Very true, that's why I created the what does the general public think threads. But everything is not all sunshine and rainbows over there. There's people that dislike certain decisions over in that part of the fandom as well.
Everyone has their preferences for sure. There are things I don't like being built either. But no offense if you hate EVERYTHING that is coming then its probably time to look for a new hobby, right? I'm always amazed at people who seem to hate everything Disney is doing for years now and yet they are still talking online about it every single day. Maybe its time to admit you either outgrown the parks or look at it as an oppurtunity try something else for awhile.
I mean we have Disney projects announced for literally the next five years worldwide. They just opened a new theme park two years ago. You basically see the direction they are going in. They may end up building a new ride you like somewhere but the main direction isn't going to change, everyone knows this. Especially when it all seems to be a big positive with the mainstream public.