoHP 2.0 construction begins in February.

The Spirit called it a couple months ago--Diagon Alley in US, with a train to IoA.

Are you all flipping nuts? You realize that Jaws is on the extreme northwest end of US? A train to IOA wouldn't make any sense. Unless they plan on theming it the entire way that's a LARGE area backstage to cover, including a major road or two being crossed.


Well-Known Member
Are you all flipping nuts? You realize that Jaws is on the extreme northwest end of US? A train to IOA wouldn't make any sense. Unless they plan on theming it the entire way that's a LARGE area backstage to cover, including a major road or two being crossed.

I buy the rumor of Potter expansion, but I think the idea of a train connecting the two areas is nuts.

But, assuming the train connection the two IS happening...

Why would they need to theme whole area? Either drive the train through a tunnel the whole way with field-of-vision on both sides of the windows or have the train leave the station, pass through a brief area of darkness, then have flip-down screens deploy over the windows to display something.

Or heck, make the windows screens at all times that display realtime camera images when it's in or near-station.


Here's the area it would have to cover:


Well-Known Member
Ok, I think I've figured out how they could do this.

First of all, the trains would probably not be trains in the usual sense but trams that would run on street tires.
I'm envisioning something like an articulated bus with heavy exterior theming and similar theming at the station to disguise its wheels.
Put some mid-frequency transducers in the floor and it shouldn't be too hard to simulate a train moving along the rails.

I would imagine that the corridor needed to make a King-Kong type experience would be far too wide to utilize the entire way.



Perhaps the shades on the windows would need to be drawn down (automated, motorized) and the guests' attention focused on something else during the bulk of the train's physical travel, like the chocolate trolley or whatever, or live actors inside the train.
Heck, you could have multiple 3-d projection stations that begin and end the ride, with most of it spent with the shades drawn and other things going on...

So, could go something like this-
1. Board the train at Studios "Kings Cross, 9 3/4" station, shades are up you can look out normally-
Train moves forward into a 3d-projection area and "peaceful, English countryside" video is played.
2. Shades are drawn, candy trolley comes down the aisle selling stuff. Audio or live actors do atmospheric stuff. Ride vehicle makes 99% of the physical journey to Islands.
3. Train/Tram enters second 3D-booth, shades raised, dementor attack or whatever is shown. Could have variable light conditions built into the projection to make it more seemless. Probably the more exciting of the two projection areas.
4. Shades still raised, train pulls into Islands station and guests disembark.

So what do we think? Feasible?



Active Member
I agree with evan that the screamscape rumor seems out there but it does seem to have some validity. From what I've heard there is harry potter stuff in the jaws leads office.now I really hope this isn't true as I feel this would be potter overkill.


Well-Known Member
My sources say it's another insanely popular franchise, that is not Potter or Transformers!



Just kidding I have no sources :p

Thrill Seeker

Well-Known Member
This was posted to Screamscape early this morning:

In case you missed the late breaking announcement on Friday afternoon, but Universal Orlando announced that the Jaws attraction and the entire Amity themed area around it will be closing down forever after January 2nd to make way for a new attraction. While they were not ready to disclose what is in the works yet… I’ve done a good bit of digging since then and have come up with an amazing proposal that is going to both shock and likely amaze you at the same time.
If my various sources are correct, the Amity / Jaws area will be replaced by the proposed Phase 2 expansion of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Now, before you flip out… lets go over it all, because for starters this really isn’t going to be the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at all. Instead, from what I’ve been able to gather, the new land to be build in Universal Studios Florida will actually represent the “London” side of the PotterVerse… including an entrance to the infamous Diagon Alley.
Diagon Alley, as seen in the movies, is home to infamous locations such as The Leaky Cauldron, Gringott’s Wizarding Bank and the true Ollivanders wand shop location, as seen in the films. The London location is also said to be home to King’s Cross station, where students would board the Hogwarts Express train from Platform 9 ¾.
Many of these locations have been mentioned in the rumored development plans for Phase 2 of the Wizarding World for months now, including an innovative indoor dark coaster ride said to take place inside Gringott’s Wizarding Bank. It’s no secret that the Wizarding World has been popular…so much so that it needed to be expanded to spread out the crowds, and come up with a way to provide new locations for guests to buy Butterbeer, Ollivanders wands and more. But it seems that Universal Creative really decided to try a new idea… and think really outside the box this time. Literally… because this new expansion is going to allow for guests in both parks to get a taste of the PotterVerse… but to get the ENTIRE experience, you’d going to have to have a 2-park ticket.
Speaking of having access to both parks… connecting the dots is said to be a true recreation of the Hogwarts Express, allowing guests with two park passes (and Universal Resort guests) to recreate the true journey from the Muggle world of London and actually board travel to the train station and board the train for a trip over to Hogwarts and the rest of the Wizarding World at Islands of Adventure.
Now if all that wasn’t enough, I’ve heard some rumors about another possible new attraction likely to go into this Phase 2 project, that may attempt to take advantage of the new 3D projection tunnel technology Universal created for King Kong 3D 360 at the Hollywood park earlier this year. I don’t know if this may be put to use during your train ride on the Hogwarts Express, or if this will be an entirely separate ride experience. (One source suggested it could be a trip on the 3-decker Knight Bus, but I’ve heard that this isn’t likely to happen).
Either way this is huge… and apparently it all has a rather aggressive construction timeline as Universal is said to be shooting to have it all up and running by 2014. I’ve also heard that an official announcement or teaser could be released very soon, so stay tuned!

