It's the end of the world!!!


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by turkey leg boy
Then you agree with Rob and Brad. Brad is Fievel and Rob is mktiggerman.

I am Spartacus!

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Fievel
You are concerned that they are changing an attraction to bring in more people? Isn't that the point?

Yes; more people is a good thing! However, the original foundations are lost; and the WAY they are attracting guests isn't the best way as far as Disney-style, and for many of Disney's biggest fans. There are other ways than building roller coasters that have little quality and essence!

Originally posted by Fievel
Griz, you know where I stand. I want to be the one to push the button to blow up the CoP. I think it's past it's time.

There are a WHOLE lot more COP fans than one can think. And just like there needs to be new attractions, there have to be originals. I agree, most of the attractions at the parks would be great for updating, but updating with IMPROVING quality, IMPROVING essence...IMPROVING the amount of guests that can actually experience it together. Many visit WDW to experience new things...but I am sure the same amount visit to relive fond memories of their the attractions live on to inspire, and teach about, the future.

We all know the COP was the only attraction Walt emphasized on his Imagineers to keep in his parks as long as they is even more to support the need to keep some attractions. Update, sure...but not to take away:

Before the words "Walt Disney" became the name of the world's second largest entertainment company, those words were the name of a man. It seems more and more that the people who make such insignificant decisions as deciding what goes where, and why it should be there, are forgetting about him. Little do they realize that there are more things involved in the creation of a place such as the Magic Kingdom than just numbers and statistics.

I myself find merit in the corners of the parks not ventured into by the thrill seekers. "Pirates of the Caribbean" has numbers comparable to the Carousel, yet it wouldn't ever be removed - as well it shouldn't. There are some decisions that you make with sentimental influence - this is one of them.

Some may say that sentimental value isn't enough to go on. Well, friends, that's all we have to go on. My family has been to Walt Disney World at least once a year since it opened, and sometimes twice, three times, four times, or even five. And we're from Northern Kentucky. I'm sure that many of you tell a similar tale. Not once have we missed the "Carousel of Progress," and then walked around the parks all day belting out, "Great Big, Beautiful Tomorrow," and for most of our lives "Now is the Time." And as financial supporters of the company, the people who made it as big as it is today, we all deserve at least the chance to have our opinions considered, and yes, even our emotions, too.

These words are from a great webmaster, Jacob M. Addison. You may see a snippet of that in my profile.

I am not saying SE should be the same (actually, the crowds at SE I have always seen are TREMENDOUS..I can only get on a decent wait early or late; and I believe it's the most ridden-ride at WDW). But seeing the replacements at EPCOT (an attraction created into a coaster, an inspiring and detailed ride cut to shreds, an original classic being replaced by cheap props) make me uneasy. I would love to see a change at SE, but as I have said before, a change that would make a "+" in the Disney categories/philosophies, as well as attract new guests. And this is possible!

Thank you, Fievel, for your posts. I hope that we are able to learn from each other! :)


Well-Known Member
We all know the COP was the only attraction Walt emphasized on his Imagineers to keep in his parks as long as they existed...

Never heard this before... can you provide a link to an article or book that talks about this? Not that I don't believe you.. but this seems so un "Walt like" he was always changing things and tinkering around right?

Change is good.. as long as its change for the better. It's just that I don't trust the Walt Disney company much these days when it comes to updating/replacing attractions. One look at the mess that is now JII with Figment and one might understand why some folks are so bent out of shape over this rumor.

Scar Junior

Active Member
Very nice post Grizz. Though I thought you were over reacting at the beginning of this thread- I do agree with alot of what you have to say. Your post brings memories of my family walking from CoP to PoC. My dad just waking up from his annual nap in CoP, and my sister and I trying to embarass my parents by singing "There's A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow". We used to always mock the guy, John, from CoP by saying "See this? It's a Pencil. Man two towns over came up with this crazy idea. It'll never work."

Ahh memories... :)


New Member
I find it extremly odd that CoP is about 100 years of progress and shares the concept behind 100 years of Disney and was Walt's Baby, yet it is seasonal, this year at least it should have been open all year. There are other connections to the ride I am forgetting right now to the 100 years celebration, just odd.

Scar Junior

Active Member
Originally posted by space42
Never heard this before... can you provide a link to an article or book that talks about this? Not that I don't believe you.. but this seems so un "Walt like" he was always changing things and tinkering around right?

It's not like Walt thought every attraction needed to be changed every couple of years. When he sad things needed to be changed I'm sure there are some things he wanted to keep around for his own and others' sentimental purposes. I'm assuming here (which some know is my pet peeve) when I say that Walt must have been so damn proud of this attraction. It's just a brilliant idea if you ask me. Though he wanted change, it was small ones like updating the ending of CoP- not taking it out all together for a 3D show or some cheap thrill.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by space42
Never heard this before... can you provide a link to an article or book that talks about this? Not that I don't believe you.. but this seems so un "Walt like" he was always changing things and tinkering around right?

