Mansion Butler
Active Member
I wish the controls on Mission Space actualy did something. The first time I rode it I was the pilot. I was trying very hard to fly correctly, the same as I do on my flight simulator computer games with the joystick.
Then I found out that the controls will take care of themselves no matter what you do.
It would be good if they could at least let you partially contol some things, like maybe, letting the Pilot go off course a little and then saying 'Warning- autopilot is taking over now.', or something like that.
That would make people maybe want to ride it repeatedly, or at least more than once per EPCOT visit.
They obvisously couldn't let the guests run amuck with the controls but some degree of actually being in charge would be nice.
Agreed And shoddy maintenance makes it even worse. The joystick is supposed to have a force-feedback mechanism that lets you feel like you're steering, even though you're not. It makes it more difficult to steer the way you want to to get the craft to go where it should. However, I've only had a working joystick twice.
That's exactly as many times as I've had a pink screen. In the Kingdom we close rides for things like that.