Impressed with rude people


Well-Known Member
As I have stated before, I have been going to WDW yearly since 1983. During all that time I have never been run into, brushed or otherwise assaulted by a Scooter, Stroller or anything else, for that matter. I believe that the reporting of the problem is greatly exaggerated. I have, however, seen people step directly in front of scooters and strollers and then show indignation that they were hit by them. Never a thought that might have played a major factor in the event.

The end result is that people with real debilitating problems are embarrassed to go to places like WDW for fear of being ridiculed. I know I did. I had a serious leg injury a few years ago and I was supposed to go with my daughter, planned before the accident. When it was time to go I decided that I really didn't want to go.

By then my leg tolerated standing and walking but not for long periods or distances. They encouraged me to rent a scooter and based on everything I had read on the boards, I was gun shy. I decided not to go, instead of just thumbing my nose at the judgmental people out there. I missed out on my favorite place in the world for fear of being judged by the angry mob. Never again. If I find myself in that situation (hopefully not) again, you will see me there proudly riding my scooter. What others think is absolutely their problem.

Well said! We had one scooter incident last year.. totally someone that didn't know what they were doing.. but that happens too. I have had my stroller walked in front of..but never been hit by one ( I tend to watch where I am going). I don't care about anyone in a scooter..wait..well there was that family of 6 or 7 at BWI that had 3 scooters they took turn driving..that was more amusing than anything. They didn't affect my day or life so why do I care? And never let judgemental people stop any area of life!


Well-Known Member
Scooters never really bothered me, and no one in my familiy has been accosted in the parks. The only rudeness that we need pretty regularly are people with huge strollers that must be first in line on the bus so they can sit in the first few seats and let the humongous stroller stick out into the aisle so that everyone has to step over it, and able bodied people not wanting to give up their seats on buses for other people. Heck, my 7 year old gave up his seat a number of times on the bus on our last trip!


Well-Known Member
. The only rudeness that we need pretty regularly are people with huge strollers that must be first in line on the bus so they can sit in the first few seats and let the humongous stroller stick out into the aisle so that everyone has to step over it,

Disney does not make it easy for people that need to bring a double stroller. I agree with you about taking space do not get me wrong. The drivers need to have a cargo storage area like a Greyhound Bus to put the stroller on or a basket on the front like a bike carrier
When I am on vacation I develop a lot of tolerance for others. I try to avoid confrontation at all costs (unless you mess with my kid) I am on vacation and want to enjoy. My DH on the other hand is quick to make comments to others. We were on a narrow path and my kids were climbing on a wall. DH and I cut over to get them down. I un-knowingly stepped in front of a lady with a stroller. Well she YELLED "pick a side and stick to it!" I was shocked and trying to get a grip as to what just happened becase I did not realize what I had done my husband was not missing a beat was telling her in his best loud nice, but not so nice voice, to relax we were in the happiest place on earth. He also told her to go put shorts on, it was 85 degress and she was overheated being in her jeans. If looks could kill we would have been dead.
On the upside, my DS8 gave up his seat several times on the bus, I was a proud mom!


Well-Known Member
The rudest person I ever encountered was walking in the que for HM. It was late at night and there was almost no wait.... I am tall and walk if there is any distance to cover, my long strides will take me somewhere pretty quick. Anyway, my group and I were walking through the que towards the main doors. This guy next to me starts yelling at me that I was 'cutting the line' and he would not be 'f'ing putting up with that sh*&.' It wasn't as we were pushing around people - there was space, there was no line and we were walking to the entrance. He kept cursing at me - tough little Brooklyn boy that he was - and finally he decided to physically threaten me. I stopped and looked at him and said he needed to take his best shot because once he hit me, I would have him removed from the park and would definitely be pressing assault charges. He backed off then. In the end, we ended up in the stetching room at the same wasn't like I was getting a prime spot before him.

One short scooter story. Someone in a previous post said they had never been struck by a scooter in all thier visits. One day in AK, I was standing near Bugs Life. Not moving. Just standing there. A woman on a scooter comes by and runs my feet over. (Not like it was crowded - she just came right for me.) I have an issue that I often have ingrown toenails and my feet are often sensitive. Well, getting the toes crushed by woman and machine caused me to yelp. She looks at me and says, "Oh, that didn't hurt." I was peeved to say the least.


