Is WDW Security Serious?


Active Member
same as carrying concealed... Because they can.

Actually, Disney insists all pocket knives allowed in the parks be completely concealed in a pocket. Usually I have mt little swiss army knife/scissor/screwdriver combo clipped to my pocket and visible. Every time I have gone through security they hand me the knife back and ask that I not clip it. So Disney actually requires me to conceal it.

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Actually, Disney insists all pocket knives allowed in the parks be completely concealed in a pocket. Usually I have mt little swiss army knife/scissor/screwdriver combo clipped to my pocket and visible. Every time I have gone through security they hand me the knife back and ask that I not clip it. So Disney actually requires me to conceal it.
Wasn't talking about knives ...


Active Member
I realize you don't care what these people think but after you get your knife handed back by a security guard, have you ever had people behind you make a "wait whaaaaaaaa" face lol

Honestly, only one, and it was my Father. He was was under the impression he wasn't allowed to have any knife in the parks so he had left his back in his room. Not one surprised look from anyone else in line or even security guards.

I have seen several others remove pocket knives (many bigger than mine) while going through the metal detectors. Every time the guard measured the pointy part and handed it back to the owner.


Well-Known Member
At DHS metal detector today. Decided it doesnt make me feel safer at all. Arms out getting wanded while stroller families stare just made me feel like a criminal. Adding insult is seeing stormtroopers with rifles parading thru the park for our "entertainment".

Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
Going through bag check yesterday at Hollywood Studios, the Security person waved the man ahead of me to go through. He had a stroller with several large bags underneath it. No check, no anything. And yet my little bag that I carry was gone through very carefully. Their security doesn't make any sense. I actually saw this happen several times this past week.


Well-Known Member
More disconcerting was being asked to flip my belt buckle up. What was that about?

Now that the day's done i am trying not to let the experience ruin my disney day. Most folks will remember today by getting their photo taken with Chewbacca or the other guy from the new movie i don't recall. I shouldve had my photo op with the dude with the metal detector wand.


Well-Known Member
We had a horrible experience at the AK screening on this last trip earlier this month. We got to the AK around 9pm-ish for some quick EE rides for the gals while my son and the baby hung out. First, the lady that was checking my diaper bag made sure she checked everything but the inner lining of the bag. While doing so, she accidentally knocked the lid to the formula off onto the ground. Instead of handing it to me, she just lays it onto the bag check table or whatever you call it. Yeah, because it's not bad enough that the lid to the formula that my newborn eats touched the ground, now it's laying on the table that snotty nosed people have been touching all day.

Now we get to the good part. I walk up to the screening and they told my to put the stroller to the side. I thought(visually) that they were having my wife and kids stay with the stroller so I went through. Well, that's when I see my wife and kids come up behind me while the stroller, INCLUDING our newborn, is just sitting to the side without one single Paul Blart standing watch over him. To say that the Mrs. was angry would be an understatement. We went directly to the Guest Services booth and she got the director of security and chewed him out. He apologized and told us that there are at least two things which their security is SUPPOSED to do which they haven't been doing.

Number one, they are supposed to present you with the option of the detector OR the wand. Number two, they are NOT supposed to separate you from a stroller, ever.

I'll be honest, I'm pretty dang sick of being "randomly selected", so I've decided that until they check EVERYONE, I'm going to be a problem right back. So, on 9/11, we headed to the MK for our second MNSSHP. Our annual passes had expired on the 9th, so we didn't arrive until 4pm. I made it through the bag check and screening without being selected on the first trip. However, the wife and daughter thought she left a part of her costume in the car so I got on the monorail to go get it. Literally right after the gates closed, she calls me and says they found it in the bag. So, after a quick loop around the monorail line, I'm back at the entrance. Lo and behold, I was "randomly selected". I stepped up to the detector and thought about what the director had told me. So, I stood there, looked at the guard who was was waiting and said, "no, I'll take the wand". They gave me the business, of course, but it was nice to be a pain back. They even made me take out my little spray bottle of water since I apparently had inconvenienced the 17 of them from standing around.

I told my wife when I regrouped with them that I had thought about telling security that there are numerous materials which wouldn't get picked up by their outdated equipment, but that might have held up our reunion by a bit more than 5 minutes.


