This goes to another issue with West...It never really fit the theme of the more nature inspired side of the park...We have the neighborhoods, now, but its not like this is some new design concept for the former Future World. Just look at original East vs West in building design, landscape and features. East had jagged/angular planters, straight paths, the buildings were very mechanical/inorganic (doesn't mean bad, just not shapes associated with natural environments), little water, Imposing structures that towered over you and gleamed with steel. West had large sweeping areas, water features, buildings that were glass and had a natural shape to them (look at Imagination...the tops of the pyramids are cut and invoke mountains), winding paths and flowers/plants everywhere.
You may have never noticed that it already was two distinct areas, but your brain did...
There was one thing that never fit this, which was Communicore West...A giant, bland commercial looking building that was plopped right into the wrong side of town. What it did for the spine of the park with symmetry, it wrecked on the other side with its lack of natural theme. All they are doing now is favoring the theme of West over theme or the spine...The thing is that Communicore East is still a perfect building for the industrial look and feel of East, which is why Im guessing it will mostly survive.
Im holding out judgement on this until its done, but I hope the West side will have a more tightly themed gateway, now that it is losing the industrial façade.