Is entitlement becoming an issue?


One Little Spark...
Ok, I have a few toss ins to the convo, having caught up.

First, I don't think relating this to Make a Wish is valid. Those are planned in advance.

Second, I don't think that you all understand (not to sound conspiratorial) how much Disney pays attention to social media. As has been pointed out, when something is trending, or has a lot of views, Disney views this as organic marketing.

And...they should. It's smart for them to do it. It plays to saps like me that watch videos from various sources which have been mentioned and smile and think of my own experiences at Disney (which in turn makes me think about spending more money on a Disney trip).

So, it works.

Do these encounters take away from the average experience at Disney? Not in the least. Well, with the one exception regarding the fact that everyone seems to want to take a GoPro and selfie stick and make their own version of.

But, as someone who HAS staged and planned a video for a Disney trip...this one...I feel I can chime in.

I chose the song in advance. I even mapped out the scenes and shots I needed in my head (and posted them on another Disney forum...down to the second and with notes about how to handle shot angles and transitions)

I didn't get all the shots I wanted, and the final video turned out far different than I originally planned, but, I am not ashamed to say I did that. It was fun. Like a little project to work on. I never expected it to go viral (and it didn't). It was more that I thought it would be fun for us to do together.

The kiddo, however, at times, disagreed...and there was more than once where I had to ask her to "dance" in exchange for she was hot, tired, or something. Kids don't always understand WHAT you are trying to do, and in that respect I was not being "Daddy", I was being "Director"...

In fact, you'll see that edited into the video as the times she "attacks" the camera. :p

And I wholly admit it. For example, she got an Ice Cream in exchange for dancing in front of the EPCOT fountain. (she would have gotten an Ice Cream anyhow, but...)

SHE doesn't remember that, but I do, and it's one of the self-aware smiles I have whenever I watch that video, because now she thinks it was all fun, she doesn't remember how much she whined about that one particular shot (there is footage of me doing it twice she shot of me that she doesn't remember...cause that was the original deal...I do it, she does it)...

Most of my videos are organic (meaning just stuff I capture on our trip and edit together), and this was also one. But, frankly, we should all remember the Wolf's (who ushered this trend in, I'd say)...

They made this video first...

But what got the ball rolling was THIS video....

They were the first of the "Disney Trip videos" to get "noticed" enough by Disney that they were even included in a nighttime show.

THAT is where it all started. (not that I blame the Wolfs, their videos are fantastic, and really there is no "blame" to be's just Disney being smart with their online marketing).

The Wolfs, like many of us, had such a blast that they went back...quickly. And probably enjoyed their video as much as the rest of the world this time, they went back with a better plan for their next one.

And, in 20 years, they'll love watching these videos just as I will love watching the video of my kiddo and me enjoying our trip. And that is the key.

This isn't entitlement. But, one should be careful about classifying what is "good" or "bad" parenting in this respect.

Is there an entitlement attitude? Sure. It exists, but it has always existed. "WHY didn't I get picked?" My sister had "private back stage" time with a group of costume characters the summer MGM opened because they decided she was cute, and my Dad got that all on his BetaCam at the time.

The offering hasn't changed. If they are marketing social media personalities, that's different.

Just leave it at the door. Or should I say...leave your baggage at the train station?
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Well-Known Member

^^^ that was awesome and I have to admit, I was a little verklempt. :happy:
Your kids and their kids someday will have a blast watching that.

...but what you don't have a full on media team and a posse of rabid people shooing away families and lying about M&G's in certain areas so you can have that M&G to yourselves.

You conducted yourself professionally and respectfully regarding the other families around you - therein lies the difference.
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New Member
To say that dressing up says you feel entitled is completely untrue. I am a 15 year old slightly aspergic jurassic park (and disney and trains) nerd. The next time I go to universal studios islands of adventure, I am going to dress up as a jurassic park scien tist complete with a lab coat which has an ingen patch on the sleeve and a Jurassic Park patch which is acuratrate to the film underneath the left pocket. I will wear my jurassic park t-shirt and my hand made id tag, and I will carry around a jurassic park clipboard which will have 20 pages of hand typed paperwork and last but not least my handbuilt embryo canister. The entire time I will be in character but am I expecting special treatment, no. just to say dressing up does not mean entitlement but to add that mom is a horrible person for the values she is raising her child on.

