Injuries at the parks


Active Member
Two injuries, first minor. Our first ever visit to TL and we went to the wave pool. I decided that our son should have a life vest. He was 6 at the time so I went back to rent one. I came back to our group, a wave hit and I went down on my knee scraping it and bleeding. Back to find first aid for a bandaid. We were at TL for almost an hour before I saw anything but the gift shop and first aid.

Second: My brother (36 at the time), son and 3 cousins were doing a Splash Mountain marathon trying to see how many times they could ride Splash between 11:00 PM and 12:00 PM. It was only a few minutes before 12:00, they exited the log and knew that if they ran, they could ride one more time before the line was closed. My brother in the lead rounded a corner and fell fast first onto the pavement. He bounced up and they ran to get their last ride in. They then headed to the exit whereby my brother realized his arm was really sore. The headed to a first aid spot which was already closed for the night. They decided to walk back to their resort (Contemporary). After 1/2 hour at the resort, he decided he needed some medical attention. Went to Contemporary and asked where to go for medical help. They put him in a cab for a first aid clinic type place on property. When the cab got there, they saw that it was closed so the cabbie took them to the Sand Lake Hospital (no Celebration hospital at that time). He was xrayed and casted. He had broken his arm trying to catch his fall. Luckily for him that it was the final night of the trip and they were coming home the next day. He got back to the hotel (same cab driver who took them to the hospital brought them to a Walgreens for prescription and took them to the hotel) at about 4:00 AM. The trip was totally his fault.

In over 20 visits to WDW the only person who got seriously hurt was the adult.

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
Most injuries not all, are the result of 1) parents not keeping an eye on their kids, and showing little if any respect for the parks and others at the parks, and 2) people who think they are invinceable, indestructable, and don't have to follow the rules..... plain and simple Stupid People!! :brick: :hammer:


Well-Known Member
I believe it's Larry the Cable Guy's line: "You can't fix stupid." Disney can give all the warnings they want, but there will always be those who feel the warnings don't apply to them, or that they are somehow immune to accidents.

Actually, that's Ron White's line. Either way, its funny. :ROFLOL:

When I see kids WITH their parents in line doing the climbing and even STANDING on the top of the railings, my wife will sometimes say that somebody should tell him to get down.

Not me! I say let them climb all they want. I firmly believe in Darwin's Natrual Selection process that sometimes, nature takes care of the losers on its own. ;)

disney magic 06

Well-Known Member
On our trip last year we were about half way through our holiday and on the saturday night we went to MK for extra magic hours.

Ok so we had had a couple of drinks at the resort first but certainly weren't under the influence! We went on btmr and I sat next to my daughter, and as the ride went round I was thrown against her.

It just caught her wrong and was quite sore. During the following week it got worse and worse so as soon as we got home she went to the doctor and found she had two fractured ribs.

Oddly she was quite proud of her Disney war wound-but how bad did I feel????? :cry:


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I fell at the Tomorrowland concourse because of a pop bottle lid. Don't ask me how...stuff like that just happens to me. It hurt and I was so red-faced. Now I can look back and laugh (kinda). :eek:
Heck, Ive twisted my ankle from stepping on a bottle cap. Those things are DANGEROUS !
When I was a CM there was a CM in fantisyland who held on to the skyway bucket and fell in from of Dumbo. It was so sad he was 68 as I remember and after that they pretty much closed that ride. Of the 5 years I worked there its the only time I can recall that some one was actually airlifted from the rear of the MK. Another funny incient was when I was in MGM in line for the anamation and I witnessed a rather large lady eating outside what is now playhouse Disney and the chair she was sitting on just totally colapsed. I know it shouldnt be funny but to watch her taking a bite of something and then it colapsses was so funny. BTW the management response was SO QUICK it made my head spin. she was OK in the end.



