jack sparrow meet & greet


Original Poster
Does anyone know if they are still having the meet and greet for jack sparrow and the show they have outside of the ride. I'm going in 2 weeks and I would LOVE to meet jack sparrow. I know they were having a trial run, but i was wondering if it was still going on.. Thanks =)
As far as i can find out, the "Pirate tutorial with Captain Jack Sparrow" is still being run out side of the POTC .... as far as the meet and greet, that was just a test run and is no longer being done .... however, I know that there was a huge response so hopefully it will return ( the night we did it, we were in line with about 50 ppl behind us, the time scheduled was until 6:00pm and we didn't get to see him til about 6:30 and they didn't stop til the line was done )


Well-Known Member
They are still doing the show. However, they are not doing the meet as of right now.

Man, that stinks! Hope they bring it back when we go DD has been dying to meet Captain Jack. Wait, he will still be doing Meet & greets at the Pirates & Princess Party won't he?? Because we are doing that this trip since we missed it the last.


Well-Known Member
Man, that stinks! Hope they bring it back when we go DD has been dying to meet Captain Jack. Wait, he will still be doing Meet & greets at the Pirates & Princess Party won't he?? Because we are doing that this trip since we missed it the last.

I think he should be (though nothing is set in stone). He was last time.

Brian Noble

Well-Known Member
The problem might be that he is too popular. Unless you can have something similar to the dueling princess rooms over in toontown, there may be no way to provide him on a moderate-to-heavy day and still deliver decent guest satisfaction.


Well-Known Member
Oddly, during the P&P parties, he was hugely popular. When we did him during regular park hours, the demand was not as high as anticipated. I'm not saying that is why it stopped, I'm just saying that is my observation. As for "dueling rooms", that was happening. Fortunately it was run much better than at ToonTown and guests had no idea there were dueling rooms because the exits were so far away from each other. If and when he comes back...I have no info whatsoever either way.


New Member
Why don't they have meet and greets with him anymore?

He's so popular!

I wondered if they didn't keep the Jack meet and greet going all the time because they may be limited on the number of CMs who can play the part and do it justice. :shrug: I wish they had it all the time I would love to meet Jack :D


New Member
I wondered if they didn't keep the Jack meet and greet going all the time because they may be limited on the number of CMs who can play the part and do it justice. :shrug: I wish they had it all the time I would love to meet Jack :D

That is a good point. When we went to see him it was GREAT!! The CM played the part to a tee. We spent like 10-15 mins with him, sorry to the people behind me LOL. They also surveyed us afterwards and we marked it excellent on everything. My dh only added that they should have an Elizabeth there too. I would say that was one of the highlights of my trip.


Well-Known Member
It is most certainly not due to a lack of cast members. Disney is not exacting when casting face characters - it is all about look.

The actors you see performing in the Pirate Tutorial show, however, are cast based on look AND ability. They are Equity performers and are classified in the same group as the musical theatre principles (B&B singers, Nemo, etc.) as well as improv actors (Streetmo, Warehouse, Ad Club, World Showcase, Monsters, Turtle Talk, etc. etc.)

The meet and greet Sparrows are from the character department and are cast primarily on look. So while its very possible you will see a good M&G Jack Sparrow, know that the quality of performance amongst the various performers is probably going to vary. A LOT.


New Member
It is most certainly not due to a lack of cast members. Disney is not exacting when casting face characters - it is all about look.

The actors you see performing in the Pirate Tutorial show, however, are cast based on look AND ability.

And you know that Disney has plenty of actors that look like Jack Sparrow :veryconfu Sorry but your post seems a bit confusing first you say Disney isn't exacting and then you say it is all about the look and then you say it is all about the look and ability. Sorry you lost me. I was just throwing that idea about not enough cm's out there. I guess only the person at Disney that made the decision knows for sure why they don't have the meet and greet everyday.


Original Poster
I don't know how often the show is but I would just think after he "runs" away he would start a line where people could take pictures with him. That's what I thought he was doing the first time I saw the show but then found out he was nowhere to be found. Thanks for all your help! :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
I don't know how often the show is but I would just think after he "runs" away he would start a line where people could take pictures with him. That's what I thought he was doing the first time I saw the show but then found out he was nowhere to be found. Thanks for all your help! :ROFLOL:

He does. He runs away while the show is in progress, at the end.

and currently there are 6 shows a day- 10:15, 11:20, 12:25, 2:15, 3:20, 4:25.


I don't know how often the show is but I would just think after he "runs" away he would start a line where people could take pictures with him. That's what I thought he was doing the first time I saw the show but then found out he was nowhere to be found. Thanks for all your help! :ROFLOL:

that is exactly why he runs away though- to escape the crowds and not get caught with people wanting pictures and autographs.... like someone mentioned a few posts back, some days he feels like being an equity performer (during the shows), some days, a character performer (M&Gs) ;) Equity performers do not do M&Gs


Well-Known Member
that is exactly why he runs away though- to escape the crowds and not get caught with people wanting pictures and autographs.... like someone mentioned a few posts back, some days he feels like being an equity performer (during the shows), some days, a character performer (M&Gs) ;) Equity performers do not do M&Gs

Well, yes and no. As a general rule that is correct. However, they may do meet and greets, but they are not allowed to be professionally photographed while doing it. For example, streetmosphere do a cross between meet and greet and a mini show every day and they are equity. And last year, the Beauty and The Beast stage was being repainted for a few days. The show was dark, but Belle and Beast came out daily and did meet and greet sets. We couldn't go photograph them, but they were out by their theater. In fact, one day, Belle was so sweet. She saw the line, knew she would never get through it in the alloted time, so she stopped by our office and asked for some blank cards that she could pre-sign to give to the children who wouldn't be able to meet and greet them. Now that is pretty cool.

It can be confusing when a character is both equity and non-equity. For example, the Fairy Godmother. She is both. One day she came into the Bibbiti Bobbiti Boutique and my first instict was to photograph her with all the little princesses being made over, but I had to be sure first that she was non-equity (she was). If I'm not mistaken, and I might be, the equity one is at Cinderella's Royal Table and the Meet and Greet one is behind the castle.

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