In WDW now: Ride elements not working


Le Meh
Premium Member
Eeermmm... Well. Two ways to look at it.

That's one way.

The actual plot is about Ellen. It's about Ellen trying to understand about fossil fuels and dinos so she can win a Jeapordy game show. Ellen is in the title of the ride. Ellen's Energy Adventure. The energy adventure is ELLEN'S. Ellen has to go on an adventure to learn about Fossil Fuels. You'd be pretty dumb not to expect Ellen to be in the entire ride.
The original version of this attraction did not include Ellen. The Ellen/Jeopardy overlay was done to satisfy the audience that did not feel that an overly educational attraction was "fun". Remove the non Dino AA's and stick the original media back in at the intro and wrap up and you pretty much have the original attraction back. So from my perspective the Ellen/Jeopardy aspect is quite expendable.


Well-Known Member
The original version of this attraction did not include Ellen. The Ellen/Jeopardy overlay was done to satisfy the audience that did not feel that an overly educational attraction was "fun". Remove the non Dino AA's and stick the original media back in at the intro and wrap up and you pretty much have the original attraction back. So from my perspective the Ellen/Jeopardy aspect is quite expendable.
Except for the fact that the original was the most boring production of a commercial for Exxon that was ever created. It changed because of that. It was too much edutainment. It was education without entertainment. If one thinks that the current Ellen version is a snoozer, the original would put one in a coma.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Snow White wasn't working when we rode Thanksgiving Day. And the ride wasn't operating yesterday AM since I received an e-mail telling me my FP+ needed to be rescheduled as the ride was temporarily unavailable. Have gotten that e-mail several times for the Mine Ride.....

And POTC was down part of the day also.

Thanks for the reminder. On 11/29 when I rode, the dance scene in the cottage wasn't working. Last night, POTC got stuck or something for about 5 minutes. Also happened on Splash for about a minute.


Well-Known Member
Except for the fact that the original was the most boring production of a commercial for Exxon that was ever created. It changed because of that. It was too much edutainment. It was education without entertainment. If one thinks that the current Ellen version is a snoozer, the original would put one in a coma.

Both were good perhaps rides one through four...after that it lost it's shine no matter which version it was but being as EEA has so many elements not working (and many for some time) I would say it is the bigger flop in my mind and definitely the bigger letdown for the same reasons.


Well-Known Member
Both were good perhaps rides one through four...after that it lost it's shine no matter which version it was but being as EEA has so many elements not working (and many for some time) I would say it is the bigger flop in my mind and definitely the bigger letdown for the same reasons.
You are probably right, but, regardless I still think the EEA is so much better working elements or not. I still find it comical and no longer fall asleep as I'm riding through.

It really isn't surprising that some of the elements aren't working. Some of them are 32 years old. No excuse I know, but, mechanical things do not last forever.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Both were good perhaps rides one through four...after that it lost it's shine no matter which version it was but being as EEA has so many elements not working (and many for some time) I would say it is the bigger flop in my mind and definitely the bigger letdown for the same reasons.

Short of gutting the whole thing and restarting, I'm not sure what else could be done. It's movie, dinosaurs, and more movies. That's it. Right now, the movies are themed to Ellen and Jeopardy. Changing the movies would have a brief interest, then it would get old again and still be a 45 ride to kill time or take a nap.


Well-Known Member
Except for the fact that the original was the most boring production of a commercial for Exxon that was ever created. It changed because of that. It was too much edutainment. It was education without entertainment. If one thinks that the current Ellen version is a snoozer, the original would put one in a coma.
I believe there was too much edu and not enough tainment. Now there is a lot less edu and it's about as taining as watching a '93 ep. of Jeoperdy.


Well-Known Member
Short of gutting the whole thing and restarting, I'm not sure what else could be done. It's movie, dinosaurs, and more movies. That's it. Right now, the movies are themed to Ellen and Jeopardy. Changing the movies would have a brief interest, then it would get old again and still be a 45 ride to kill time or take a nap.

After 32 years I would say the ride building and concept owes nothing to us or Disney. Time to scrap it and go back to groundbreaking wow factors instead of reheating an attraction yet again in the proverbial microwave.


Well-Known Member
Energy is a pretty big building, right? You know I was think it would be, like, so totally super AWESOME if they gutted it and put in a cool electric go kart track. Maybe even Laser Tag: Frozen Edition.


Well-Known Member
I believe there was too much edu and not enough tainment. Now there is a lot less edu and it's about as taining as watching a '93 ep. of Jeoperdy.
Apparently you are unable to appreciate "Stupid Judy". :joyfull:

I think that there is more edu in it now, you just don't notice it because everyone is to busy dealing with and watching Ellen. Those clever fellows were able to bring the edu part in under the radar. :jawdrop: The old one spent 45 minutes telling us how lucky we were to have Exxon watching out for our best interest. Remember this was in the same time span as Exxon's Valdez oil spill in Alaska.


