Is There ANYTHING you Just Don't Like About Disney?

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
2 things I am not a big fan of:

1. The security bag checks and the biometric scanners. All they do is hold things up. I know what its supposed to do but it really is meaningless.

2. Disneys lack of stones to enforce the rules. Things like smoking in the wrong areas, flash photos on rides, rowdy tour groups.... All they do is feed the "Im entitled" mentality by not stopping it.


Is there something about Disneyworld you just " Don't Like?"..not including the high cost of going....something about the parks, transportation..etc. I know its VERY HARD to come up with something from a place thats so Magical for all of us..BUT.....

I just don't like the concept of packing people in those buses ,especially late eve. Packed like sardines...little kids, babies...a Disaster waiting to happen. I know people all want to get back to their rooms, but for Disney to put themselves in that position..I just don't like it.

Really! Flood gates open for the whiners. Here goes.....

The sun, the air, the water in the fountains was half a degree too hot the last time I went, the night time, the day time, the fact that other people exist, children at the parks (what are they doing there?), that I can't walk around with my eyes shut without bumping into some rude tourist, the fact there really isn't enough to moan about and we have to spend so much time and effort finding nit picky little things to ruin what should be a great experience.

God it must be great to live in a perfect world but boy some people have such high standards I don't think I'd want to live in that world cause I think I'd fall way short of their expectations.

Newsflash - Disneyworld is not perfect. Live with it. Those who seek perfection are doomed to never find it. For all the moans on this thread (most of which are not Disney's fault) it seems petty when stacked up against all the fun people must have cause they seem pretty keen to return year after year.

By the way, I hate threads designed only to seek out the negative for the sake of it. I can take a specific thread concerning a gripe about the buses or whatever but the - Hey I find this annoying what do you find annoying? - is too much.:brick:

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Really! Flood gates open for the whiners. Here goes.....

The sun, the air, the water in the fountains was half a degree too hot the last time I went, the night time, the day time, the fact that other people exist, children at the parks (what are they doing there?), that I can't walk around with my eyes shut without bumping into some rude tourist, the fact there really isn't enough to moan about and we have to spend so much time and effort finding nit picky little things to ruin what should be a great experience.

God it must be great to live in a perfect world but boy some people have such high standards I don't think I'd want to live in that world cause I think I'd fall way short of their expectations.

Newsflash - Disneyworld is not perfect. Live with it. Those who seek perfection are doomed to never find it. For all the moans on this thread (most of which are not Disney's fault) it seems petty when stacked up against all the fun people must have cause they seem pretty keen to return year after year.

By the way, I hate threads designed only to seek out the negative for the sake of it. I can take a specific thread concerning a gripe about the buses or whatever but the - Hey I find this annoying what do you find annoying? - is too much.:brick:

I think it was intended as a bit of fun and without malice. I think most people have their little pet peeves about WDW, it's not a big deal. It's what people do on a discussion board--discuss.

I hope tomorrow is a better day for you. :)


I think it was intended as a bit of fun and without malice. I think most people have their little pet peeves about WDW, it's not a big deal. It's what people do on a discussion board--discuss.

I hope tomorrow is a better day for you. :)

Malice, no of course not. Counterproductive negativity, yes. If you ask someone to think of a problem they'll find one and then all of a sudden they're looking for more problems. It's really rather unnecessary cause it's encouraging disappointment and sadness.

Disneyworld is a great place which I feel is somewhere I want to return to. For me the standards are high which must make the little things stand out I suppose. I have things which I sometimes don't like when I'm there and like I said I'm not averse to specific gripes but general open ended let's find something to moan about threads are not cool.


Well-Known Member
Really! Flood gates open for the whiners. Here goes.....

The sun, the air, the water in the fountains was half a degree too hot the last time I went, the night time, the day time, the fact that other people exist, children at the parks (what are they doing there?), that I can't walk around with my eyes shut without bumping into some rude tourist, the fact there really isn't enough to moan about and we have to spend so much time and effort finding nit picky little things to ruin what should be a great experience.

God it must be great to live in a perfect world but boy some people have such high standards I don't think I'd want to live in that world cause I think I'd fall way short of their expectations.

Newsflash - Disneyworld is not perfect. Live with it. Those who seek perfection are doomed to never find it. For all the moans on this thread (most of which are not Disney's fault) it seems petty when stacked up against all the fun people must have cause they seem pretty keen to return year after year.