It appears as though Potter Expansion is pretty much a lock.

Thrill Seeker

Well-Known Member
Ok, I think I've figured out how they could do this.

First of all, the trains would probably not be trains in the usual sense but trams that would run on street tires.
I'm envisioning something like an articulated bus with heavy exterior theming and similar theming at the station to disguise its wheels.
Put some mid-frequency transducers in the floor and it shouldn't be too hard to simulate a train moving along the rails.

I would imagine that the corridor needed to make a King-Kong type experience would be far too wide to utilize the entire way.



Perhaps the shades on the windows would need to be drawn down (automated, motorized) and the guests' attention focused on something else during the bulk of the train's physical travel, like the chocolate trolley or whatever, or live actors inside the train.
Heck, you could have multiple 3-d projection stations that begin and end the ride, with most of it spent with the shades drawn and other things going on...

So, could go something like this-
1. Board the train at Studios "Kings Cross, 9 3/4" station, shades are up you can look out normally-
Train moves forward into a 3d-projection area and "peaceful, English countryside" video is played.
2. Shades are drawn, candy trolley comes down the aisle selling stuff. Audio or live actors do atmospheric stuff. Ride vehicle makes 99% of the physical journey to Islands.
3. Train/Tram enters second 3D-booth, shades raised, dementor attack or whatever is shown. Could have variable light conditions built into the projection to make it more seemless. Probably the more exciting of the two projection areas.
4. Shades still raised, train pulls into Islands station and guests disembark.

So what do we think? Feasible?


The Screamscape rumor specifically mentions the use of the Kong 360 tech for something... Using it for the Hogwarts Express would make perfect sense. Let's face the music folks, it looks like Harry Potter is about to cast a spell on Universal Studios Florida.


Well-Known Member

Transformers is not going into the Amity area. There is a LOT of back and forth with J.K. and WB and that has been the hold up. Most of the facility planning has been locked in for several months. I think you will find this to be a suitable replacement for Jaws whether you like HP or not.


Well-Known Member
Think of it this way, who cares if you like the actual Harry Potter stories, movies, etc.
Do you have to like "Song of the South" to enjoy splash mountain?
Do only the biggest fans of "The Mummy" remake enjoy "Revenge of the Mummy"?
Can you build an entire new land with one attraction based on a large mythological creature in a mountain, have the ride be decent but the creature disappear? Does the general public care? No, they don't.

However, even if you don't like Harry Potter it has been the greatest single success built at any theme park in the fastest amount of time ever.

If instead of "Avatar" WDW was going to build an entire "Star Wars" area there would be people that would complain and multitudes more who would be there happy to pay admission and buy merchandise just because.

Does it suck to lose JAWS? Yes. Don't let nostalgia blind you, watch "BTTF the Ride" again. It wasn't really that good of an actual ride. Did you identify with the characters and story, sure. Was the ride itself that good? Not really.
I don't ride "Revenge of the Mummy" for any other reason than it's an amazing theme park attraction, so why not get excited for more attractions from the people that built Spiderman, HP&tFJ, Revenge of the Mummy & others at or above the quality of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter?


Well-Known Member
Hmm...King Kong 360 occurs while the tram is stopped. Given the way the screens are curved, it wouldn't be possible to replicate the experience unless the screens moved with the train.

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