Well...he still wanted to get this point across. This was his message of that was so dear to him.

I first heard this from a cast member, and it was later confirmed by Dave Smith, Archivist for the Walt Disney Company.

Originally posted by space42
Change is good.. as long as its change for the better. It's just that I don't trust the Walt Disney company much these days when it comes to updating/replacing attractions.

Yes; that's my reasoning as well.

And Spider-man, I agree with your view on irony. I mean, Vault Disney as well. Classy, huh? :p

Have a magical day! Let's all make magic happen tonight, folks! :)


New Member
You guys make some pretty good points, I am not a structual engineer and I have not seen any of the structural blueprints, but I have seen some interviews where they said that the SE sphere was built like two geodesic domes placed together. and the structure is not a true sphere and is not symetricly circular but it looks pretty close. So maybe I could be incorrect in that the track helps support the sphere. I will say that the track infrastructure probably helped support the steel while they were erecting the the structure as seen in the picture below.

As far as the name of the new attraction "Time Racers" I think that the name might be misleading of what type of attraction it will be as far as the ride vehicle will be. we are assuming that it will be something high speed. I doubt it if they use the original track bed in the new attraction it could'nt be very fast with the limited space inside. I could be a High Tech update version of communications through history especially IF it is being sponsored by Microsoft as rumored.


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Just a thought---

First I must say that I agree whole heartedly with Grizz. As to all of the people who say oh well change happens and change is important---have you thought why the most visited park in WDW remains such? I believe that it is the most popular because it changes the least. Think about how many classic rides exist at this park! Obviously keeping dated classics and slow AA attractions can and will keep people coming back! Yes there have been some changes and additions to MK and they are important, but most changes have been in the form of additions not replacements! Maybe classics can be and are a popular and important part of the magic that doesn't need any major change! :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by niteobsrvr
The technology to do this exists today. Text translators already exist. Speech recognition technology has improved to the point that we should soon be able to link the translators into voice technology if we dont't already have this working in a lab somewhere now.....................

The only reason we dont see all of this technology combined and in a store near us right now is consumer demand and marketing. I wont go off on how marketing controls our lives. Just let me say that when the companies who own some of this technology feel they can make a profit off of it, it will be everywhere.

Hey Folks,

Just got a great follow up referencing translators. Seems the Military is currently using Technology that will be the precursor to voice translation via communications lines.

It could be an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie: The Phraselator.

But it's not. It's the name of a technology developed by two Maryland companies for U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

Using the phraselator, military personnel utter a phrase into a weatherproof microphone, and the machine repeats it back in one of 40 languages, including languages spoken in Afghanistan and Pakistan such as Pashto and Dari.

"Are you carrying a weapon?" Robert Olsen, president of Applied Data Systems Inc. in Columbia, Md., asked the phraselator during a recent demonstration.

The machine replied by saying the phrase in Pashto.

Developed by Applied Data Systems and VoxTec, an Annapolis-based division of Marine Acoustics Inc., about 500 phraselators have been built for military units around the world.

Full text form the Orlando Sentinel Article:
Sentinel Article - Phraselator

Originally posted by TheDisneyBoy
Not until I can do video conferencing in my home with a boy from Japan, with a language translator. Once that actually happens, then you can redo SSE.

Somewhere between 2005 and 2007, I would say that the above should be possible so I guess Disney has pretty good foresight and timing.


Active Member
I've been reading this thread for so long that I don't even remember who to fuss at! :lol:

What I do remember is somebody talking about getting bored visiting Disney and seeing the same thing year after year...I personally enjoy going and re-visiting attractions that I love!

I of course have no idea what the powers that be are planning for SE. Judging by the company's current actions, I too would have to assume that attraction would be turned into another thrill ride...:(

Can't wait to see what's in store for the Castle (NOT!!!)


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member

if anyone else had started this thread, it would be more of a positive about WHAT'S POSSIBLE. But you started it and now it's WHAT WE'RE LOSING. I try to keep quiet about these things, but I really wish you never had started this thread.


New Member
Originally posted by mktiggerman

if anyone else had started this thread, it would be more of a positive about WHAT'S POSSIBLE. But you started it and now it's WHAT WE'RE LOSING. I try to keep quiet about these things, but I really wish you never had started this thread.

I'm gonna think alot about this statement. (Was I influenced from the beginning of the thread to respond a certain way?)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man
I'm gonna think alot about this statement. (Was I influenced from the beginning of the thread to respond a certain way?)

