Is Disney addictive like a drug to you?


Well-Known Member
I too am addicted. But it Disney brings so much joy to me and my family. This is a very difficult world we live in. Having something like Disney to escape and just enjoy life is awesome.
We're headed back Sept 2011!!!


New Member
Disney Nut

I live in Jacksonville Fl and I have visited the parks with friends and/or family at least once a month for 2/3 days since Oct 1983. I think thats about 336 times. Never get tired of it!

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Okay as the OP here, let me clear one thing up. Addiction might be a poor choice of words. Or maybe not. But let me say something here, this is not a bad thing to be addicted to. Someone mentioned that they prefer to call it a hobby rather than an addiction and I agree. Either way, even if the parks consumes your mind on a daily basis that can never be classified as a bad thing. The world would be a happier place.............

Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
The only reason I get out of bed each day and go to work is so I can afford my next trip to Disney. And when I am having a bad day i just stop and day dream about a past trip or plan some part of the next trip. Hello Iam Mickeysshoes and I'm a WDW junkie!!! And i no one to blame but my DH!!!!!!

Absolutely!! I have a countdown calendar on my file cabinet and I find I glance at it many times in the course of a work-day. It helps get me thru.... watching those numbers go down.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely!! I have a countdown calendar on my file cabinet and I find I glance at it many times in the course of a work-day. It helps get me thru.... watching those numbers go down.

Please my oldest daughter started a countdown in the shower!! Yes I said Shower! We bought our girls those bath crayons..Well my oldest put it to good use and now who ever is the last one in the shower has to put the number of days we have left!! ..(normally it would kill me because I'm a tad OCD of not washing the shower walls after a couple days . but its Disney related so I'll ease up....I'll do it this weekend!!!)


Well-Known Member
Yup, big addiction. It's almost pathetic. My 10 year old makes fun of me. Can't help it. I'm on this and other Disney fan web sites multiple times per day. And I listen to Disney music every day. It's all I listen to in my car.
Hi, my name is Jim and I'm addicted to Disney. :wave:

It is sad when they make fun of you isn't it? Sounds like my 10yr old...
Yesterday I was dancing and asked her " hay guess what dance I'm doing?" She gives me that "what"....? " the single digit dance baby!" Yeah poor thing, she knows her mom is nuts!!!! But hay she loves it when were driving in thecar singing at the top of our lungs " right down the middle of Mainstreet song"....Or the "trolley song"....Yeah we have our own parts in that one!


Active Member
I too am addicted. But it Disney brings so much joy to me and my family. This is a very difficult world we live in. Having something like Disney to escape and just enjoy life is awesome.
We're headed back Sept 2011!!!

I so agree! With what is going on with the world these days, to be able to go to a place filled with such love and joy can't be a bad thing!! :sohappy:


Active Member
:lookaroun Wait a minute! I've seen this before! This is an intervention isn't it!!? Well i don't need help, i can stop whenever i want!

(holds head in hands in shame)

Hi, I'm EaglesFan.

(Hi Eaglesfan)

I'm addicted to all things WDW! :cry:


Well-Known Member
Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery.

I admit to nothing, there is no problem, I can stop anytime.

:cry: I have to go


Well-Known Member
Addiction is a horrible word...but no, I'm not an addict. I'm about to go to WDW for the 4th time in 2 years (with one DL trip 6 months ago) and if I don't chill out after this upcoming trip, I can definitely see myself losing that magic feeling of going to the parks. I'm taking a break after this one. I also stay off site and go to Universal too so...but I'm really not too into other Disney things besides the parks.


Well-Known Member
I don't think wanting to go back to Disney World makes it an addiction.

I think it's more similar to taking a pill to relieve back pain.

Let me explain:

If you went to a doctor complaining of worry and stress, and he or she prescribed a medicine that (A) relieved your stress (B) Made you less worried and more happy (C) Brought you closer together with your family and (D) Could bring back wonderful childhood emotions and feelings, and if that prescription ran out (and you had to go home and face reality again) wouldn't you ask for a REFILL on that prescription?


Well-Known Member
I do drugs all the time, and WDW feels just the same. Just kidding!

But yeah, WDW is addictive. Not a day goes by that my wife and I are pining to go back.


New Member
Disney addict? While im there all i can think of is how can i save money to get back; save, save, save, save; extreme excitment about going back; get there and it starts all over again.
Hello, my name is Travis, i've been sober since may, and cant get my next fix until november 17, 2010


I like to think of it more as being an avid supporter of the Lake Buena Vista economy than an addiction because you know I dont HAVE to go to Disney, I could take a year off if I wanted to :lol: That being said my three year old can recite "Hallowishes", "Wishes" and "Boo to you" parade line for line :ROFLOL:

Whenever i'm having a rough day I pull out my iphone and look at the Contemporary weatherbug camera and get my fix of the good stuff or turn on Dcot and listen to the Epcot entrance loop and I can instantly feel a calming sensation flowing throughout my body...... 79 days, 79 long days


Yes, I am. It is pretty bad when your classroom has hidden Mickeys in it and your students from previous years are running to your door after school to give you more Disney silly bandz! In fact, Disney should pay me because I average at least two families a year that go to WDW because of my obsession-and we live about 1500 miles from WDW! I am thinking I should be a Disney TA on the side!

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