By the way, I hate threads designed only to seek out the negative for the sake of it. I can take a specific thread concerning a gripe about the buses or whatever but the - Hey I find this annoying what do you find annoying? - is too much.:brick:

Isn't it great when people whine and complain about people who whine and complain?

Whaaaaaa. whaaaaaaa.
A thread like this has the potential to open yet another can of dissent. Which it seems to have already.

Personally, for all my gripes about things that are both in and out of Disney's control, I have just as many good things to say. If I didn't, I wouldn't love Disney. Honestly, people wouldn't be a part of these boards if they didn't have some sort of "like" for Disney. You have your extremists--the people who find no fault at all anywhere and people who do. The latter are just frustrated with some (or all) of the changes to the resort over the years. They're usually the people who have been to the parks over a long time to know the differences. The others may be the same, but perhaps they're not as attached to the past as the other extreme, or they choose to wear pixie dust blinders. Just my opinion, folks.

Other things, like guest behavior, crowds, etc ... those are not in Disney's control. Many, if not most of us, have come to live with these grievances as just aspects of theme park life. Is it OK to vent your mutual frustrations over these things? Sure. But I do agree that a thread focused on negativity, whether in jest or otherwise, is a ripe breeding ground for yet more virtual cat fights. Some individuals are incapable of accepting others' opinions and tend to view statements as personal attacks--and sometimes the statements are legitimate personal attacks.

So I advise anyone to just move forward with the knowledge that all comments are opinions. For example, I agree with many of the small grievances already posted in this thread. I also disagree with some of them. It's their right to think that way. Respect mine, I respect yours ... that should be our mantra! :)

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I don't like waiting for the buses at the end of a day. It's often a loooong wait (or it seems like it) and my feet are already killing me by that time. I wish Disney would at least put benches at the Magic Kingdom bus stop areas for visitors with sore feet, or provide for our comfort in some way. And speaking of benches, more places to sit throughout the parks would be nice too. One of the reasons I like DHS so much is that it DOES have nice seating at various spots in the park, and also shaded nooks to duck into when the heat and crowds get a bit much (there's an especially nice area near the Tower of Terror.) I wish the other parks would do as much for hot, tired and frustrated visitors. I'd enjoy the parks a lot more if they did.

Oh, and the food in some of the restaurants is just terrible. I love the ambience at Oktoberfest, for instance, but the food is so blah. The last time I ate there, most of the meat looked and tasted like cold cuts. The chicken selection looked and tasted like McNuggets. Great beer though...oh, and better coffee would be nice too. I wish Starbucks would take over the Writer's Nook in DHS. That'd make it a great place to stop, rest and recharge your batteries with a tasty mocha before plunging back into the chaotic, wonderful magic that is a Disney park. :)


Well-Known Member
Really! Flood gates open for the whiners. Here goes.....

The sun, the air, the water in the fountains was half a degree too hot the last time I went, the night time, the day time, the fact that other people exist, children at the parks (what are they doing there?), that I can't walk around with my eyes shut without bumping into some rude tourist, the fact there really isn't enough to moan about and we have to spend so much time and effort finding nit picky little things to ruin what should be a great experience.

God it must be great to live in a perfect world but boy some people have such high standards I don't think I'd want to live in that world cause I think I'd fall way short of their expectations.

Newsflash - Disneyworld is not perfect. Live with it. Those who seek perfection are doomed to never find it. For all the moans on this thread (most of which are not Disney's fault) it seems petty when stacked up against all the fun people must have cause they seem pretty keen to return year after year.

By the way, I hate threads designed only to seek out the negative for the sake of it. I can take a specific thread concerning a gripe about the buses or whatever but the - Hey I find this annoying what do you find annoying? - is too much.:brick:

Ding ding! here comes the troll-mobile!

Dude, you're doing exactly what you're saying you hate. Turning a completely friendly thread into something hostile, by complaining about how you hate when people complain. A little hypocritical, yeah? None of us in here are talking about how much we hate Disney. We all love it. Perhaps by discussing things that we think could be better, we can find solutions to these problems. This is a message board after all. And last time I checked, we don't have to censor ourselves about things we dislike.

