Is entitlement becoming an issue?


Well-Known Member
My wife is concerned about this. We plan on joining the DVC in the next few years which will have us going to disney every year (which we already do now) with kids. We have no kids right now, but she's worried that taking kids every year it will take away some of the magic and they'll get bored or whatever with disney as they get older. We both are disney fanatics, but that doesn't mean our kids will be. As a dvc club member by then going on different trips is a must I told her. I think if we go to the Carribean every year and a couple other trips it won't get boring bc every trip won't be to the same place.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
My wife is concerned about this. We plan on joining the DVC in the next few years which will have us going to disney every year (which we already do now) with kids. We have no kids right now, but she's worried that taking kids every year it will take away some of the magic and they'll get bored or whatever with disney as they get older. We both are disney fanatics, but that doesn't mean our kids will be. As a dvc club member by then going on different trips is a must I told her. I think if we go to the Carribean every year and a couple other trips it won't get boring bc every trip won't be to the same place.
I would not worry too much.

We have three kids. The youngest has been going steadily (10-12 trips per year) since birth and the older two have been doing the same since the ages of 7 and 9.

Fast forward 14 years and the oldest 2 are now married and still go as often as possible. The youngest (now 14) sees WDW as a second home.


Well-Known Member
Just want to say thanks to the messages I have been getting regarding this issue, most from users whom are afraid to speak of it on social media due to the hate they would receive by the followers of these accounts (and I have encouraged all of them to speak publicly in order to bring this to the attention it deserves). Apparently this isn't something that only I have noticed. Recently, more and more adults have been getting aggressive towards other guests due to their personal views on how they are "better" than other "normal" guests in the parks.

One example I heard recently involved a grown lady with 60k Facebook (almost 30k instagram, both of which I am not linking to avoid giving her more attention) followers getting HUGS from parade performers..DURING the parade, which is a huge sign of "bad show" in my opinion. Apparently she was also very rude to all other guests around her (which I heard from two SEPARATE people about the same account). On that same user account, she is meeting characters that no one else gets to meet (again, on the bridge during dream along with mickey which is CLOSED to everybody immediately before, during, and after the show). Another showcases her getting a personal tour of cinderella castle by the character herself, while a long line of other guests just stand and watch and aren't allowed to proceed. Lots and lots of pictures on the account exhibit preferential treatment given to her..and it seems a big reason as to WHY this happens has been brought to my attention:

Cast members are themselves trying to get these large amounts of followers. There are a lot of them who go out of their way to get mentioned on these self proclaimed "celebs" in order to gain the same status themselves (as they are often tagged in the photos).

I guess once again I need to remind people that this isn't about random magic given to guests..RANDOMLY. The issue (which many others even on this thread have agreed to) is with a constant above and beyond treatment given at the EXPENSE OF OTHERS (sometimes in extremely rude ways), and its spiraling out of control.
Private meet n greets have always been an unofficial perk of being an entertainment CM...if you want one my advice would be to become friends with a CM. I've gotten high 5s during a parade - a hug or a quick pic isn't out of the question for any day guest.

Now tour of the dream suite? That's a new one and had to be approved by a higher up.

There's a subculture out there that has a thousand stories. Ask the Paris people...


Well-Known Member
You reading all this, Ricky? We are coming for you, Ricky. Your days of free stuff are coming to an end. I hope you enjoyed your free drinks at Trader Sams, because they'll be some of the last free things you're gonna get.
Has he been there yet? Sounds like there's a VIP event going on this minute. Btw, Ricky has quite a few people on his payroll now. Business must be good


Active Member
My friend does a lot of twitch streaming. He only has a couple hundred followers but makes about $500 a week. I have friends with youtube channels making thousands a month on them.

If I was able to go to Disney each week or multiple times a week with my child and bring in that kind of cash or more then I would do it. Of course I wouldn't expect to get special treatment.

That reminds me. I should start twitch streaming lol.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I would assume that they are talking about Rickey Brigante. He does the Inside the Magic site and podcast as well as the Orlando Attractions Magazine.

