Is Getting There Half The Fun?


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Original Poster
Whether you fly or drive, Is the journey to WDW part of the fun for you?

These are my key moments:

At home, watching out the window for the airport shuttle service to arrive.

At the airport terminal, waiting for the flight to board, surrounded by people who are also going to WDW.

Walking into Orlando airport. This is when the anticipation really kicks in.

Watching the previews on the monitors on the Magical Express bus.

Walking up to the hotel registration counter and saying those two special words....Checking In!


Well-Known Member
I know my vacation has started the second that I hit that humidity in the exit ramp of the plane at Orlando International.


I was definitely excited driving down there, even though I had to drive 1200 miles or so solo and it took a lot out of me. I hadn't been to DW for about 10 years so I had a lot of anticipation and wondered what it would be like as an adult. Florida, Tennessee, and northern Georgia were cool to drive through too.


Well-Known Member
We have a 2 1/2 hour drive, leave really early, DS sleeps for a while. When he wakes up, we always stop @ the same McD's for a big breakfast :hurl:. Then we continue on. It's the longest 2.5 hours EVER. DH and I have time to talk while DS watches SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS.....then we see those BEAUTIFUL GATES and know that we are home :sohappy:. I can imaging driving thru them, it almost makes me cry :cry:.


Active Member
One year we had to change gates twice in Phily ...another year someone screwed up out seats and we were all separated for one of the flights down ..
but when we get in the air ,and we are on the way, all the little things fade away and I say...I'm on my way to Disney on descent when you fly over the major hi-way and you see the palm trees and the airport the lay of the land your like ok was soooo worth it :D

Wilderness Lodge 1997
Caribbean Beach 2003
Port Orleans - Riverside 2005
Wilderness Lodge 2007
Polynesian 2009


Well-Known Member
We have over an 18 hour drive, and yes, the drive is part of the fun for me, although I can't say it is for my wife. :lol:

I enjoy sitting in the vehicle on the long road trip down, as my wife and I talk about the upcoming trip, previous trips, looking for the usual landmarks, etc. We enjoy the mountains of Tennessee, and I enjoy seeing the dramatic influx of Waffle House restaraunts after we hit a certain point in Kentucky. After that, it's Waffle House at almost every exit the rest of the way down. After we get into Southern Georgia, the drive becomes a little more monotanous, as we've been at it all day and evening. But I do enjoy the drive, finding a place to stop and eat, etc.


Well-Known Member
At home, watching out the window for the airport shuttle service to arrive.

At the airport terminal, waiting for the flight to board, surrounded by people who are also going to WDW.

At home waking up at 0500 and then looking out of the windows into the pitch black night waiting for the taxi to arrive

Sitting in the airport waiting for the three hours to pass from check in to boarding

Sitting on the aircraft for 9+ hours flying to Orlando Int

Oh yes - that's my idea of fun :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
The drive down.....roughly 17 hrs of oh what fun!!!!!:ROFLOL: With 3 kids it is a wonder it doesn't take 3 days to get there... as we make a bathroom stop for one and make sure no one else has to go..... sure enough as soon as I am back on the road and 10 minutes later, someone else has to make a stop.We take my company car down and because of that I am the only one that can drive... just wonderful!!!! One time we left at 2AM and we had a car coming at us on a deserted stretch of I-95. Another time a camper type that sits on top of a pick-up truck came flying off right in front of us. Numerous hurricane-like storms while traveling through SC,GA and FL. Kids like watching the billboards with x# of miles to go to the lovely South of the Border dump. Thankfully they only wanted to stop one time. Also the best was when my son was 5 and we drove the first "are we there yet?" was less than 15 miles from the house. :hammer:

Last year when we flew we got on the plane home from Orlando....... my 2 YO sat on my wifes lap and literally as soon as we sat down, some a-hole who must have thought he was royalty started complaining to his wife loud enough for me to hear. And honestly my daughter was sleeping at the time as she did most of the flight. Anyway, being that I am one not to hold back my comments.... it made for an interesting flight to say the least. Again .... oh what fun!!!!!

Once the gates are passed our fun-filled vacation has begun!!!!!
waking early..way before the kids..making the final preparations..waking the kids with video camera in hand as they yell...DISNEY YEAH!!!!!

putting the final sticker on the countdown calendar

heading for the airport in the pitch black..all dressed in matching disney shirts (dorky but oh so fun)

plane ride of anticipation while playin match game with Mickey paint swatches collected from Home Depot prior to trip

finally home...let the magic begin!!!!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I never understood that expression. It's exciting as you're about to leave and as you arrive, but can't compare to the fun you have once down there.
In a short answer, no not at all. Flying has become such a pain it really is not enjoyable part of any vacation. And whenever I see other WDW travelers with us I get nervous that the parks are going to be really busy hehe. Thats usually not the case though as we go in November.


