In WDW now: Ride elements not working


Well-Known Member
Yes, but once again, you are not the only person that goes to WDW. The vast majority of guests have never seen it until, at least, their first visit. It's old for you and folks like the rest of us that insist on going back to the same attractions year after year after year. To the first timer it is a brand new experience.

From what I remember, energy hasn't changed all that much since it was filmed. How does one update it. Should we drop the whole premise of how oil forms in the earth and modernize it to show that oil, in fact, comes from gas stations. ;)

Yes, and my reply was to the guy who was saying it did not need anything who has not been going nearly as long as I have and this really was just my personal opinion nor did I ever elude that I was the only person attending the parks or tell anyone they needed to subscribe to my thoughts. I am not trying to sway anyone's opinion and in all essence trying to change how anyone views the parks using postings on a forum is as effective as getting a religious zealot to believe in Darwinism through the use of bumper stickers. my mind the whole premise of UOE surrounds fossil fuels and stems from Exxon's original sponsorship. The pavillion does very little to educate on ANY other forms of energy such as Solar, Wind, Geothermal, water power or any burgeoning forms of energy on the horizon which I really feel it should other than a glossing over. Nor does the pavillion provide for any sort of pre or post experience that allows for independent discovery by guests. So those are ways I personally feel the experience could be plussed and improved. To do this in my utopian mindset...scrap it and start over. Two to three of the ride vehicles remain dead most all of the time anyway and with all of the failing ride elements it is not that far of a stretch. Every other pavillion on that side of the park (except for poor WOL) have been gutted and replaced and in my very own opinion WOL time has come.


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
Not after the 10th time over 15 gets stale when you have been going to the park since 1996. Time for Disney to step up and freshen up. This is my opinion of course but your counterpoint makes it sound like you are attempting to debunk it. Perhaps at 16 it still holds interest for you but at 43 after having experienced it starting at age 25 it is old, stale and lacking of any real appeal other than an air conditioned 40 minute look at the inside of my eyelids. My lack of zeal for Ellen may of course have something to do with it but be that as it may...after 32 years it is time to update. EPCOT was never meant to be a static was supposed to evolve with the times and UOE has not done that at all in its' tenure.

I understand your point. I agree with the fact it's outdated... But like the other user stated, the majority average park guest has never seen the attraction. It's very entertaining, just old. If it was re-filmed with modern day Ellen and Jeapordy, and all of the effects were fixed, it would be an outstanding attraction. As well as a great people-eater taking in roughly a thousand guests per ride. Even with two or three cars empty, it still takes in a butt load of people.

I love the ride. It's funny, 45 minute air conditioned, great script, and I'm personally an Ellen fan. I understand your point in saying you've seen it for 20+ years.. But the ride can still be relevant as long as Ellen is still popular. Which, I don't see her popularity fading down at all anytime soon. Its an interesting draw of a crowd to bring to an attraction. Maintenance is just the key.


Well-Known Member
Should I retitle my thread "What To Do About Ellen's Energy Adventure"? It's obvious this thread has been hijacked.

A simple and cordial "Stay on target" might help. It is kind of up to the OP to moderate and cajole the thread in response to their original query...I do not see any posts from you since Monday.



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
A simple and cordial "Stay on target" might help. It is kind of up to the OP to moderate and cajole the thread in response to their original query...I do not see any posts from you since Monday.


That's because I was in WDW until yesterday. Give me credit for experiencing WDW instead of writing about it on this blog (other than my initial post and one reply). And wouldn't you know? I had work today!


Well-Known Member
That's because I was in WDW until yesterday. Give me credit for experiencing WDW instead of writing about it on this blog (other than my initial post and one reply). And wouldn't you know? I had work today!

Once again a simple request to get back on the topic seems to have been in order. You seem to misunderstand my post as being some sort of hostile statement judging by your reply however I really do not understand your statement for giving you credit for experiencing the parks instead of writing on this blog. 1744 posts in year and a half sounds like you post on and frequent this blog often enough as well. Hope the trip was great and that a trip report will show up once the dust settles and the bags are unpacked.


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
Energy is a pretty big building, right? You know I was think it would be, like, so totally super AWESOME if they gutted it and put in a cool electric go kart track.

Hey now.. A video game pavilion in EPCOT... An amazingly themed go kart race themed to Wreck-it Ralph in a dark-ride style would be pretty neat. :D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Once again a simple request to get back on the topic seems to have been in order. You seem to misunderstand my post as being some sort of hostile statement judging by your reply however I really do not understand your statement for giving you credit for experiencing the parks instead of writing on this blog. 1744 posts in year and a half sounds like you post on and frequent this blog often enough as well. Hope the trip was great and that a trip report will show up once the dust settles and the bags are unpacked.