Well-Known Member
Apparently you are unable to appreciate "Stupid Judy". :joyfull:

I think that there is more edu in it now, you just don't notice it because everyone is to busy dealing with and watching Ellen. Those clever fellows were able to bring the edu part in under the radar. :jawdrop: The old one spent 45 minutes telling us how lucky we were to have Exxon watching out for our best interest. Remember this was in the same time span as Exxon's Valdez oil spill in Alaska.
Oh, I remember. And I have to say that at the time, the redo was solid. It just feels very dated now. Seriously, Bill Nye? I say just redo to film portions with Neil DeGrasse Tyson, mustache-less Trebek, grey Jamie Lee, and fiberglass smooth Ellen.


Active Member
Oh, I remember. And I have to say that at the time, the redo was solid. It just feels very dated now. Seriously, Bill Nye? I say just redo to film portions with Neil DeGrasse Tyson, mustache-less Trebek, grey Jamie Lee, and fiberglass smooth Ellen.
Bill Nye is a WAY bigger deal than Neil DeGrasse Tyson... I say redo it with Neil Patrick Harris, that should lead to some fun.

Either way anybody have an update on what is/is not working this week (besides disco yeti, I assume he is just dead for awhile)


Well-Known Member
Wow. People really do take a very expensive WDW vacation then write down everything on the property that doesn't work. Those are the people i want to vacation with for sure. ;)


Well-Known Member
Wow. People really do take a very expensive WDW vacation then write down everything on the property that doesn't work. Those are the people i want to vacation with for sure. ;)

So why are you on a discussion board about WDW? I can never understand why people complain about other people complaining on a discussion board. We can pretend everything is perfect and at 100% if you prefer?


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
The original version of this attraction did not include Ellen. The Ellen/Jeopardy overlay was done to satisfy the audience that did not feel that an overly educational attraction was "fun". Remove the non Dino AA's and stick the original media back in at the intro and wrap up and you pretty much have the original attraction back. So from my perspective the Ellen/Jeopardy aspect is quite expendable.

..That's a pointless argument. This is not the original Universe of Energy. Ellen is the main focus now. She's in all the films. It has kind of been that way for years now.. Haven't yah noticed? Sooo... Yea. The missing Ellen AA is a much needed scene that needs to be put back if Disney isn't going to upgrade the ride anytime soon. It's stupid to leave it out.


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
Both were good perhaps rides one through four...after that it lost it's shine no matter which version it was but being as EEA has so many elements not working (and many for some time) I would say it is the bigger flop in my mind and definitely the bigger letdown for the same reasons.

It's not the version of the ride that's the "flop." It's the maintenance from the 1980s to now that's the difference. Not the ride plot/script/actors. Otherwise, Ellen is the better average-guest crowd pleaser.


Le Meh
Premium Member
..That's a pointless argument. This is not the original Universe of Energy. Ellen is the main focus now. She's in all the films. It has kind of been that way for years now.. Haven't yah noticed? Sooo... Yea. The missing Ellen AA is a much needed scene that needs to be put back if Disney isn't going to upgrade the ride anytime soon. It's stupid to leave it out.
I guess I will just defer to your expertise on all things pointless and be done with this conversation.


Well-Known Member
It's not the version of the ride that's the "flop." It's the maintenance from the 1980s to now that's the difference. Not the ride plot/script/actors. Otherwise, Ellen is the better average-guest crowd pleaser.

Not after the 10th time over 15 gets stale when you have been going to the park since 1996. Time for Disney to step up and freshen up. This is my opinion of course but your counterpoint makes it sound like you are attempting to debunk it. Perhaps at 16 it still holds interest for you but at 43 after having experienced it starting at age 25 it is old, stale and lacking of any real appeal other than an air conditioned 40 minute look at the inside of my eyelids. My lack of zeal for Ellen may of course have something to do with it but be that as it may...after 32 years it is time to update. EPCOT was never meant to be a static was supposed to evolve with the times and UOE has not done that at all in its' tenure.


Well-Known Member
Not after the 10th time over 15 gets stale when you have been going to the park since 1996. Time for Disney to step up and freshen up. This is my opinion of course but your counterpoint makes it sound like you are attempting to debunk it. Perhaps at 16 it still holds interest for you but at 43 after having experienced it starting at age 25 it is old, stale and lacking of any real appeal other than an air conditioned 40 minute look at the inside of my eyelids. My lack of zeal for Ellen may of course have something to do with it but be that as it may...after 32 years it is time to update. EPCOT was never meant to be a static was supposed to evolve with the times and UOE has not done that at all in its' tenure.
Yes, but once again, you are not the only person that goes to WDW. The vast majority of guests have never seen it until, at least, their first visit. It's old for you and folks like the rest of us that insist on going back to the same attractions year after year after year. To the first timer it is a brand new experience.

From what I remember, energy hasn't changed all that much since it was filmed. How does one update it. Should we drop the whole premise of how oil forms in the earth and modernize it to show that oil, in fact, comes from gas stations. ;)

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