Early on, I enjoyed the traveling part. Maybe it's the increasing hassle of flying or maybe I'm just getting impatient in my old age, but now I wish I could just click my heels and be standing in my hotel room.


We have over an 18 hour drive, and yes, the drive is part of the fun for me, although I can't say it is for my wife. :lol:

I enjoy sitting in the vehicle on the long road trip down, as my wife and I talk about the upcoming trip, previous trips, looking for the usual landmarks, etc. We enjoy the mountains of Tennessee, and I enjoy seeing the dramatic influx of Waffle House restaraunts after we hit a certain point in Kentucky. After that, it's Waffle House at almost every exit the rest of the way down. After we get into Southern Georgia, the drive becomes a little more monotanous, as we've been at it all day and evening. But I do enjoy the drive, finding a place to stop and eat, etc.

Your trips sound like ours! We have about 20-21 hours of driving (depending on how many potty stops we have to make!) We love the drive. We go in October and the mountains of Tennessee are simply breathtaking. I can't imagine flying to Orlando ever again. My husband and I get hours of wonderful "talk time" and our kids love the little gifts we give them along the drive (as well as the plethora of movies to watch along the way!) I definately consider the journey much of the experience of our vacation every year.

I just don't like the journey home as much as the journey there...:(
My family and I drive to WDW from NC or SC (depending if I'm driving or my father). We flew one year when I was a little girl but we seem to add at least one more person to the trip each time so it works out cheaper for us to drive now.

When I was a little girl my dad would drive us (me and my little sister) there in a rental van that had a VHS tape player in it. We thought we were so cool back then. We watched Disney movies the whole 8 hour drive and I don't think my dad heard much out of us.

Now that I'm older though (early 20s-not too old!) I enjoy the ride for other reasons. I love looking out the car window and seeing the scenery of the U.S. With each state I seem to notice different things and characters! lol We usually don't make any stops unless we absolutely have to go the bathroom and we eat a packed breakfast in the car. However, once we get to the FL border we go to the Welcome Center and have free samples of fresh orange and grapefruit juice! It's a tradition my dad started on our first Disney trip and I actually look forward to it every year.

To answer your question: Yes, getting there is half the fun. But, going back is a different story!:ROFLOL:


New Member
Nope. Losing an entire day of a precious Disney World vacation sitting in an airplane is not at all fun. Sure, I can while away some of the hours sleeping, watching DVDs, reading, etc., but I'd much rather just have a Star Trek-style transporter to beam me there. If I could do the same on the way back, then I'll have gained at least 16 more hours of time in the Parks. Now that would be a heck of a better vacation.
I suppose there is one thing I like about the getting there - the Monorail ride in MCO.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Nope just an unavoidable part of the process. Though I suppose that having to leave for the airport the day before to avoid the perils of Britain's motorways and their constant delays does add a 1/2 day to the event.
What I do is make a cd with Walt Disney World music and we will drive from Springfield, Missouri all the way to Orlando listening to that cd. It gets everybody pumped. I have been there 14 times at 16 years old.


I wouldn't say it is HALF the fun, but it is enjoyable.

We have gone 3 times in the past 4 years. Twice we drove (splitting the trip up into two days. The way down we had fun, planning the trip, watching Disney movies while we drove, etc. The way home sucked to put it mildly.

A few months ago we flew. We had a great flight. My kids hadn't been on a plane in a few years, so they enjoyed looking out the window while it took off. It was nice that it only took us two hours to get there instead of two days.


Well-Known Member
We are about 8 or 9 hours away, depending on how many stops we make. When I travel to Disney, I am in a zone from the time we get into the car until we arrive. Before we even leave, I put in my Disney music to set the mood.:D I put our Mickey ears on the dash and I am ready to go. Then, I am like we are only stopping for gas & a burger, we gotta go, go, go.

I start my Disney video the minute we get into the car, and I capture little clips of different things like crossing the Florida state line and the toll booths and things like that. I always find a few things to add Daddys road rage into it and it is so funny to watch back. So all in all, I love to drive. We have had so many good memories from all of our road trips.:)

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