It's the end of the world!!!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man
:brick: I'm not even going through this again, do your homework on Disney rides, that's all I got to say. Look at what came first... and on DUmbo, it was a unique ride, but when you have four of the same ride, come on... three in the same park. :hammer:

If you have some information to share as to why the mentioned ride systems are totally unique I am certainly interested. The history of some of those types of rides goes back to early amusement parks.

Disney's themeing is unique. The ride systems themselves, with the exception of some tweaks here or there I am sure, are not particularly innovative.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by niteobsrvr
If you have some information to share as to why the mentioned ride systems are totally unique I am certainly interested. The history of some of those types of rides goes back to early amusement parks.

Disney's themeing is unique. The ride systems themselves, with the exception of some tweaks here or there I am sure, are not particularly innovative.

Sure, but what everybody complains about Aladdin is that MK alone has 3 attractions that are EXACTLY the same, and then you have another one at AK. So what's the "new attraction to be opened soon" if it's a copy of one not of another park but from your own park?


New Member
Here's my thought on SE: Its purpose is to discuss the history and future of communications. It does a great job of discussing the history, but not so great discussing the future. So why can't we have a solution in which the ending is all that changes?

I'm disappointed in the people who generalize about teenagers as being people who only want to see thrill rides and the like. I'm 17 years old and quite frankly I love thrill rides. I'm probably the biggest coaster fanatic you'll ever meet, but at the same time I do have an appreciation for the finer points of a theme park. Anyone can build a warp-speed theme park of the future, given enough money, but this type of park runs the risk of becoming a Six Falgs model; great rides but poor theming and maintenance. IoA at Universal has become so wildly successful recently not because of its thrills. People forget that it only has two actual coasters and no more than five thrill rides. But its theming is the only thing in the world that even approaches WDW, and that is what makes it so successful. Anybody seen "The Lost Continent"? Incredible.

I'm holding my breath on making a judgment for the time being because I want to see how Mission: SPACE turns out. I also loved Horizons like none other before it was imploded, and if MS turns into a dud like JIYI, people will go nuts and I will be one of them. As far as Spaceship Earth goes, I think that breaking off the AT&T partnership will be a step in the right direction that will allow them to change the ending.

At this point there are just too many memorable moments in this ride that Disney can't afford to lose. Michael Richards discovering fire? The fall of Rome and that burning smell? The monk who falls asleep copying the texts? Come on. Let's refurb the ending, make it spectacular, and leave the rest of this timeless classic alone. The history of communication will always be the history of communication. Let's give it its due.

Scar Junior

Active Member
Originally posted by MGM WDWFan

I also loved Horizons like none other before it was imploded,

:) Horizons wasn't imploded there, big guy.

But I know what you mean:animwink: I love the parts where you can smell Rome and a vast majority of the ride. I think Disney needs to go back and put these small little additions all over thri parks. It just heightens the experience.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by niteobsrvr
I am getting kind of tired of everyone slamming Aladdin and Triceratops spin and Primeval Whirl because they are off the shelf amusement park rides.

Many of the rides at the magic kingdom are not one of a kind. The themeing is but the rides aren't.

Dumbo - take the elephants off and add some helicopters and what do you have?

Its a Small World - Replace the dolls with other scenes (dosent matter what) and you have the typical boat based dark ride.

Snow White and Winnie the Pooh - Dark rides that have been around for ages.

The Carousel - no explanation needed here.

Space Mountain - the equivalent of a a steel mouse coaster. They just put it in a building and turned the lights out.

Splash Mountain - Log Flume type ride - They have been around for a while - Disney just added a couple twists.

Big Thunder Mountain - Its a coaster. Excellent theming but if you remove that, its a coaster that could be found anywhere.

Walt Disney World Railroad - those are real trains, they ran on real railroads in their orginal form.

Haunted Mansion - Its a dark ride. The vehicle might be innovative but the premise of a dark ride is the same.

I will stop. I think you all have the idea. Not everything can be brand new never before seen technology and cost 150 million dollars. Not to mention, not everything needs to be 150 million bucks to be entertaining.

On the one hand it seems people don't want a lot of change at Disney. On the other hand, when they leave the existing entertainment alone and add new stuff, its not good enough. Its like the perfect no win situation.

Peoples expectations have become so over inflated that it seems fun is impossible anymore unless it is complicated and engineered.

Fun can be watching a squirrel in a park if you can sit still long enough to enjoy it and forget about your daily lives for a bit. Unfortunately, we as a whole have become so caught up in ourselves that happiness is becoming ever more elusive.

Very well said. I applaude you :)sohappy: ) I also see, however, where everyone else is coming from with the addition of "The Magic Carpets of Aladdin" and "Triceratop Spin" when there are already 2 on WDW property.

Originally posted by Scar Junior
I love the parts where you can smell Rome and a vast majority of the ride. I think Disney needs to go back and put these small little additions all over thri parks. It just heightens the experience.