Quickly I apologize for the spelling and grammar as I am typing this on my tablet which is to say the least difficult. The rant is over and please don't disregard this post and the point I m trying to make because of these two reasons 1 this my first post.2 I am a menber of generation z.
Rant Is officially ended.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, 100% yes.

I will not go into details, but I feel that certain guests are receiving constant, greater experiences simply because of their viewer counts on social media. I am not talking about a sweet "something extra" here and there, but more along the lines of every visit, getting special treatments and interactions. Being allowed to go where other guests can't, getting more than 20 minutes of one on one time with characters, being allowed behind counters, etc.

It seems that unless you dress your child up as a character, they will be seen as "less worthy" of getting the same treatment. Try explaining that to a kid sometime.

I am sure there are many "supporters" of this type of thing, as its seen as "cute", but try to look at the bigger picture. There are MANY of these types of accounts out there now, and its increasingly becoming worse and worse.

Please let me know if I am out of line in thinking this way. Shed some light on what I am missing.

"Becoming"........ No, you hit the nail on the head.

Everyone's looking for attention.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

This isn't about special magic being given RANDOMLY to guests. That part is awesome and should happen often.

The concern I'm bringing to light is over the fact that certain guests (locals) getting above and beyond treatment on every visit, sometimes negatively impacting other guests experiences. Repeatedly, the same people.


Well-Known Member
To say that dressing up says you feel entitled is completely untrue. I am a 15 year old slightly aspergic jurassic park (and disney and trains) nerd. The next time I go to universal studios islands of adventure, I am going to dress up as a jurassic park scien tist complete with a lab coat which has an ingen patch on the sleeve and a Jurassic Park patch which is acuratrate to the film underneath the left pocket. I will wear my jurassic park t-shirt and my hand made id tag, and I will carry around a jurassic park clipboard which will have 20 pages of hand typed paperwork and last but not least my handbuilt embryo canister. The entire time I will be in character but am I expecting special treatment, no. just to say dressing up does not mean entitlement but to add that mom is a horrible person for the values she is raising her child on.

Quickly I apologize for the spelling and grammar as I am typing this on my tablet which is to say the least difficult. The rant is over and please don't disregard this post and the point I m trying to make because of these two reasons 1 this my first post.2 I am a menber of generation z.
Rant Is officially ended.
I don't think anyone here would have a problem with what you're doing (unless your outfit looks so realistic that it confuses other guests into thinking you're a cast member, but that's a separate issue). The problem would be if you used your cosplay as a way to drum up hundreds of thousands of social media followers and then used that influence to get Universal Studios to give you special perks at the expense of other guests.


Well-Known Member
I hate to say it, but Walt Disney World is not there as a charity to provide EQUAL experience for the guest. People with a better financial status always have a better experiences. They stay at better hotels, eat better meals and get better service. I had a private party a few years back at Disney Hollywood Studios. When planning I was given a list of extras that I could add to the party and they included everything from private viewing areas, private meet and greets with Mickey, tours of things the public cannot see extra, etc. We had thirty people meeting one night and we did rent a private viewing area for Fantasmics!. We included a full dinner and drinks before the show. everyone in the group paid their share and it cost each of us a few bucks, but was well worth it. PS, did not have a private meeting with Mickey because it would have cost more than the dinner for 30 people.

The difference is that everyone in the park has paid the same price to get in so no guests should get preferential treatment. Note that preferential is not the same thing as different. Everyone has a unique experience. But no one should get PREFERENTIAL treatment (i.e. inside information, special treatment, etc...) because they are in effect giving Disney free advertising.


Well-Known Member
The only people who make a big deal about this stuff are people that spend way too much time on the net. Who care what a little girl gets? Make your own magic happen. CMs pay attention to people that stand out. The buttons, costumes, or even doing something for another guest that gets noticed.