Well-Known Member
While waiting for Fantasmic I remember a kid with one of those light-up-spinning-toy-things and he kept turning it on and seeing how close he could get it to his face. Well, sure enough he got too close and whacked himself in the nose and mouth. He yelled out in pain which made his mother turn around, she said nothing, and the kid when right back on to moving the spinning object near his face. :lol:

Not as interesting as others stories but I personally haven't seen anyone take a spill while at the parks....guess I'm just not too observant :lol:


Well-Known Member
Two things:
1st was at DL. My family went to DL and we were heading to Fantasyland before the evening parade. All the lights were dimmed and the CM who was 'watching the curb, directing people' was chatting with another CM. My mom stepped right off the curb onto MainSt and fell and broke her ankle. I was about 12-13 at the time and remember being totally embarrassed because they had to stop the parade, turn the lights on, get a wheelchair and get mom to First Aide. They then took us by golf carts to our car so we could take her to the hospital. The worst part of the whole thing was when the CM in First Aide said to her "You know, it probably would't have broken if you weren't so old!" She had just turned 50 and if her foot hadn't hurt so badly she probably would have been arrested for assault and battery!

2nd- took place at Epcot. American CS outdoor eatting area. There was this big group of Brazilians and one skinny boy in the group..about 10-11 yrs old thought it would be funny to sit in a highchair. Well, he got himself into but when they were ready he couldn't get out of it. I mean, they were all yelling and pulling and trying everything. They poured water on this time they had drawn quite a crowd to watch. Finally a CM called a maintenance worker and that guy had to dismantle the high chair to get the kid out. I have never witnessed anything so funny in my entire life! They had tilted that kid on his back, one group pulling on him, one group pulling on the high chair, pouring water on him..all the while I am thinking..."Good things come to those who wait!". I doubt he was injured, except maybe his pride.


Well-Known Member
I've seen a lady crash an ECV going down the hill at Epcot before. Its batteries were dead and she was in neutral, having it be pushed.

Ive seen a grandmother sit on a chain outside of Mansion before and have it snap like a twig, sending her crashing to the pavement.

Ive seen a woman break her ankle during MNSSHP falling off a curb - parade and fireworks were delayed 45 minutes thanks to this.

Ive seen countless guests suffer dehydration - including one whom got yelled at by Ready Creek EMS for their own stupidity.


New Member
My DH and I were in MGM 2 years ago and we were walking to the exit when this punk on our favorite shoes "wheelies" was bombing straight for me. He never looked up and got my knee in his stomach. He didn't fall but turned around and started to swear at me and my DH. So my DH said that's what he gets for wearing shoes like that. My DH is a very firm believer of Darwin also. The kid by the way was about 10 so I feel no sympathy for his own stupidity. :fork:


New Member
My family and I were at WDW last summer in line for Splash Mtn. A girl about 13 (old enough to know better) was jumping over the ropes in line. Well soon enough she tripped over the rope and fell on her face. She wasn't hurt, but the entire line saw her fell and let out an "OOHHHH!!" a cast member came over to her and asked her if she was ok, then yelled at her! It was pretty embarassing for her. :p :wave:


New Member
funniest thing to see is over at the jungle cruise well two things.

1. watching people load and unload from the back of the boat. if there not watching there step they step right between the boat and the dock splash. there swimming. not so funny when a kid dose it though it can be bad then.

2. if you have guest or little punks up front next to the skipper maken rude comments or being loud and bothering other guest, when you hit the two elphents squrting water (squezze play is the name of the area) u just keep on going insted of stoping and soak em.

and i find it not funny that a worker was killed on skyway. he was doing work on it when a bucket became lose and knocked him off the plat form. poor guy tried to hang on to the bucket for his life while it brought him to about 199ft. then he couldnt hold no more and fell to his death. get youre story stright youre a sick person. how would you like to be his wife. married for 30 years and and hes gone just like that. or his kids.


Well-Known Member
2 words...Big Al.:lookaroun

(During mvmcp in 2006, a lady and Big Al got tangled up. Big Al was fine, the lady had a broken leg. I felt so bad for her too:().

Mr D Duck

New Member
we were at DHS taking in Block Party Bash in the absolutely ing rain proudly wearing our ponchos. When the parade had passed we decided to make a mad dash from under a tree to the canopy of Sounds Dangerous, unfortunately there was a line of ECVs in our way, we had two options;
1. Politely wait for the lumbering obsese morons in these groaning vehicles to decide where they were going to demolish their next meal and get soaked in the process
2. Charge directly at them, jumping through the gaps between them and pray to Allah that we dont take the chairs with us as we run by. Whilst staying relatively dry.

We chose the latter and felt no remorse... only sweet revenge :ROFLOL:

p.s. no injuries sustained... although great potential was there


New Member
I have a few incidents to share...