Hell yeah, man! :sohappy:


New Member
Originally posted by niteobsrvr
I am getting kind of tired of everyone slamming Aladdin and Triceratops spin and Primeval Whirl because they are off the shelf amusement park rides.

Many of the rides at the magic kingdom are not one of a kind. The themeing is but the rides aren't.

Dumbo - take the elephants off and add some helicopters and what do you have?

Its a Small World - Replace the dolls with other scenes (dosent matter what) and you have the typical boat based dark ride.

Snow White and Winnie the Pooh - Dark rides that have been around for ages.

The Carousel - no explanation needed here.

Space Mountain - the equivalent of a a steel mouse coaster. They just put it in a building and turned the lights out.

Splash Mountain - Log Flume type ride - They have been around for a while - Disney just added a couple twists.

Big Thunder Mountain - Its a coaster. Excellent theming but if you remove that, its a coaster that could be found anywhere.

Walt Disney World Railroad - those are real trains, they ran on real railroads in their orginal form.

Haunted Mansion - Its a dark ride. The vehicle might be innovative but the premise of a dark ride is the same.

I will stop. I think you all have the idea. Not everything can be brand new never before seen technology and cost 150 million dollars. Not to mention, not everything needs to be 150 million bucks to be entertaining.

On the one hand it seems people don't want a lot of change at Disney. On the other hand, when they leave the existing entertainment alone and add new stuff, its not good enough. Its like the perfect no win situation.

Peoples expectations have become so over inflated that it seems fun is impossible anymore unless it is complicated and engineered.

Fun can be watching a squirrel in a park if you can sit still long enough to enjoy it and forget about your daily lives for a bit. Unfortunately, we as a whole have become so caught up in ourselves that happiness is becoming ever more elusive.

I will agree that some of the newer attractions are based on off the shelf mechanisims, but the older attractions were custom built because Disney started a revoloution in theme parks and the way Walt wanted to present an attraction with the ride vehicles just werent available in the early years. Now that there are more players in the theme park game today and there are companies that specialize in building ride systems for theme/Amusment park off the shelf is cheap and easy and that is why it now has been copied by the larger amusment park operators. But there are no theme parks in the US that has other attractions to draw the public that are not Rollercoasters or high thrill attractions like Disney does. If you look at any other theme park today with the exception of maybe SF:IOA the parks are filled with a coaster attraction at every turn as it's main draw. Very few if any have dark rides or filmed attractions like Disney has if you take away the theming for comparision. Disney had some revolouyionary concepts in the beginning but with Walt gone , the nine old men retited or gone, and WDI being gutted of some of the veteren talent some of the creativity and originality has died. Some of this is is money related but I think that CM value at Disney has died as well and thats why they now are looking more and more at outside designers and if this keeps up a true Imagineer at Disney will become extinct


New Member
Originally posted by MicBat
Very well said. I applaude you :)sohappy: ) I also see, however, where everyone else is coming from with the addition of "The Magic Carpets of Aladdin" and "Triceratop Spin" when there are already 2 on WDW property.
hell yeah, man! :sohappy:

If you look closely except for paint, the center peice and occupant vehicle they are the same ride. Dumbo as well


New Member
The creativity has not died at the Imagineering offices. The problem is getting all the new wild and wonderful rides and attractions that Imagineers spend weeks, months and years developing beyond the Disney execs and money handlers.

I know someone has to eventually think things through and give the "yea's" and "nays" to the proposed new stuff. But lately it seems like the "bean counters" have been given the power to call the shots. Hence, the lack of major attraction of late.

B.T.W.--Triceratops Spin and the Aladdin Magic Carpet ride do actually do something different from Dumbo and Astro Orbiter. First, each ride vehicle is double the capacity of the senior rides, making the inane lines that these slow-loaders have much less of a pain. Second, they offer a secondary "tilt" control that adds to the "up and down" control. Yeah...I know, apples and oranges. I personally think the Magic Carpet concept would've made a great Peter Pan type dark ride. Instead we get new aged Dumbo.


Active Member
What would Walt said?

I read to many of treads like this but, REMEMBER, Walt Disney did change 2 times Tomorrowland over Disneyland.

The Idea to keep the parks fresh and full of life is to update, fix and change with the passing of the time. I would like to see Epcot "Gemini Proyect" flourish, To See SE as new as 20 years ago, I would like to see Living Seas, Universe of energy, and so on get a new life the park deserves it so the "REST"of us, i know i love the actual way the park is, I miss WoM and Horizons but Walt would love to see a whole new Epcot for it 25 anniversary.

Thats my humble opinion i could be wrong


New Member
Re: What would Walt said?

Originally posted by PaisleyMF
I read to many of treads like this but, REMEMBER, Walt Disney did change 2 times Tomorrowland over Disneyland.