We talk to people that are standing around us. I moved for two moms that had children so they could watch MSEP in front of the castle in the FP area. They were smaller kids, and because I wasn't another ignorant adult, those kids got the view of a lifetime. I talked to the moms, then the dads. I thought they would never stop thanking me.

A couple left their camera bag at WL in the lobby while we were waiting for the ADR at Whispering Canyon. After 15 minutes they didn't come back, I picked it up and took it to concierge. I was repaid by karma later, when I lost something of mine and received it back at lost and found.

So my point, just enjoy the parks, sweet jesus, stop worrying so much about other people and what they are doing and worry about yourselves. Go out, be happy. I have recently hit really bad times and it is hard to be positive. But my vacation was perfect and I fall back on those memories to get me through it sometimes.

I agree with everything you said except for this: "CMs pay attention to people that stand out. The buttons, costumes, or even doing something for another guest that gets noticed". Why should guests of the park have to dress up or draw attention to themselves? The treatment you receive from CMs should not depend on what you're wearing or whether you're an instagram celeb. Can't you just be a normal kid or adult visiting the park in shorts and a t-shirt and be treated the same way as someone in a costume?


Well-Known Member
I was waiting for someone to bring up Tommy. I've also been waiting for someone to bring up Little Pan at Disneyland.

I think Tommy is a fantastic, motivational person. Let me make that very, very clear. He is an outstanding human being, a friend to all and someone a lot of people could learn a lot from.

That said, it is undeniable that Tommy has been given magical moments beyond those that are the norm. Hundreds of disabled children visit Disney daily and struggle with the new disability services, especially with long and unpredictable character lines. Tommy has been given many exclusive meet and greets, greets after closed lines, etc. When Tommy sees characters before they go on their break, he is essentially extending a closed line, that backs up into the next set, and so on and so forth. That character must take the same time on break regardless. He has many extended interactions with characters, and greets like the Fantasmic backstage. That Fantasmic is very, very hard to access. It's marked as Characterpalooza, but that is most definitely on the island. A certain IG account just did the very same greet, after remarking the day before how she hadn't seen Fantasmic in years because it was boring. But her trolley friends were quick to save that day.

On to Little Pan. Pan also has a very talented mother, who makes him male character costumes. They are amazing. The major difference? West Coast. Although he has great interactions with daily characters, as well parades, he has no entourage, no boom mics, etc.

I thought of Tommy too with this thread. And maybe it's hypocritical of me, but I really have no problem with him doing what he is doing. I mean, if they are waiting their turn or this is something Disney is willing to give them, then where is the harm? I think he is a great motivator with his running and his great bubbly personality and you can see why the characters LOVE spending time with him. I think it's a win-win for both his family and Disney. I just don't see them as entitled or expecting to be treated a certain way. In comparison, I can see the mother's costume hobby as being a means of 'getting attention.' She may not ask for special favors but I am sure there is a line of thinking like 'I wonder what reaction we will get if I dress my little girl up like a parade performer or ice cream shop girl.' But I can't REALLY fault that either. They put the effort into it and the CMs take notice.

Again, I am still on the fence with it. I am in the mind of 'no one said life was fair' and people get what they put in to their vacation. If you are just going for a meet and greet, the kid doesn't dress up and then doesn't talk to the character, the character will lead the conversation, get the picture and move you along. But if you dress the girl up, whether in a homemade dress or not, and the kid is really talkative, the character has more to do and makes a better connection causing a longer meet. It's just how it is. So I really am not offended, jealous, or upset that someone gets more character time than me. I worry about myself.

But then I do understand where it would be aggravating to some people when you see the same people get these kind of treats ALL THE TIME; it does make you wonder what goes on behind the scenes. And even I sometimes roll my eyes when I see people go a little overboard on the ‘look at me, give me attention’ actions. However, how many lines have we all stood in with self-absorbed people like that? Not THAT many, I am sure. To me, we have no idea how many other people the CMs 'cater' too like this. We just take notice of these two (Lane and Tommy) because they are on the internets. How many people get just as much attention but doesn’t necessarily post it? We don’t know. So entitled? No, not really. The posse/photo shoot thing is a little much but most of the time, I think it is just people taking the opportunities offered to them.