That would be correct. He is also mentioned a lot in reference to being a "lifestyler". I believe the angst towards him, at least in this thread, is in regards to the special treatment (and free stuff) he and his wife are granted at every visit (one that comes to mind was him magically having fastpasses to meet the frozen girls on day 1 without reserving in advance and bragging about it on social media). I have personally been in his presence and I'm not a fan, but sad to much as I don't like him, he isn't half as bad as the types of guests which are the topic of this thread.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
That would be correct. He is also mentioned a lot in reference to being a "lifestyler". I believe the angst towards him, at least in this thread, is in regards to the special treatment (and free stuff) he and his wife are granted at every visit (one that comes to mind was him magically having fastpasses to meet the frozen girls on day 1 without reserving in advance and bragging about it on social media). I have personally been in his presence and I'm not a fan, but sad to much as I don't like him, he isn't half as bad as the types of guests which are the topic of this thread.
I don't know him personally, but I did listen to his podcast for a few years. It was well done and enjoyable and there is little question, to me at least, that Disney would view him as an asset. For that simple fact alone, I would expect him to receive a perk or ten. I am sure Universal and Sea World throw him the occasional bone as well.

The issue in that would be his credibility after getting said perks. Does he remain objective and honest after his palm is greased?

I have not listened to him is some time, but from what I remember he was a tad more objective than the others in that he would actually level some criticism toward Disney. Not much mind you, but at least everything was not gushing with unabashed worship for the mouse.


Well-Known Member
If they are a travel info site and they provide a service I have no problem with free stuff. That's how they update the public on what's new and exciting.

When I was in incentive & meeting travel, our bosses were one of the first passengers on the Disney Cruiseline - it was 100% free and all VIP because they wanted us to book them for large groups. So here too - it's a business that provides and informational service that people use when planning their vacations.

Someone who is friends with the friends of characters because of their IG follower # that just posts selfies of themselves is not providing a service nor information.

Now is Ricky and his wife being blantanty rude to other guests when they visit, lying to guests about standard M&G's lying hey are for only VIP's? I STRONGLY doubt it because they are professionals.

The entitlement some of these IG personalities have given the first-hand accounts reported earlier on this thread, I feel, is unwarranted. Weird.. Deja vu'?!? ;)

Flame away... :facepalm:
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
If hey are a travel info site and they provide a service I have no problem with free stuff. When I was in incentive & meeting travel our bosses did the first Disney cruise for free and had all VIP because they wanted us to book them for large groups. It's business that provides and informational service that people use when planning their vacations.

Someone who is friends with the friends of characters because of their IG follower # that just posts selfies of themselves is not providing a service nor information. The entitlement they feel for special free perks, I feel, is unwarranted. Flame away... :facepalm:
I think your opinion is pretty much spot on. People like Lou and Rickey make Disney money. Disney is smart to keep them and others like them in their good graces. Their objectiveness as a reviewer or journalist is rightly questioned because of this, but that is just the way it is.

The IG crews...not so much.


New Member
Sounds like you are just jealous. Attacking a little girl like this isn't going to get you anywhere. Little girls wear the princess outfits so they get to feel special. And any attention they get is justified. You don't know what those children might have to deal with in their lives. It might be the only bit of kindess they are shown. And my daughter wasn't in a costume and guess what? She got just as much attention as those who where


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Sounds like you are just jealous. Attacking a little girl like this isn't going to get you anywhere. Little girls wear the princess outfits so they get to feel special. And any attention they get is justified. You don't know what those children might have to deal with in their lives. It might be the only bit of kindess they are shown. And my daughter wasn't in a costume and guess what? She got just as much attention as those who where

Perhaps you should read the entire thread before throwing stones :)


Well-Known Member
@Disneyyaddictedd - please understand I am not attacking little kids that dress up - not even Lane (I think her pics are cute and I love her costumes). My kids have worn their princess dresses when we go. Many others get special treatment due to Make a Wish - and I am for MORE of that type of thing. Regarding Lane, if it's just she and her Mom - that's FINE. She, her Mom and 20 hanger-on folks in a posse I do not get.

Who I am talking about: grown adults on Instagram (some that are hangers-on to Lane) and MANY not associated with Lane that aren't dressing up, who practically live at the park and have tried to make "celebrities" of themselves by posting endless selfies. These people are demanding special treatment because of their IG follower numbers. There have been many first hand accounts listed previously in the thread of park goers who have had run ins with these folks. Please enlighten me on what service these folks are providing with their selfies? It is very different than someone who receives special perks like the owners of this site, a travel agency, etc.

If you have some time I recommend you start at the beginning and read through the thread... With a giant cup of strong coffee. :bookworm:;)
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Well-Known Member
Don't waste time or energy over this. You're not going to stop the social media gravy train. I hate it as much as any other guy, but I've just learned to laugh at the self-important people. There's too much incentive to be an internet celebrity. It goes well beyond Disney. When teenage Youtubers making videos complaining about Starbucks and their parents make $50-100k a year, you know you've lost the battle.

Jerks gonna jerk. Haters gonna hate. I'm gonna go get a Dole Whip!

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