The family and I have been to WDW 12 times since 1997, we may not go to MK first or last everytime but we do go a number of times while we are there. For us it just would not be a true vacation there if we did not go. Granted there are other things we kinda do as a tradition when we go, and one of which is to hit all the parks while we are there a certain amount of times. For instance, we went just last week, and while we were there we finalized our trip in Nov. while we were there. The best part is that my DW's brother and family will be with us, and it will be their first time, so we who have been there a dozen times already get to experience the joy of that first time feeling again thru them. You need to enjoy yourself by watching others and talking with them as well, see the faces, hear the voices, everything. It just can't be beat. In all the time we've gone never had a bad time and never had the same experience, and haven't done all that can be done. In fact in Nov. I finally get to go fishing!!!!!:sohappy: so now you can see that I personnaly can't wait to get there in Nov.