Just be cool, man. If you don't like the thread, you don't have to contribute. Otherwise, don't bring hate and anger to an otherwise very friendly and possibly constructive discussion.

Now, let's get back on topic. I too find the scooters sometimes bothersome. Anybody found any ways to avoid the crowds of them?


Ding ding! here comes the troll-mobile!

Dude, you're doing exactly what you're saying you hate. Turning a completely friendly thread into something hostile, by complaining about how you hate when people complain. A little hypocritical, yeah? None of us in here are talking about how much we hate Disney. We all love it. Perhaps by discussing things that we think could be better, we can find solutions to these problems. This is a message board after all. And last time I checked, we don't have to censor ourselves about things we dislike.

Just be cool, man. If you don't like the thread, you don't have to contribute. Otherwise, don't bring hate and anger to an otherwise very friendly and possibly constructive discussion.

Now, let's get back on topic. I too find the scooters sometimes bothersome. Anybody found any ways to avoid the crowds of them?

Sigh! Okay last comment, just to set the record straight. If you actually read the last part you may see that I said I don't see a problem with a thread discussing specific gripes etc. What I find disconcerting on a web site like this is a thread which is designed only to generate a wave of negativity which has potential to become a deluge. Thats all. Off to find a more positive thread. Peace out and apologies for upsetting anyone of a sensitive disposition.:wave:


Well-Known Member
I know this sounds strange but i hate people smoking in non designated areas anywhere... and i smoke, i wish i didnt and i am trying to stop, but even in disney we try not smoke, espically because i do not like children seeing it! Same with over the top drinking! Do it at home, fine but with everyone else around noooooo! It is like flash photos on rides.... think about the other people around! It is not disneys fault but my god i wish some people had common sense! :wave:


Well-Known Member

Although I understand where you are coming from, the main reason that wheelchairs are loaded first is a safety issue. We rent a wheelchair for our special needs daughter while at WDW and we are usually the first on the bus. We always use the wheelchair entrance at the bus stops simply so we don't run over people when we are trying to load the bus with her chair. If they allowed everyone else to enter and then had us try to get down the aisle with her folded wheelchair, I am sure there would be some bruised guests along the way. Even when we travelled with other family, my DH and I entered the bus with her and the other family members waited to enter in the regular queue.

I hate the fact that I can stand in line for 20 minutes waiting for a bus, then someone in a wheelchair rolls up as the bus does and are automatically put on the bus. Along with their family that just arrived. Disney should have a seperate bus line for people in wheelchairs. I'm not down on people in wheelchairs, my mother is one, I just think Disney could handle this situation better.


Well-Known Member
Mickey Stickers given by the CM's slapped everywhere

Nightmare, Pirates, Tink, Stitch Merchandise in place of Resort or Attraction based merchandise that's rarely found anymore.

The creativity of attractions as it just goes to the Video Screen alternative and no animatrionics.

People who recite EVERY Friggin line in the attraction. Yes it's great you know it and your trying to impress people around you with there discussed expressions having to hear it. But GM Chrylser keep it to your friggin self!

Anything Spectromagic or Lights of Winter...IT'S DEAD GET OVER IT!

Loud and Annoying Brazillian Tour Orcs I mean Groups..

Animal Kingdom they could have done Better...
this is a big one for me!!!!

I forgot another Pepsi. And even with all Coke products, I can't get any Vanilla Coke in the parks.
AMEN TO THAT!!!! Although...they gave me some Vanilla Coke at Tony's a few weeks ago...charged me extra for the vanilla, but hey, it was delicious!

i can't stand talking during pre-shows (and regular shows) drives me nuts when people talk incessantly all the way through Tower of Terror. There's no reason to be talking about anything! Just shut up and scream! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Too funny!

:ROFLOL: Like WDW or hate WDW that's the question. I say WDW is the happiest place on earth! The guests at the parks are what they are. Every "perfect" place needs improvements!:lol:


Really! Flood gates open for the whiners. Here goes.....

The sun, the air, the water in the fountains was half a degree too hot the last time I went, the night time, the day time, the fact that other people exist, children at the parks (what are they doing there?), that I can't walk around with my eyes shut without bumping into some rude tourist, the fact there really isn't enough to moan about and we have to spend so much time and effort finding nit picky little things to ruin what should be a great experience.

:ROFLOL: Too funny!

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