It's not fair.

Miss Stitch

New Member
Original Poster
I understand a lot of you are way older than I am, married and have children...see, I'm only a teenager, but it feels like my life revolves around Disney World. I'm so stuck though! Normally, my family goes in January..but it feels like in that time of waiting, nothing's more hard.

Well, waiting for a year is hard enough on it's own, but my last trip was ruined and to top it all off, I have to wait another two years. My dad is the only person that goes, 'Yeah, let's go!' and really wants to get down to Florida again..but it's just impossible. :cry: Waiting is the hardest thing in the WORLD! And I keep thinking, we have more than enough money and we're spending it on vacations to places that won't last in our memories forever like Disney's just so unfair, I feel like I'm pushing a gigantic boulder that will NEVER move!

Can anyone else relate?


New Member
I can. except that my mom and dad are divorced so there isnt any money to go anywhere. But anyway, this year at the end of april I was supposed to go with my Dad and his parents to Disney World for a few days. I had only been there once before in 2004. The trip got cancelled because my mom didn't want me to go during school. I guess I agree with you that missing out on Disney is not that fun but be thankful that you can still go on vacations with your family.:wave:

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I understand a lot of you are way older than I am, married and have children...see, I'm only a teenager, but it feels like my life revolves around Disney World. I'm so stuck though! Normally, my family goes in January..but it feels like in that time of waiting, nothing's more hard.

Well, waiting for a year is hard enough on it's own, but my last trip was ruined and to top it all off, I have to wait another two years. My dad is the only person that goes, 'Yeah, let's go!' and really wants to get down to Florida again..but it's just impossible. :cry: Waiting is the hardest thing in the WORLD! And I keep thinking, we have more than enough money and we're spending it on vacations to places that won't last in our memories forever like Disney's just so unfair, I feel like I'm pushing a gigantic boulder that will NEVER move!

Can anyone else relate?

Because you are a teenager, I will say this as delicately as possible:

Throughtout your life, try to use the phrase "it's not fair" as little as possible. Because there's always BOUND to be at least one person to say "You think THAT'S not fair? Let me tell you about MY life!" And then proceed to tell you a tale of woe that'll make you feel like you just complained to a homeless and starving man that your filet mignon was a little dry.

But I am sorry your last trip was ruined and now you have to wait so long for your next outing. My wife and I have agreed to try to switch it up, go to WDW one year (or, if we get annual passes, go as many times as we can within those 366 days, and it IS 366 because they give you till midnight one year after the date you activated the card and blah blah blah I'm such a nerd for knowing this), and then go somewhere else the year after that. And, if we cans wing the time and money, take a little weekend trip here and there. But WDW is what I look forward to the most, and she's coming round to that way of thinking, too. What was difficult for me was the 5+ year period between splitting up with my ex and meeting my love now. I dated a lot, and would have relationships that'd last a month or two or three here and there, but never got around to taking the trip to WDW with any of them. And while I'd travel alone for business or if I were just looking for cheap not-to-be-mentioned-to-a-minor thrills, WDW was neither of those things for me. So even as grownup with a job, I didn't go from 98 to 2004.

If we wind up having a kid, we'd probably not go for a year or two, maybe even wait for the kid to be a little more mobile. OR, we'd predominately spend time at resorts, use character meals to meet Mickey, hit the parks sparingly to acclimate the kid, and maybe once in a while one or the other will take advantage of early EMH to get our Tower of Terror fix.

Now having said that, any vacation is what you make of it. Wherever your family's next vacation is, do some research and see what there may be that piques your interest. One thing you can TRY to do is cajole your parents into going to a nearby theme park (of course, if there IS one), just to have a little fun. But there may be some cooler-than-usual museums, interesting restaurants or art houses, maybe even a band you like will be playing in an all-ages venue. I hope you always dig WDW, but some people spend their lives never going anywhere. Take advantage of the fact that your family wants to experience more than WDW & your local mall.