Well-Known Member
This past Saturday night, my friend and I were watching the MSEP in Town Square, when out of nowhere this young lady comes up from behind, and starts shoving her camera in front of us trying to get pictures/video of the parade. Once she lifted it over my head, and the other time literally right beside my friend's face. She was only there for a few minutes, so we didn't say anything, but it was still very annoying.

I had that at Boo to You.. guy with huge lens..on my shoulder..yeah that wasnt gonna continue!


Well-Known Member
I work in Retail, so I am accustomed to loud, rude, obnoxious, self centered people every single day who have huge self entitlement issues. Yet, as I read through these posts, I find myself completely shocked at some of the disgraceful stunts witnessed at Disney. I wonder why I feel that way. I guess in *my little world*, I still feel like I'm in some sort of magic bubble at Disney, where all is right with the world and every one should be a little nicer to others and more tolerable and just plain old polite. I think the craziest thing is that these things are being done by adults who are showing their children that this is acceptable behavior, who will in turn become adults who teach their own children the same thing. Growing up, I hated that my parents were so strict with me. Now, I am thankful that they taught me manners, and how to properly act in a public place.


Well-Known Member
As a parent, I'm appalled at the idea that my child would ever strike me and I would do nothing about it. I'm pretty diligent on disciplining that and had that happened, we would have been outta there with my kid spending the rest of the afternoon in the room.

The only "rudeness" I consistenly see is the people on scooters. They really drive me nuts!! I'm not bothered by the people who legitimately have an illness requiring a scooter. It's the people whose only ailment is their self-induced obesity. I just cannot get over how in the world anyone thinks it's okay to (1) use your scooter to cut in line and then get up and walk and get seated into the ride (you realize we all just saw you do that?); (2) cut in line for hte bus at park closing,have your scooter take up 3 seats, and then you can get up and walk to take up a 4th seat (acutally, they're usually so fat they end up taking 5 seats because they "hang over" onto a 5th seat). Meanwhile, I'm standing on a bus trying to hold a sleeping child and a rail while my other young child is standing holding onto a rail and my husband is balancing the stroller. It's just absurd to me. I really wish those people would realize just how disliked they are and either take an earlier bus so that they are doing this in the middle of park exit or WDW should get a seperate bus for them so we don't have to deal with them. I think next time I go I'm going to wear this shirt


Okay, got that off my chest...

Haha! I have to agree with you on this! We all said a few weeks ago while we were there, that not 1 person we saw that whole week on a scooter was a foreigner.. every single one (and we saw tons!) were American! Sorry but that is a disgrace. I am also not talking about the ones that legit need it for health issues. The first bus of the trip when I got there, there was a scooter and we were waiting forever!!!! One night there were 2.. actually more than one time this happened! I would not enjoy myself if I had to rely on one of those things if I were overweight.. walk like everyone else!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Being a CM, I can tell you that all the stories I just read through are a common theme that I see on a weekly sometimes daily basis to guests visiting my area, guests interacting with me, and guests interacting with my coworkers. I see rude behavior daily, a very memorable situation almost once a week, a very intense memorable situation almost once a month, and worst of the worst about once a year where security gets involved.

It's really sad and really tests the nerves and patience of everyone around. It is probably the worst thing about the best job in the world. The main problem is that the negative situations are so memorable to the point that all the positive ones tend to blend in to the background. Most of you that posted can remember these situations in great detail, but you probably only vaguely remember that conversation your struck up with the family in line next to you at a certain attraction or the friendly gestures of other guests throughout the day.

In the past week, I've encountered a lot! Just yesterday, when I was waiting for the boat at Disney's Hollywood Studios, there was a girl spitting on the ducks. Her parents doing nothing. It not only was rude, it sounded awful and annoying. A teenage girl from another group spoke up for most of the crowd in line and said, "Can she please stop spitting on the birds?!" The mother replied, "She's not spiting on them, just near them." Teen girl: "Well, it is disgusting and a little bit annoying, so I'd appreciate it if she'd stop please.". Mom: "Well, that's your opinion." Teen girl: "Yes, but it's also rude of her." Mom: "Again, your opinion. Why don't you mind your own business? You don't need to get upset this is the happiest place on earth for god's sake. Psh.". Teen girl just turned around in disgust. Today at Earl of Sandwich lady in an ECV was blocking the line from forming correctly. The worker was politely asking if she was in line and if not, if she could please move to a more open area to her right. The lady got upset and cursed her out and said she could park where she felt like. In the parking lot, I was waiting for a few cars to reverse out of their parking spots. Guy gets in his car is also waiting, but I am standing behind his car waiting for the area to clear so I can walk. He opens his car door and says "Move it buddy!!". Working the other day at work, I see a guest run over another guests toe with their stroller. No word was said. Another guest started throwing a fit that no one told him the park closed at 7pm for a Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party even though it was posted everywhere and announcements were made. Another guest approached me last week and said "My wife just passed away. What can you do for me and my daughter? Backstage tour, Fastpasses for the rest of the day, private meeting with Mickey?" Talk about awkward situation there. It's rude to ask for magic. I was also yelled at by a parent for looking out for their childs safety when running. They told me "Don't yell at my kid. They can do whatever they want." Outside of property, I had a guest get angry that a hairdresser at the salon I went to didn't know quite how the lady wanted her hair exactly. I don't know how many cars cut me off or didn't use blinkers today either.