Yes, I had a great trip. Which is why when one is at WDW it is not unreasonable to expect a little more touring and a little less typing. Yes, I've been on this forum for more than a year. But to suggest it is my fault because I didn't get back in on the thread I had created while I was still at WDW is specious at best. I am forced to one wonder who really has the thin skin here.

All I did was jokingly say that maybe I should change the title because it became a thread about EEA. There is nothing about it not working (although there was something about a curtain not closing between the dinosaurs and the next theater. So maybe that). Instead, you were arguing about whether it should still be themed Ellen. Whatever.
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Nick Wilde

Well-Known Member
Hey now.. A video game pavilion in EPCOT... An amazingly themed go kart race themed to Wreck-it Ralph in a dark-ride style would be pretty neat. :D
Except it doesn't fit with the theme. At all. If they made the Tomorrowland Speedway that way and made that part into part of Fantasyland, that'd be great.


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
Except it doesn't fit with the theme. At all. If they made the Tomorrowland Speedway that way and made that part into part of Fantasyland, that'd be great.

I really don't want to get into another argument on this.. In my personal opinion, a video game pavilion can work in EPCOT. It'd fit perfectly the way I view the idea.

Brad Bishop

Well-Known Member
I think there are a couple of points to this:

When you consider that they have 4 parks with multiple attractions in each, the number of hours these parks are open during the day, and many of us know these attractions quite well to where we can even recite the lines on, say, Haunted Mansion, that we're going to notice when something is missing or not working. The first time guest who's not a Disney-nut isn't going to notice the Yeti not working. They'd really only notice it if it were working and would talk about it after like, "It really looked like it was going to grab us!"

Another thing that affects the rides are changing times. I've noticed that over the last few years when I'm on Haunted mansion the ride stops more often than it used to. I don't think this is because of a failing/aging ride, I think it's because it's of the large number of scooter people that inhabit the park now. The scooter people annoy me - and I'm not complaining about the elderly person or someone who lost their leg or even someone who twisted their ankle - that's another subject, though. The Haunted Mansion was built with the notion of, ".. and every so often you'll get a handicap person...," not, "... every 5th person is a scooter person..." I think that's why you see rides like the Little Mermaid with such a large, long loading area - to accommodate the scooter people.

Lastly, WDW seems to go through swings in how it maintains itself. A few years back it wasn't just the odd stop for the scooter person but many times I'd get on a ride and it'd just break down. That's a bad show no matter how you slice it. Exiting through the bowels of Big Thunder may be neat for novelty purposes, but you don't pay a $100 ticket to ride 1/2 a ride and then exit through the internal structure of the ride. I think WDW has made some improvements since then and, no matter how you slice it, rides are going to break down. It should be rare that a guest experiences it (really rare). For a while there it seemed like it was happening several times a visit/day at the parks to the point where my daughter and I would joke about it. I simply told her it was her fault because she was a jinx and she'd argue back that I was the jinx. I was pretty sure it was her, though.

Anyway you slice it, it's bad show.
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Well-Known Member
So why are you on a discussion board about WDW? I can never understand why people complain about other people complaining on a discussion board. We can pretend everything is perfect and at 100% if you prefer?

I'm sorry. Did you not realize this was a "fan site?" When someone makes a thread only about negative things and doesn't end their post in a question, the "fans" may actually I've done.

I agree the parks aren't 100% but I can still look past those negatives to find something enjoyable to report on.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry. Did you not realize this was a "fan site?" When someone makes a thread only about negative things and doesn't end their post in a question, the "fans" may actually I've done.

I agree the parks aren't 100% but I can still look past those negatives to find something enjoyable to report on.

Yes but you were complaining about people discussing things just because they had a negative opinion. A fan site doesn't mean everyone has to love everything.

Positive things are great to read but negatives things are just as important.


Active Member
Apparently you are unable to appreciate "Stupid Judy". :joyfull:

I think that there is more edu in it now, you just don't notice it because everyone is to busy dealing with and watching Ellen. Those clever fellows were able to bring the edu part in under the radar. :jawdrop: The old one spent 45 minutes telling us how lucky we were to have Exxon watching out for our best interest. Remember this was in the same time span as Exxon's Valdez oil spill in Alaska.
It's ok, most people aren't able to fully appreciate me


New Member
What happened to the Buzz AA in the queue before entering the vehicles on the Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger ride? It was there last year but it was completely missing last week when we were there. Are they planning on returning it?

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