Is it worth it ($'s and time)?

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Hi All,

We are HUGE Disneyland fans and normally we go Disneyland not Walt Disney World (we go to the park every other year or more often). However we are thinking of going to Walt Disney World for the first time this fall. Since we live in Boise, Idaho we are looking at loosing 2 days in travel (day there and day back). Plus we will be taking our 10 year old son and (in fall) 6 month old daughter. My questions is, is it worth it? We LOVE all things Disney, especially Disneyland (we affectionately refer to it as Home - our real Home). Right now we are excited about the Idea of going to Walt Disney World, but what we really are is Home sick. Is Walt Disney World really worth the cost both in $'s and traval time, or is it better just to go to Disneyland? What are your thoughts on the matter, all opinions are appreciated.
Disneyland is where it ALL began... Go there... judge for yourself...
Let others say what they want... Disneyland is great... You'll love it...

I personally love Disneyland...

And people who are saying "don't go" don't know what they're talking about...


New Member
I would definately go to WDW. I have visited DL twice and WDW 10 times - working on trip 11 in a couple of months. The experience is very different and so much more to do.

I took my sister to DL in 2005. This last November we went to WDW. For a first timer she was overwhelmed at the difference. It is money well spent!


New Member
Original Poster
Heat is really not a big issue in the fall. You can still wear shorts and swim in the pool all the way up until around Christmas.

I wouldn't worry about his links in his signature very much. I didn't even notice them until you said something and it does not look like his website gets much traffic at all.

There is a whopping 7 items for sale on his site.

Yes, there has been a link on our site to this site since June 2006:

BTW This is a 100% TOTALLY FREE site. We do not charge anyone for anything other than a few banners, however so far even they have been free (in trade). Maybe before you Judge you should look into it a bit.

All I wanted from this post is some advice, guess you gave it :(

Also, this is the same signature I use on many Disney related site.



Hi All,

We are HUGE Disneyland fans and normally we go Disneyland not Walt Disney World (we go to the park every other year or more often). However we are thinking of going to Walt Disney World for the first time this fall. Since we live in Boise, Idaho we are looking at loosing 2 days in travel (day there and day back). Plus we will be taking our 10 year old son and (in fall) 6 month old daughter. My questions is, is it worth it? We LOVE all things Disney, especially Disneyland (we affectionately refer to it as Home - our real Home). Right now we are excited about the Idea of going to Walt Disney World, but what we really are is Home sick. Is Walt Disney World really worth the cost both in $'s and traval time, or is it better just to go to Disneyland? What are your thoughts on the matter, all opinions are appreciated.
Oh my god yes it is worth the time and money go go go. It is very different wait untill you see.


New Member
Original Poster
To all that gave actual advice, thank you so much I really appreciate it.

My main concern is dragging the baby from park to park. Any opinions on that?

Ella's Mommy

Active Member
I would plan on nap times to deal with the 'HOT" weather. What I do with my nieces and nephew is do to the park at opening and then back to the hotel for "nap" time then we go out late afternoon/evening. Dont worry about the site thing. Some people are obivously having a bad day. Go to WDW and have a Magical time.:sohappy:

P.S. sorry about the run on sentences:ROFLOL:

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Yes, there has been a link on our site to this site since June 2006:

BTW This is a 100% TOTALLY FREE site. We do not charge anyone for anything other than a few banners, however so far even they have been free (in trade). Maybe before you Judge you should look into it a bit.

All I wanted from this post is some advice, guess you gave it :(

Also, this is the same signature I use on many Disney related site.

1: If you charge (or intend to charge) for the banners on your site, it's not a 100% TOTALLY FREE site.

2: I did look at your site, and it says on top that it's a place to buy and sell Disney stuff. So even if you're opening it up out of the goodness of your heart, with no intention of ever making a dime on it, it's still a site where someone might profit from it. So you're still on WDW Magic, linking to a site where someone who isn't WDW Magic is going to make money from your linkage. And if the site ever gets big enough, you'll make money from the banners, and the more people visit the site, the more you'll be able to charge for your banner space. Meanwhile, other people pay good money to be sponsors on WDW Magic. Doesn't sound fair to me, no matter how small your site currently is.

Aaaand 3: I DID give you my advice. You'll know your baby better than anyone else here. You'll know how well he or she can handle the long trip, and if he or she can handle the (admittedly potential) heat and humidity. Personally, I'm not gonna say "Do it!" because if your baby is bad in the heat, and then it's significantly hot stretch, your trip will be severely altered. If you ARE gonna go, and if you can afford it, try to stay in one of the MK-related resorts. Not recommending it to be snobbish, I'm recommending it because I'm figuring, with 2 small kids, it's where you'll spend most of your time. If the heat gets to be too much for anyone, and you need to leave, it'll be easier to only be a monorail ride or ferry ride away. If you can't afford a MK resort, seriously consider renting a car, in case you need to make an immediate retreat to the hotel.


New Member
Original Poster
I would plan on nap times to deal with the 'HOT" weather. What I do with my nieces and nephew is do to the park at opening and then back to the hotel for "nap" time then we go out late afternoon/evening. Dont worry about the site thing. Some people are obivously having a bad day. Go to WDW and have a Magical time.:sohappy:

P.S. sorry about the run on sentences:ROFLOL:

Great idea about the "Nap" time. It will give me an excuse to take a nap myself ;)


e.g. - Last time I was in Disneyland I saw a Tomorrowland CM walking down Main Street - something you would NEVER see in WDW.