First off, I'm surprised that no one has used the term, "sour grapes" in this thread because I could have sworn someone would have thrown that term at some point in this topic.

But anyway, I greatly appreciate and respect the viewpoints. As I stated earlier, I will not discredit Tommy as a human being. And I won't discredit his loving, supporting family, as well. If someone were to offer a private meet and greet backstage after a show or a parade, we would pounce on people who turned down the offer. I have no problems with CMs giving magical moments but it should only once or twice per family or per party. Anything more two is only warranted if every individual, distinctive magical moment is initiated by a different individual CM. The problem I have is when one CM goes out of his or her way and gives one family or party tons of perks at the expense of doing his or her job properly. I think what I'm trying to say is that if I were a bartender and I was chitchatting and giving all my friends or a regular customer free drinks or free food more than once and then told the general manager or owner I want to change my shifts so that I get to see my friends or a particular regular more often in the bar on the job, I would be not allowed to and I would certainly be fired without hesitation. If you want to hang out and treat your friends, it's fine but don't do it during your own work hours when you have to do your job. The reason I brought the example of Allie the CM during Tommy's 2013 trip was that it didn't take a genius to figure out that Allie was a friend of Jasmine and Pocahontas so to speak. I mean, you almost never see the same CM more than once a typical Disney vacation. You just don't. I had to largely assume she was the one who set up these arrangements like the Fantasmic meet and greet, the opportunity for a photoshoot on the Morocco pavilion stage and spending a large amount of time with Tommy during Character Palooza not once but twice. It might seem like a favor and a kind thing to do but in my book, it's unprofessional and it's a case of pure favoritism. I get it that people plays favorites in life all the time. Bosses, teachers, parents, employers and sports coaches to name a few. But they don't truly realize how much permanent damage they've caused with other people who always got the short end of the stick or how quickly a bridge was burned until it's too late. It stings with people for life in some cases. So either change for the better and do everything to ensure that no one is more or less important than another or continue hurting people for life.

But I will say this, I get it that certain people may require more time with characters like the Make-A-Wish children. I get it that people who wear a character dress, a button or even Disneybound will get more attention than others in meet and greets. And I do think to an extent, it makes it easier for a character performer to start the interaction with a good talking point like the dress, button or outfit. What I think needs to be drilled in people's skulls is that regardless of what you wear, you can't expect a great meet and greet, you have to be proactive and make it happen with your compliments and insightful questions. I understand for younger children, however, they aren't exactly proactive in meet and greets compared to other guests which is why the character performer may have to be the one who drives the conversation so to speak. But when you get older, and I've learned this myself by the way, you'll hopefully understand that you need play a part in making the meet and greet memorable. If you don't express the passion, interest and love for the character, you may not get a passionate and sincere interaction in return. I mean, I would've never experienced a great meet and greet with Belle if I didn't tell her she was my favorite Disney heroine!

All I can really say at this point is that I think I am torn as to what am I supposed to believe or think.


Well-Known Member
It is all about money. That is all it is ever about in big corporate America (since the early 80's). Money. Money money money. Disney grants VIP treatment on those that make them more money than others. These social media stars = money. Just because it is indirect, and not directly out of a wallet doesn't mean it is not money.

Arguing that a social media star should not get special attention is like arguing a person that pays double in lodging shouldn't get better lodging.

All of us can be VIPs with money. Money because of wallets. Money because of fame. Whatever or however you get money to Disney, you are more of a VIP than those who give less.

To think for a minute that you are as valuable to Disney as a person that gives more money to them is deluded thinking in a capitalistic society.

It's not fair?!? Hahaha,, oh boy howdy,, the United States society is all about economic/wealth inequality.

As it should be? (I can debate this from either view so meh, no need to continue)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just want to say thanks to the messages I have been getting regarding this issue, most from users whom are afraid to speak of it on social media due to the hate they would receive by the followers of these accounts (and I have encouraged all of them to speak publicly in order to bring this to the attention it deserves). Apparently this isn't something that only I have noticed. Recently, more and more adults have been getting aggressive towards other guests due to their personal views on how they are "better" than other "normal" guests in the parks.