I guess it's more of a old Disney rehab X new Disney rehab. If I knew something good was coming, like all old rehabs used to be, I'd be SOMEWHAT ok with it (cause I REALLY like SE). But you gotta admit that JIYI and Aladdin, among other recent aditions, were huge disappointments. Sure, there's nothing left to do but wait and see what's coming, hoping for the best. But I sure am worried...


New Member
Originally posted by MKCustodial
I guess it's more of a old Disney rehab X new Disney rehab. If I knew something good was coming, like all old rehabs used to be, I'd be SOMEWHAT ok with it (cause I REALLY like SE). But you gotta admit that JIYI and Aladdin, among other recent aditions, were huge disappointments. Sure, there's nothing left to do but wait and see what's coming, hoping for the best. But I sure am worried...

Agreed, but maybe we all focus on the negative so much we have missed many positives of late.

I really think

One Man's Dream
Who Wants to be a Millionaire: Play It!
All the new Parades
Animal Kingdom Lodge
and The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
have all been great.

I also believe that the
and Forbidden Mountain
will be good as well

So not all bad things have came in the past years, maybe we just concentrate more on the bad. I'm not sure right now.

Time Racers
and other potential changes will be good too. Everyone messes up : JII 2 & 3. But there are still lots of great things in the Disney World.


Well-Known Member
I am getting kind of tired of everyone slamming Aladdin and Triceratops spin and Primeval Whirl because they are off the shelf amusement park rides.

Many of the rides at the magic kingdom are not one of a kind. The themeing is but the rides aren't.

Dumbo - take the elephants off and add some helicopters and what do you have?

Its a Small World - Replace the dolls with other scenes (dosent matter what) and you have the typical boat based dark ride.

Snow White and Winnie the Pooh - Dark rides that have been around for ages.

The Carousel - no explanation needed here.

Space Mountain - the equivalent of a a steel mouse coaster. They just put it in a building and turned the lights out.

Splash Mountain - Log Flume type ride - They have been around for a while - Disney just added a couple twists.

Big Thunder Mountain - Its a coaster. Excellent theming but if you remove that, its a coaster that could be found anywhere.

Walt Disney World Railroad - those are real trains, they ran on real railroads in their orginal form.

Haunted Mansion - Its a dark ride. The vehicle might be innovative but the premise of a dark ride is the same.

I will stop. I think you all have the idea. Not everything can be brand new never before seen technology and cost 150 million dollars. Not to mention, not everything needs to be 150 million bucks to be entertaining.

On the one hand it seems people don't want a lot of change at Disney. On the other hand, when they leave the existing entertainment alone and add new stuff, its not good enough. Its like the perfect no win situation.

Peoples expectations have become so over inflated that it seems fun is impossible anymore unless it is complicated and engineered.

Fun can be watching a squirrel in a park if you can sit still long enough to enjoy it and forget about your daily lives for a bit. Unfortunately, we as a whole have become so caught up in ourselves that happiness is becoming ever more elusive.


New Member
Originally posted by niteobsrvr
I am getting kind of tired of everyone slamming Aladdin and Triceratops spin and Primeval whirl because they are off the shelf amusement park rides.

Many of the rides at the magic kingdom are not one of a kind. The temeing is but the rides aren't.

Dumbo - take the elephants off and add some helicopters and what to do you have?

Its a Small World - Replace the dolls with other scenes (dosent matter what) and you have the typical boat based dark ride.

Snow White and Winnie the Pooh - Dark rides that have been around for ages.

The Carousel - no explanation needed here.

Space Mountain - the equivalent of a a steel mouse coaster. They just put it in a building and turned the lights out.

Splash Mountain - Log Flume type ride - They have been around for a while - Disney just added a couple twists.

Big Thunder Mountain - Its a coaster. Excellent theming but if you remove that, its a coaster that could be found anywhere.

Walt Disney World Railroad - those are real trains, they ran on real railroads in their orginal form.

Haunted Mansion - Its a dark ride. The vehicle might be innovative but the premise of a dark ride is the same.

I will stop. I think you all have the idea. Not everything can be brand new never before seen technology and cost 150 million dollars. Not to mention, not everything needs to be 150 million bucks to be entertaining.

On the one hand it seems people don't want a lot of change at Disney. On the other hand, when they leave the existing entertainment alone and add new stuff, its not good enough. Its like the perfect no win situation.

Peoples expectations have become so over inflated that it seems fun is impossible anymore unless it is complicated and engineered.

Fun can be watching a squirrel in a park if you can sit still long enough to enjoy it and forget about your daily lives for a bit. Unfortunately, we as a whole have become so caught up in ourselves that happiness is becoming ever more elusive.

:brick: I'm not even going through this again, do your homework on Disney rides, that's all I got to say. Look at what came first... and on DUmbo, it was a unique ride, but when you have four of the same ride, come on... three in the same park. :hammer:

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