Well-Known Member
At DHS metal detector today. Decided it doesnt make me feel safer at all. Arms out getting wanded while stroller families stare just made me feel like a criminal. Adding insult is seeing stormtroopers with rifles parading thru the park for our "entertainment".
There is something worse. Metal Detector goes off and there is nothing on you. That is what happened to my younger brother at WDW and that is what happened to me at an airport before.

TSA claimed the metal detector went off on me on my right leg, but there was nothing in my pockets. It TSA said left side, it would be big difference since I do have a metal plate on my left hip.


Well-Known Member
Whether the increased security is effective or not, as others have said, if someone wants to kill a lot of people then they will. Security could be top notch and catch any potential threat during the screenings, at which point the crazy would just detonate himself in the clogged security line. If something bad is going to happen, then it's going to happen. What we as civilians can do to help is to stay calm, stay alert, and not let these nut jobs ruin our lives with threats.


Well-Known Member
It's as serious as any other place that has a lot of people at it. Sorts venues, concerts, etc. WDW also heightens security for certain times of the year and fir threats. It's very hard for a place like WDW. I work for a high security government facility that gets threats all the time. And we pretty much never evacuate over threats, bc 99.9999% of them are fake. No my work has metal detectors and scans any items brought in but we also only have a facility that only has about 300 people there at a given time. That's quite different than WDW. WDW does add metal detectors during Christmas and such bc of added guests. At the end of the day... If someone wants to do a terrible act, they will no matter the security. For instance if the parks aren't safe enough in some people's opinion what's to stop a person from doing something terrible anywhere at WDW outside of a park ore security where there's still a ton of people. I believe WDW does as much as they can to keep WDW safe. The check every person with a bag. Is how good they check in question? Maybe, but like I previously stated... If someone wants to do a terrible act they will regardless.


Active Member
Like others have said earlier, I'm sure they have some kind of huge layered system of monitoring in place at the parks to help protect us. What really gets me worried are the gate guards at the resorts. All they check is one person's driver's license no matter how many people are sitting in the car. Uhmmm.... what the heck? This happened on my last trip, but maybe this doesn't happen all the time? I'm not saying we need to have the car go through an X-ray machine, but couldn't they at least make sure everyone in the car is who they say they are before allowing us to enter the building? They probably watch us closely and monitor our behavior to determine if we're a threat, or.. maybe they have some kind of cool top-secret facial recognition program? hmm.. Still, I think they should at least check everyone's I.D. to make sure someone isn't some kind of psychopath on the loose.
Me and my friend thought this was the most ridiculous thing. We pull up and they ask for my friends ID since he was driving and we ask who's ID they need since the reservation was in my name. The guard stated it didn't matter, he just needed an ID, and looked at it for 5 seconds and gave it back to us. He didn't compare it to a reservation list or anything, so what exactly was the point of that. To give us a false sense of security?


Well-Known Member
Absent having armed security/police walking around (take a look at Penn Station in NYC since 9/11; walk 100 feet and you pass NYPD, NYS Police, armed National Guard, etc.), all you can ask from Disney Security is hopefully to be a first line of observation/detection. Cameras are nice, but you're still relying on them being correctly monitored; eyes on the crowd and feet on the ground are very beneficial. In a younger life I worked as a "public safety" officer on a college campus. We were not armed, and although we had the "power" to detain, we could not make arrests. Basic role was to protect campus life and property, and if something serious arose to call it in and await the serious back-up (i.e. a State Trooper barracks was right down the road, and they would be there in a couple of minutes). Very similar to Disney Security roles.


New Member
I was "randomly" selected each and every time pink mickey shirt ears and all...and it was a bit odd at first...then I just stopped caring.... they were very nice and it took less than a second to walk the grand scheme of things...not a big deal

James Clifton

Active Member
I was pulled at every location! I'm 72 & in shape ! I asked why,lady that waved me over whispered's your hat.....I took it off & cked.It was my NRA hat!!!
I beeped when they waved me,showed them my hip repl.card.they waved me again.I said guys we can do this all day & it will still beep!!
They said I could go...I just laughed.NRA hat!! I can't make this up.

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