One example I heard recently involved a grown lady with 60k Facebook (almost 30k instagram, both of which I am not linking to avoid giving her more attention) followers getting HUGS from parade performers..DURING the parade, which is a huge sign of "bad show" in my opinion. Apparently she was also very rude to all other guests around her (which I heard from two SEPARATE people about the same account). On that same user account, she is meeting characters that no one else gets to meet (again, on the bridge during dream along with mickey which is CLOSED to everybody immediately before, during, and after the show). Another showcases her getting a personal tour of cinderella castle by the character herself, while a long line of other guests just stand and watch and aren't allowed to proceed. Lots and lots of pictures on the account exhibit preferential treatment given to her..and it seems a big reason as to WHY this happens has been brought to my attention:

Cast members are themselves trying to get these large amounts of followers. There are a lot of them who go out of their way to get mentioned on these self proclaimed "celebs" in order to gain the same status themselves (as they are often tagged in the photos).

I guess once again I need to remind people that this isn't about random magic given to guests..RANDOMLY. The issue (which many others even on this thread have agreed to) is with a constant above and beyond treatment given at the EXPENSE OF OTHERS (sometimes in extremely rude ways), and its spiraling out of control.


Well-Known Member
@NowInc: At first I had a different view on the whole thing but after reading first hand accounts of blantant rudeness, full blown media posses, and then seeing some of these accounts of said "personalities," beyond Lane and Tommy, (people I HOPE have jobs or are at least in school - because they seem to be living at WDW) - I have a whole new view on the matter. Thanks for bringing it up. My undergrad is in mass communications/PR and psychology so all of this is pretty fascinating to me.


Well-Known Member
Whatever happened to just going to the parks, enjoying yourself and not worrying so much about everyone else? It seems to me that if you worry less, you'll enjoy more. If you look hard enough, you'll always find fault and inequality. Even if there's a hundred of these 'priveleged, social media superstars' at WDW on any given day, the odds of what they are doing or getting interfering with your day are pretty slim. And if they do a little bit, so what? If your relationship with your child is based solely on then getting 'the best' of everything and them getting upset if they don't, then the problem isn't 'the entitled ones'.


Well-Known Member
And this is exactly why I didn't want to bring up any single account. Shes VERY popular, great..awesome..wonderful for her. How about the many copy cats that are appearing? How long before its to the point where the only way to get any sort of special interaction is to spend time and money designing costumes?

Disney is supposed to be an EQUAL experience for the guest, regardless of social or financial status. I am aware celebrities have been getting special treatment for years, but it hardly every impacts other guests, as is what happens in cases like this.
Example: Not getting to meet a character because they spend 20 minutes with the special little girl in front of you, and run out of time.

"Disney is supposed to be EQUAL experience for the guest..." Well sorry to burst your bubble but that just isn't so. Disney pretty much says that it isn't so when they started doing the special VIP tours where you basically pay big bucks to avoid lines or even bothering with fastpasses... Do you have a problem with the VIP tours too?

So she gets some perks from having her kid dressed up. I experienced the same type of thing a few years ago when one of my kids insisted on going all decked out like a miniature version of Elizabeth Swan... And horror of horrors a CM even took her to bypass a line for a ride... And if you ever notice the kids that are most likely to be picked for Jedi Training and things like that it tends to be the ones that are decked out in costumes... If you are so bummed out by it why not invest in a costume of your own... But I don't see it as entitlement. If anything Disney is using her as much as she is using them...

In fact Disney is getting a much better deal out of it than the woman, she puts hours into sewing a costume and Disney gives her a little extra attention to get lots of publicity. Would you rather Disney ignore the chance at free publicity and just jacked the ticket prices up more to pay for all publicity instead?


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You reading all this, Ricky? We are coming for you, Ricky. Your days of free stuff are coming to an end. I hope you enjoyed your free drinks at Trader Sams, because they'll be some of the last free things you're gonna get.

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