Panic panic panic...Grant's present was allegedly shipped 2 Day Express yesterday but just now when I clicked on the tracking link it said it was shipped ground and won't be here until the 29th!!!! Pardon my language, but !!!
I just talked to a rep at Radio Shack and she said that due to the high volume of demand for express shipping they can't accomodate every request. Well, don't advertise it then! For the record the service was offered as free so I didn't pay for it...but I was counting on it. Anyway, obviously I couldn't yell at the girl on the phone because it has nothing to do with her. She did say she would put in a request to see if they could speed it up but of course no guarantee.
So if y'all could say a prayer that it gets here...
Sorry for the novel, just felt like I had to vent.
I just talked to a rep at Radio Shack and she said that due to the high volume of demand for express shipping they can't accomodate every request. Well, don't advertise it then! For the record the service was offered as free so I didn't pay for it...but I was counting on it. Anyway, obviously I couldn't yell at the girl on the phone because it has nothing to do with her. She did say she would put in a request to see if they could speed it up but of course no guarantee.

Sorry for the novel, just felt like I had to vent.