infiltrators ;-)


Premium Member
Cosman said:
There are so many tragedies in the world today, and all thats on your mind is that somone is wearing a Shamu poncho in Disneyworld. I enjoy going to the Parks as much as the next person but if you spend more than 10 min a day on this website then you have serious issues. Get a life everyone just get a life!!!!!!

Can I suggest that you take some time to become familiar with how things work here before you come along barking out your orders. If you hadnt noticed, much of this thread is about having some fun and joking around, amongst members of the community here. You, as a new member, are obviously not familiar with what goes on here, and you clearly have the wrong end of the stick.

There are 27,000 people here who spend more than 10 minutes a day here. Perhaps its you that are the odd one out here?


Premium Member
Cosman said:
As far as my first post I wanted to set a tone, there is a new Sheriff in town and nonsense will not be tolerated.

Last time I checked, you were a new member with 2 rather rude and insulting posts. This is far from being someone who deems what is permitted here on this site.

On the subject of your tone, it has been noted, and should it continue, you will be permanently removed from this site.


Active Member
wdwmagic said:
Last time I checked, you were a new member with 2 rather rude and insulting posts. This is far from being someone who deems what is permitted here on this site.

On the subject of your tone, it has been noted, and should it continue, you will be permanently removed from this site.

Haha Cosman just got beasted!

:lookaroun *retains normal composure*:lookaroun

Ahhh... Yes, perhaps if this is the way you feel, it would be of mutal benifit if you would choose not to return to this site in the future.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Cosman said:
I originally came onto this site because I am going to WDW next month and I wanted to get some insight on my trip.

But Being on for just a few days I realize what really sick people there are in this world. This is an amusement park for kids, not that adults cant enjoy themselves but don't make it your life. If you need an outlet go home and spend some time with the wife & kids, or watch the Yankees win the series yet again...

As far as my first post I wanted to set a tone, there is a new Sheriff in town and nonsense will not be tolerated.

Sherrif?! Ha! Steve and Eeyore are the sherriffs around here, and you're about to be sentanced to a hanging. :p Disney is for the FAMILY FYI. Not just little kids ( like yourself ) enjoy it. I don't have any wife and kids to spend time with ( too young ) and the Cardinals will be winning the world series this year. :D


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Ok, how about this one!:hammer: During my orientation at Disney U. We were required to wear a dress shirt and tie. One guy, who is coming to work for DISNEY, came to class with a Looney Tunes Tie on!:brick: Talk about DUH?


New Member
Thrawn said:
Well, just one question. Are they are shirts with like, big Mickeys and Donalds draw on the whole front? Or are they the type with smaller things? For instance, I have a shirt that has each parks logo and the date it opened, and says "WDW 2005", small and across the chest. I don't see a problem with anyone wearing shirts like that all the time. But if you go around wearing big cartoon mickeys covering the whole front of your shirt everyday ... well, thats a little strange IMO.

Attraction t-shirts mostly. Space Mountain, Star Tours, Spaceship Earth, Haunted Mansion, Haunted Mansion Holiday, you name it. If I can find it at Disney's Character Warehouse (or for a resonable price at the Parks...yeah, right) then I'll probably buy it. And yes, many do have Mickeys on them, along with Goofys and Donalds. I don't go for insanely colored t-shirts - usually either black, gray, white, and sometimes blue (depending on the shade). But hey, if it's one thing I'm not, it's normal. Sanity and conformity are highly overrated.
I feel I've said too much...


Well-Known Member
DisneyFreak529 said:
I had a Universal Studios tshirt on one of the days in Disneyland at our Honeymoon. When I saw Chip & Dale they were upset with me. They coved the Studios part of the tshirt with there arms. Here is a link of the photo. They were so upset with me I kissed them before I left to make them feel beter!

:lol: Adorable!! :sohappy:


CoffeeJedi said:
/catches her
whoah now, carefull! now don't you worry none 'bout that ol' rattlesnake anymore. he won't be comin' back 'round these here parts
/tips hat, flashes pearly whites
/rides off into sunset

I think I may be in love? :eek: :lookaroun :lol:


Well-Known Member
I totally agree. I know it's weird but I get the same feeling and ask myself did they forget where they were going today? Please dress appropriately for the parks you are visiting people

You mean, like clothes...please tell me you are not seriously bothered by somebody in a piece of clothing that promotes something other than Disney...please.


Well-Known Member
Uponastar said:
Don't look now but your loyalty is showing! :lol: Not that there's anything wrong with that. I mean, come on, you don't have another clean shirt? You don't put even that much thought into your daily wardrobe? The least you could do is turn it inside out! And, come to think of it, why did you actually buy it in the first place?!!! :lookaroun:lookaroun:lookaroun :eek: Sorry. Rant's over.

This post was meant to be tongue-in-cheek. I don't really care what other people wear as long as it is not offensive. This turned into a fun thread though! DisneyFreak I love the picture!:lol:

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