These are questions that we do not have any answers too. It never fails to amaze me how much we transfer responsibility to someone else. Lord forbid that we pick up after ourselves or others because we want a clean park. It is up to Disney to maintain something that they shouldn't even have to be concerned about if people were responsible. But, it's all Disney's fault. The ticket prices are not directly connected to custodial duties, but, they do charge more for admission. But, what actually does that admission price cover. Nowhere near enough to cover expenses even if you don't include custodial. So, what do they spend it on? Maintenance or hiring a group of surrogate mothers to pick up after us? Yes, they probably could be better at it. I don't know, because I, like everyone else, do not have access to the numbers of people that are employed or how they are scheduled or even how they can be expected to be in exactly the same spot at the time that the trash (apparently falling from the sky) got to the end location. In a perfect world it would be possible to never have a problem in that area, but, until we all do our part that isn't going to happen and it is grossly unfair to decide that the responsibility is all on Disney.