One happened 2 weeks ago to us at Epcot. We decided to stay for late night hours and were walking the world showcase. My two sons were in their dual-stroller (front-back kind). My one son (5) was in the back and kept poking at my son (2) in the front. They were laughing, so we let it go because they were actually getting along for a few minutes! Finally, my younger son got suddenly mad, turned around and stood up at the same time, resulting in a fall backwards out of the stroller right on his head. It was so quick. We couldnt even tell him to sit down. Horrible. I hate that sound of a head hitting pavement. Yuck :hurl:. He was thankfully ok. Wished I didnt stay for late night hours....

Another incident happened a few years ago in tomorrowland noodle terrace area. A man was chasing around a little kid. Around and around. I kept thinking 'this is not good' but I am certainly never the type to ever say anything to anyone because I hate when people say things to me. He ended up tripping, slid right into a large garbage can, which fell over and knocked over the little kid. Before my husband or I could get up to help, he had run off again. Sad to see. I don't like seeing people fall and really don't think its funny. It bothers me alot.

This past trip a few weeks ago I saw numerous incidents of people in ECV's running into things. I saw one lady run into the pole/line waiting for the backlot tour. That was slightly humerous because she thought it was funny. In another incident, My mother's foot got run over, which wasnt funny though. She was actually bruised!!!

Oh, last incident. Looking back, I saw alot of incidents this past trip! We were at Fantasmic 2 weeks ago, and at the end of the show a family decided to run up the bleachers (instead of waiting in line to leave properly). The father was last, and he tripped right in front of us. We saw exactly what happened, he tripped when his flip-flop front got stuck on the front of the bleacher, resulting in a nasty fall with his shoulder taking a direct hit on the corner of the bleacher seat above. He started crying (that made me upset. I am very sensitive and seeing a grown man cry in pain is the worst :cry: ). People immediately tried to help him, he was screaming for his family, but didnt speak English. Finally his family turned around and saw him. Very sad.


Active Member
Oh, last incident. Looking back, I saw alot of incidents this past trip! We were at Fantasmic 2 weeks ago, and at the end of the show a family decided to run up the bleachers (instead of waiting in line to leave properly). The father was last, and he tripped right in front of us. We saw exactly what happened, he tripped when his flip-flop front got stuck on the front of the bleacher, resulting in a nasty fall with his shoulder taking a direct hit on the corner of the bleacher seat above. He started crying (that made me upset. I am very sensitive and seeing a grown man cry in pain is the worst :cry: ). People immediately tried to help him, he was screaming for his family, but didnt speak English. Finally his family turned around and saw him. Very sad.

This unfortunetly happens alot at Fantasmic!, i saw it happen to many times when i worked there. However it is the guests own fault, both CM's and the overhead annoucements advise guests to not climb over the bleachers for this exact reason at the end of the show, but there are always those who think they know better, and can't be bothered wait a couple more minutes to get out using the stairs! I personally would love to see backs put onto the back of the bleachers there as this would reduce this problem, though even then i don't think it would fully stop it.


:animwink:On DD's 1st trip to the World (3 at the time, now 19) she wanted to sit in the wave pool at TL. I was standing right next to her, she was holding onto my leg but wanted the "big water" and let go just as a wave came in. Needless to say DD went skidding along the concrete bottom on her back and every vertabrae was skinned raw. Fast trip to 1st Aid, we suggest calling it a day, but no - both DS - 4 at the time counted sissy's bandaids for her & both begged for more slides and waves !! The resilience of little ones !!


Another time DS was 6 snorkeling with the sharks at TL swimming along w/DW, he got so excited, tried diving down to the sharks and began pulling mom under snorkel and all!! Not good accidentally drowning mom in a pool of sharks !!

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
When I was last in the haunted mansion I saw a man who appeared to have trapped himself in some sort of large box and caught his hand on the lid


New Member
I was running from building to building at POFQ to keep out of the heaviest rain we'd ever seen and tried to stop on the sidewalk. I hyrdoplaned for a good 6 feet or so before my entire body pivoted at the hip and flew another 5 or 6 feet completely horizontally and then as suddenly as it I started I stopped...kind of like when Wile E. Coyote runs off a cliff and floats there in the air......until he looks down... I hit the sidewalk with such a resounding THUD. Other than feeling like a tool and being pretty bruised up on my backside the only real injury was a slightly torn tricep just above my elbow. I'm pretty sure that's what hit the ground first. Ouch...

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