Thats my humble opinion i could be wrong

NO, It is true that Tommrowland at DL was rebuilt from the ground up in the 60's and the structures under the "Juels Vern-esq facad which would make it the third incarnation are from that era. I would have thought that if they were going to redo either the DL or WDW Tommrowlands that they compleatly rebuild from the ground up. Walt wasn't afraid of closing the area for a year or more to get it how he wanted it. With the bean counters getting in the way and no one to push for the bigger picture like Walt did with Roy on spending money the faux facde of the "updated" Tommrowland is the best we can get . The Dl version has some aspects that I thought could have been done better, But the WDW redo was only half done and very porly at that IMO.


New Member
For outward beauty, DL's Tomorrowland is a tad better than WDW's. They copied the look at EuroDisney. However, I'd take MK's Tomorrowland over DL's any day--even with CoP and TK running only 1/3 of the year. DL's was changed only a few years ago, and it's already looking run-down with ride areas and buildings sitting empty.

At least Florida has CoP, TK, Alien Encounter, plus HISTA at Epcot and Star Tours at MGM. California's big addition--putting Innoventions into a long empty CoP building. Oh yeah, and they added a nondescript and insanely over-priced pizza place.


Well-Known Member
You know, I think it was an interesting concept, the "future that'll never be" at DLP, but why couldn't they have left alone the "future that we thought would be" from MK, the old white concept, like Space Mountain still is and that reminds me a lot of those old EPCOT jumpsuits with the rainbows?


Well-Known Member
First of all, I believe this ride has no basis in reality. The media always manages to screw things up.

USA Today called Disney's newest movie Treasure Island on the front page, then an article on the second page is plastered with an interview with Ron Clements and Jon Musker.

I've heard newspapers call The Amazing Adventures of Spiderman a ROLLERCOASTER, when its obviously a dark ride using sophisticated live special effects and 3D imaging systems!

No truth. Ever heard the phrase "If it bleeds, it leads"? Well apparently a journalist though he saw the beloved golf ball bleeding. Sensationalistic journalism prevails yet again.

As for the idea of old attractions being torn down, I'm all for it as long as something else good comes along. Except for Journey into Imagination. There was no reason to take that apart. That was a classic that still appealed to people. Spaceship Earth is a nice ride, but its aging. There are better, more interesting ways to present its story through a new ride system or effects. And I'm not talking about making it a thrill ride. I believe that The Living Seas and the Land both need massive makeovers of their primary attractions.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Sketch105
As for the idea of old attractions being torn down, I'm all for it as long as something else good comes along. Except for Journey into Imagination. There was no reason to take that apart. That was a classic that still appealed to people. Spaceship Earth is a nice ride, but its aging. There are better, more interesting ways to present its story through a new ride system or effects.

This is exactly why we'll never get anywhere with this... :lol: So they're welcome to gut SE but they're fools for messing with JII? Well, what about those people who hate Figment but love the geosphere? Or those who care for TT versus the ones that despise it?

See, I'm not making fun of your comments, I'm just pointing out how this is a lose-lose situation.


Active Member
Originally posted by MKCustodial
I'm just pointing out how this is a lose-lose situation.

Why it has to be a lose - lose situation and not a win - win, just imagine for a moment looking the next 25 years at Epcot with our childrens and granchildren, Just imagine strolling where the Universe Of Energy was and now it is a new ride with electromagnetic floating pads (just like the hover skate in Back to the Future movies) where they take you all the way of the use of different fuels to new and facinating ways (and not just stay in the fossil fuels) and sponsored by "Texaco" or "Shell" and you keep telling your kids about the wonders of the Old Epcot Center but Still enjoyng and rediscovering the New Epcot.

The Idea of making it new, making a such a gorgeous park and bring the magic back is wonderful. Let's now try to focus instead on why the shouldn't torn down this or that and do so on the new technology that lies ahead of us, We all know the story of the communications, the smell, the fellings, now our kids knows this thru the Internet with a stronger presence and a reallity that maybe ATT didn't include because it wasn't they reallity.

Let's face it we all at some point we don't want to let go (like a good pair of jeans or maybe a pet, even more when we have to move over to another city or state) but it is inevitable, so let do it less painfull, and how about and start a tread about what did you most enjoyed or hated about (put ride here).

it still my humble opinion i still could be WRONG


New Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
Actually I can`t remember which park it is but in one of the Castles at one of the disneylands there is a RIDE in it! :D

There are no rides in any of the castles:hammer:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jmarc63
There are no rides in any of the castles:hammer:

It may not be a traditional ride as such but Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland Paris does offer slightly more entertainement than a forecourt show or a restaurant.

La Tanière du Dragon
Hidden below Sleeping Beauty Castle, the dragon's sleeping with one eye open... Take care, you mustn't wake him!


Well-Known Member
It also appears that we aren't the only parks with seasonal attractions.

Les Pirouettes du Vieux Moulin

Important advice and restrictions
Riding a giant bucket, fly over the roofs of Fairyland in this Dutch-inspired windmill set up like a big wheel.
Enjoy the view, you're in Fantasyland!

This attraction is seasonal.


New Member
About changing EPCOT's Spaceship Earth. Wouldn't you think Disney would release some statement soon about changing Spaceship Earth if the rumor has been released? Maybe thats its just me?

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