Disney Daddy
Active Member
This is such an interesting debate. I agree with everyone and would like to assert to OP that there are varying degrees of ride fear. Encouraging a child to go on Snow White or Peter Pan is very different than forcing them on a roller coaster or haunted house.
I was the only person in my family who didn't like rollercoasters. My parents (who are very wonderful and loving) would always make me feel bad about my fear of heights. They made me go on occasion and, while I did briefly enjoy myself, the fear outweighed the excitement and I resented my parents for making me go (and for making me feel bad if I didn't).
We are taking our DDs to Disney in 3 weeks and have discussed the rides at length with our oldest (who's 3 1/2). We will not be taking her on HM, but are encouraging her to go on POTC, Snow White and Maelstrom. because I think she will enjoy it while she's there. But if she decides she doesn't want to, we will take her out and go on to the next. There's plenty to do at WDW, no point in ruining any portion of our trip with tears and screaming![]()
Interesting! I have been battling this decision with my own daughters...mainly my oldest. When we get to Disney, she will be 3 months shy of 4 years old. Naturally, she finds everything scary...until she tries it. I don't want to force my kid to do any ride that may terrify her. My oldest says no way to POTC, but I have been trying to prep her for other rides as well. I would really like to take her on Test Track because I KNOW she would enjoy that ride.
One thing I have been doing is letting my kids "experience" the rides through YouTube. I let them watch and I gauge their reaction. It seems to work pretty well because if it is something that she doesn't like, she'll come right out and say...that is scary. At that point, I scratch that ride off the list.