Interesting Theory


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I am just wondering...And because in my small test sample my hypothesis is correct, I would like to get some input on my fellow WDW enthusiasts. I am a 26 year old male and I have always been very much into Disney and everything about it. Never living more than 4 hours away from WDW might have helped, but a lot of my friends growing up were in the same boat as me in that aspect. I have always been in the "in" crowd and have had lots of friends. Very few of them share my love for the parks, or at least to the level that I love them. However my friends that do share the same interest level in Disney as I do (men and women alike), are all very artistic in one way or another , as well as myself (music). And after seeing everyone's awesome pictures on the daily photo posts I am gathering that a lot of photogs are very much into Disney as well (which is absolutely another form of artistry IMO). So I am gathering that the creative/artistic part of our minds which is usually the most dominant part of an artist's personality/mindset may be the reason why we are so drawn to WDW and everything that it brings. So I was just wondering how many of us are artists in some way or another? and do any of you see the same trends among your friends? Just thought it would be interesting discussion. :ROFLOL:


I, for one, am very artistic. I played guitar, piano, and bugle for many years as a child. As an adult, I design software. I know "programming - Artistic?!?" Believe me, the creativity that it takes to design software is an artform. A style of programming is almost as unique as a signature. Plus, I design web pages and all of the art, etc. that that entails.

Having said that, my wife enjoys WDW as much as I do, but there is nothing creative about her. It may be, that my excitement or the kids excitement is what drive her, but not artisic. Now, that I think about it, she did many years of dance classes growing up and it just dawned on me. So maybe I should take that back, two more votes for artistic/creative minds being drawn to WDW. WooHoo!!!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Nopers, I don't have an artistic bone in my body. :lol: What starts as a blank piece of paper with me usually finishes as a blank piece of paper. I do have nice handwriting, though.

I don't play any musical instruments. I have no fashion sense, and I couldn't decorate my house in anything other than random EPCOT stuff.

Sorry to disappoint. :lol: Then again, I am not into the Disney movies at all, I just love the parks.


Well-Known Member
I'm terribly un-artistic. I can barely even draw a stick figure. It's bad.

I do have a bit of the photo bug... but I don't consider myself all that talented.


Not old, just vintage.
Your theory holds up for me. I spent 18 years of my life dancing, went to a performing arts HS, and and can draw fairly well. I am decent at drawing, good with crafty stuff, and can sing well enough to not scare people away.

As for my fellow Disney loving friends, yes, they are artsy too. One loves drawing/painting and photography. The other is heavily into all sorts of crafts and sewing things. Not your typical artists, but definitely creative people. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Im with Epcotnut and rainfully, can't make a stick figure if you spotted me the body, legs and arms. :ROFLOL:I do, however LOVE DISNEYWORLD:sohappy:


Your creativity theory holds true with me as well. I have played instruments since age 5, love to cook and always have some creative project going. I just got back from the World on Sunday (boo hoo!) and while I was down there, I commented to my husband that I wish I had the luxury of time to just walk around and soak in all of the architecture and people watch. I just don't feel that I can take the time to really see all of the creativity and beauty of the area because we want to pack so much in during our seemingly short vacations.

I love everything about the parks, the imagination, the beauty, the uniqueness. I don't think you have to have a creative mind to appreciate those things, but I think those who are more creative tend to feel differently about the creativity shown by others than those who are less creative. (Wow, I hope that came out right. Not meaning to offend anyone! :p)

Anyway, I also see this appreciation in my kids, especially my son who is 9 and AMAZINGLY creative. He "gets it" more than I think most kids his age. We enter the parks and he waxes poetic on the ambiance, the work, the creative process involved in all aspects of the park.

So yes, I think creative-minded people may be more predisposed to appreciating the Disney parks. However, anyone who loves fun, certainly will enjoy them!


New Member
I am very creative. I love to write song lyrics....its my passion!!!! and short stories...I have so much fun with them and they always come out pretty good (according to my friends and family) I also write poetry but dont enjoy it as much as stories and song lyrics. I love to sing, act, and dance as well so I guess Im pretty into the arts....

For me Disney is an inspiration. I write stories about Disney World all the time...and watching Disney's movies and shows just pull out a creative-ness inside of me.

Seeing what all the people behind the Disney Coroporation do and how amazingly talented they always in awe when I think about it.

The attractions they come up with, the story lines they create for tv shows and movies, and all the talented musicians involved with Walt Disney and Hollywood Records...I find it truly inspirational and I do feel it is one of the reasons I love Disney soooo much!!!


Well-Known Member
It holds true for me. I can play violin, guitar, bass guitar, trumpet, tuba, french horn and baritone. I am also fairly artistic when it comes to desktop publishing and similar activities. :wave:
Interesting theory! I am a dance teacher and choreographer, and my husband, although a lawyer, is also a musician. My kids (also Dinsey nuts) include my son, a musician and my daughter, a singer/dancer/actress in the making. So for our family, you are right!


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:D Awesome responses.. just as i expected hehe :sohappy:

and pumbas if you are a professional photographer you are an artist in my book :p


Well-Known Member
Interesting theory! I am a dance teacher and choreographer, and my husband, although a lawyer, is also a musician. My kids (also Dinsey nuts) include my son, a musician and my daughter, a singer/dancer/actress in the making. So for our family, you are right!

I am also a Dance teacher/choreographer/studio owner and my office is totally Disney! The kids at my studio also love the Mouse and all the World has to offer - we have been performing there since 2002 with the Magic Music Days program. The kids can't wait to get there again August 2009.


New Member
You may be overlooking a segment of the WDW fan population.
There are many who are older than you who grew up watching 'The Wonderful World of Disney' when it was on TV.
Also saw the original Disney movies in the theaters, like 'Peter Pan' and 'Cinderella'.
They were around when Walt was still around.
They remember when he announced Disneyland.

Your theory may have to include at least two groups:

1. Your artistic group.
2. Those who grew up with Disney, pre-WDW, regardless of artistic talent.

Interesting theory.



New Member
I fit that theory I guess but for me it's writing novels scripts and then filming them. Granted I've never been published and I write and make films for fun, but writing and filming is an art for me, so I guess I fit you're theory.
I am also a Dance teacher/choreographer/studio owner and my office is totally Disney! The kids at my studio also love the Mouse and all the World has to offer - we have been performing there since 2002 with the Magic Music Days program. The kids can't wait to get there again August 2009.
Lucky! I don't have a studio--I work with the public schools in an after school enrichment program for about 8 years now, and work as an instructor/choreographer for the local community theater. So it's a hobby for me, more than a career. However, whenever we have our little "recitals" I always use Disney music!


Well-Known Member
I enjoy both going to WDW and watching animated disney movies, and I would say that I am artistic. I took art classes in middle school, I couldnt draw a decent thing to save my life until my second year taking it. But even then, I still wouldnt say that I am a big artist. The art that I do, however, is music. I write songs, and am fortunate to have a mini studio in my room and so I can record them. I even have a few cds out(only to family :)) So overall, yes I am very creative and observant. Just like a painter uses his brush to paint a beautiful image, I do the same with words and my voice. So yea, its cool. And I admire the art of animation and the art of disney attractions.

LeeLee D

New Member
I can't draw to save my life, but I do sing and act. Mostly church skits and the like, but enjoyable.

My AP buddy sews and plays piano and flute. She is the artist.

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