very nice article. it articulates almost exactly how i feel.
i agree, had soarin, mission: space, and test track been ADDED to horizons, world of motion, and the old seas, it would be a gorgeous balance; a working harmony of attractions with a pace for every epcot visitor.
instead, the one-note-ness of the new attractions overwhelms future world, and makes the nuance of spaceship earth (and it's post-2007 warts) seem awkward in comparison.
I never got to experience Horizons or World of Motion (first trip was 2002), but, having just watched Martin's videos for both attractions (Fun to Be Free is a very catchy song!), adding the current attractions to the past attractions to create multi-attraction pavilions like The Land would have been great.
A transportation pavilion focusing on the past and future of transportation (an updated World of Motion), and how they design cars currently/in the future (Test Track/2.0)
A space pavilion that shows what people used to think space was, our actual exploration of space, and the possible future exploration of space (Mission:SPACE)
A pavilion that included Carousel of Progress/an updated Horizons, and possibly Innoventions as the post show. (could replace The Seas)
An updated Energy pavilion (past, present, future)
An updated Health Pavilion (past, present, future - I've thought that if they were sponsered by Nintendo, you could have had Wii Fit Plus/Sight Training/Brain Training in the post show)
Bringing back the original Imagination pavilion
Updating Soarin and The Lion King films in the Land pavilion
Moving The Seas over to Animal Kingdom