But if your vacation winds up being a total bust, well, that's why the good lord made mp3 players with video capability. :)


Well-Known Member
1) When you are an adult you can go to Disney as often as you want, so you have that to look forward to.

2) The biggest regret I have is that although I was given the advice "don't wish your childhood away" many times growing up, I did wish it away...and then you are an adult who yes has many more freedoms but then you realize just how good you actually had it as a kid when you weren't as free but you sure had a heck of a lot less responsibility. *MARK MY WORDS*, one day you will think, "Man, what it would be like to just read a book and write a paper about fun would that be?" Enjoy yourself now, and don't sweat the stuff you can't change; pretty soon you will be the one in control, but that's both a blessing and a curse.

3)To be part of a family that gets to go to WDW at all is great - many, many kids wish they could go once, or even twice - missing one year won't kill you. I was absolutely obsessed with WDW when I was a kid, way back before the Internet, and all I had were yearly releases of travel books to keep me going. I got to go twice when I was a kid. The Disney fan in me wants to say "only twice", but every day I meet people who have never been able to go at all and I remember how lucky I really was to go at all.



Well-Known Member
It took me years to finally get back to Disney. I went when I was a kid ONCE. In 1989. Park opening too if I remember correctly for MGM. It wasn't untill I went there on a FFF (Force Family Fun) Event and relized what we had miss out on. My family always went to Universal. In a family dominated by Universal fans, I stand alone the Disney lover. (I love Disney so much... I work for the company... (to be read monotoned, like reading off a prompter.)) But, don't worry and don't complain. Just sit back and enjoy life. Cause when you hit age, you get bills, bills, and oh yeah more bills.



Active Member
Hey, cheer up. Don't look the bad things work you over, look at the good experiences in this trip, Then you will have something great to look toward your next trip, Hey you may even get to experience College Program... Think about it. for a future.


Because you are a teenager, I will say this as delicately as possible:

Throughtout your life, try to use the phrase "it's not fair" as little as possible. Because there's always BOUND to be at least one person to say "You think THAT'S not fair? Let me tell you about MY life!" And then proceed to tell you a tale of woe that'll make you feel like you just complained to a homeless and starving man that your filet mignon was a little dry.

What can anyone say to that? That's the best advice I've heard all week :lol:

To paraphrase an old proverb, I hated my crappy shoes until I met a man who had no feet. Don't tempt fate, because you will lose every time :eek:

But I am sorry your last trip was ruined and now you have to wait so long for your next outing...

Now having said that, any vacation is what you make of it. Wherever your family's next vacation is, do some research and see what there may be that piques your interest. One thing you can TRY to do is cajole your parents into going to a nearby theme park (of course, if there IS one), just to have a little fun. But there may be some cooler-than-usual museums, interesting restaurants or art houses, maybe even a band you like will be playing in an all-ages venue. I hope you always dig WDW, but some people spend their lives never going anywhere. Take advantage of the fact that your family wants to experience more than WDW & your local mall.

But if your vacation winds up being a total bust, well, that's why the good lord made mp3 players with video capability. :)

Yes! Sorry you can't go this time, but I hope you can still have fun wherever you DO end up. Try and enjoy it! We'd been going to WDW every other year for a while, but our last time there was a weekend trip a few years ago with no trips planned any time in the foreseeable future. At least another 5 years, I'd say. Bah.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
You've gotten some good advice here, to which I would add: Don't assume childhood is forever. I'm trying to remember what my mindstate was during my teen years and it probably was something similar to the idea that nothing would ever change or if it did, it was too far off to be meaningful, but the calendar has a way of showing you just how fleeting the present is.

Eventually, you'll get to the place (I think I can pinpoint the beginning of my final semester of college as mine) where you're just amazed at how quickly months and years melt the point where you'd like things to slow down a little.

Basically, I'm saying just hang in there. Squeeze the good out of now, and you'll find yourself doing a lot less waiting for later.


Well-Known Member
I only went to WDW once as a child.
I have been twice as an adult.
The times that I have been as an adult have actually been more fun!
Just think, you have alot to look forward to!:D

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