Definitely true. It is evident. There is certainly lack of upkpeep and more wear and tear. That is what the suits favor. You are exactly right. They operate more and budget less so they can keep profits for shareholders and their bonus pockets.
This is also evident in situations like Tower of Terror at half capacity for so long and RNR needing its intensive refurb, or the Haunted Mansion closed for two days because the unloading belt was about to blow.
For what it is worth, I even question my safety on a few attractions now and I won't be back for a long, long time for similar reasons to you and the direction the company is going.
Luckily, we can do Universal and Sea World/Busch Gardens and explore and save a good amount while still doing more things.
We did Tokyo Disney this last year. We saved for ten years to do it and I will not be going to the state parks anytime soon. I am going to utilize foreign parks and travel with my passport and earned money there.
We are off to Tokyo in January too, insead of our usual Orlando trip..although ironically still giving Disney But we are going mainly for the other sight seeing and culture. 2 days in Disney people say its the best Disney park in the world.