My first day at Disneyland that through me for a loop too. I was thinking Walt would be screaming "Bad Show!".

But, I checked with a cast member on one of the tours I took at Disneyland, and they told me cast members from the different lands are invited to Main Street during parades and fireworks. Many help with crowd control, and also play games with children before the parades start. It kind of adds to the one big family ambience.

Kind of like how you often see cast members from all the different countries of Epcot's World Showcase as you exit through Future World at the end of the day.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
My first day at Disneyland that through me for a loop too. I was thinking Walt would be screaming "Bad Show!".

But, I checked with a cast member on one of the tours I took at Disneyland, and they told me cast members from the different lands are invited to Main Street during parades and fireworks. Many help with crowd control, and also play games with children before the parades start. It kind of adds to the one big family ambience.

Kind of like how you often see cast members from all the different countries of Epcot's World Showcase as you exit through Future World at the end of the day.

There is SO much that we share

You know what? It's time we're aware...

It really IS a small world.

I mean, after all...


New Member
... But, I checked with a cast member on one of the tours I took at Disneyland, and they told me cast members from the different lands are invited to Main Street during parades and fireworks. ...

Maybe, but not in the case I mentioned. It happened about one hour after the park opened. They were carrying a sack of some kind. No fireworks/parade to be seen... :( Disneyland definitely lost some of its magic with me.


Hi All,

We are HUGE Disneyland fans and normally we go Disneyland not Walt Disney World (we go to the park every other year or more often). However we are thinking of going to Walt Disney World for the first time this fall. Since we live in Boise, Idaho we are looking at loosing 2 days in travel (day there and day back). Plus we will be taking our 10 year old son and (in fall) 6 month old daughter. My questions is, is it worth it? We LOVE all things Disney, especially Disneyland (we affectionately refer to it as Home - our real Home). Right now we are excited about the Idea of going to Walt Disney World, but what we really are is Home sick. Is Walt Disney World really worth the cost both in $'s and traval time, or is it better just to go to Disneyland? What are your thoughts on the matter, all opinions are appreciated.

I would say yes! I want to experience all the WD parks eventually so this is something I would definitely recommend. I heard from people who live in France that visited WDW that Disneyland Paris is dirty, crammed and small and once they went to WDW they'd never go back to Paris. I still want to visit it eventually though!


Definitely got to WDW. Of course, most on this site are probaly biased (it is WDWMagic)!

As far as the baby - I think you'll be fine. I'm pretty sure if you do a little searching, you'll find great tips on WDW with infants, as well as weather (which I personally find perfect in the Fall). Have fun and let us know what you think!


Well-Known Member
Having been to both quite a few times, and heading back to DL this June (for the subs!!! :sohappy: ), I can tell you WDW is VERY MUCH worth it.

I'm betting that you'll find that overall, the Magic Kingdom at WDW will be a letdown compared to DL (the same attractions are almost universally better at DL)... But that there's so much more to see and do at WDW that you'll like it as much or better.

Someone illustrated it before like this and it made GREAT sense:

Disneyland>WDW Magic Kingdom
WDW as a whole>Disneyland Resort


I would plan on nap times to deal with the 'HOT" weather. What I do with my nieces and nephew is do to the park at opening and then back to the hotel for "nap" time then we go out late afternoon/evening.

An important thing to consider with the nap advice is that in October (I believe that's when you are looking at going) the parks close early. Especially on days when the Magic Kingdom has Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party. If you stop to take a nap, you'll loose a lot of time at the parks, or they aren't open for a later return (EPCOT is open the latest everyday until 9:00pm and Animal Kingdom has never been open beyond 5:00pm when we've been there in October. Disney Studios typically closes at 7:30 in October and MK varies from 6:00 to as late as 10:00, but only on weekends.) There are however, far fewer people in the parks, so you'll get through more of the park in less time. We took our daughter in 2003 when she was 15 months old, and she slept when she was tired (Had a big stroller that reclined). We only go in October, and it rarely gets too hot. By that I mean it's usually in the low 80s. You know your baby best, but I wouldn't hesitate to go. Another option is to wait until next year when he/she is older and can enjoy more, and so can you.


In September it's still hot and humid, but totally bearable (IMO). The hours are a bit shorter than, say, the summer, but with the crowds being lower, you have plenty of time to get everything in.

IMO, you won't really have to take a midday break, unless you just want to. The 10 yo should make it just fine, and a 6 mo old can nap anywhere. You may want to schedule in a sleep-in day (or two), if possible.

Ella's Mommy

Active Member
I would def do a nap time if you are going in Sept. We went in 06 and the heat is still pretty bad. I know everyone is saying you know your baby best, but IMO its not health for the baby to be in that type of heat all day. It you have to option of going later I would. But then again in Sept the wait times are like nothing because of back to school time. Hope this helps:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I say do it!

I love WDW and have a 3 1/2 year old DD, and 1 year old DS. We took them both to DL last May, and had a great time out there too. But WDW is overall, a more immersive environment where it is easier to escape reality for longer periods of time.

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