That's all in the past week that I can think of. It sucks. Common coutesy is almost as rare as common sense these days. I can't let it get to me that much, but it will continue to get worse. I just wish there was a solution.


Premium Member
its what happens when you put invisible walls up around everyone and make them invincible - they'll act it.

Stupid litigation, exaggerated interpretation of laws, etc. Common sense has been rejected to be replaced with 'letter of the law' and it makes people invincible and others liable for almost anything.

I give our society about another 40-50 years before the weight becomes too much and it implodes.


Well-Known Member
We also just returned and I am collecting my thoughts for a mini-trip report but I will chime in here. We were in line for TSMM and it was as usual broken down causing the 60 minute wait to stretch longer and longer. In any case two things occurred that dropped my jaw in this line. First was a family of four where mom and dad ignored the fact that pleeb one and pleeb two roughly ages 6 and 8 were dropping chocolate off of their Mickey ice cream bars onto the floor...not one or two small pieces but the entire chocolate coating. This meant that everyone who did not notice and stepped in it made a huge mess all over the floor. The parents saw it going on and said nothing nor did they make an effort to find a napkin or handywipe in either of their backpacks to ake an attempt to clean up after their offspring.

The second bit of rudeness/bad parenting was the family that let their kids actually climb into the scenery and climb around while they talked among themselves. These kids were climbing on everything including climbing on top of the five foot tall boxes and sliding down the tinker toy sticks causing the entire scene to shake.

I shake my head everytime I see these things go on but other than the typical Brazillian tour groups we must all endure and the stroller maniacs these stood out to me as some of the rudest things I noticed on my last trip.


Well-Known Member
its what happens when you put invisible walls up around everyone and make them invincible - they'll act it.

Stupid litigation, exaggerated interpretation of laws, etc. Common sense has been rejected to be replaced with 'letter of the law' and it makes people invincible and others liable for almost anything.

I give our society about another 40-50 years before the weight becomes too much and it implodes.
Agreed not to mention that everyone today is tought that there are special and unique and that everyone is entitled to everything. This becomes ingrained in there being and creates a lot of friction.


Active Member
Not necessarily rude, but one thing that annoys me are people who fake injuries to cut in line. We were in line for the Gran Fiesta Tour after dinner with literally 6 other people and this lady comes up with an ace bandage on her knee and a crutch limping up to front of the line but manages to jump right in the ride and on the way out forgot the crutch walking away with no remaining limp. A CM brought the crutch to her after she walked off with no problems and suddenly she regained her limp again when her crutch returned. I've seen this sort if thing quite a few times.


Well-Known Member
Not necessarily rude, but one thing that annoys me are people who fake injuries to cut in line. We were in line for the Gran Fiesta Tour after dinner with literally 6 other people and this lady comes up with an ace bandage on her knee and a crutch limping up to front of the line but manages to jump right in the ride and on the way out forgot the crutch walking away with no remaining limp. A CM brought the crutch to her after she walked off with no problems and suddenly she regained her limp again when her crutch returned. I've seen this sort if thing quite a few times.

You know what? To me those people are to sad to get mad at. I just feel sorry for someone that has so little self esteem and common values that they are capable of doing something that low. Certainly, makes me feel better about myself and just for the cost of one place on a theme park ride. Worth it!!


Well-Known Member
I think the major question to put out there is: Why are CM's powerless to do anything with ANY of these situations. DGF and I have friends that are CMs in the park and we ask them about this stuff. They tell us that they can't do a thing, they can try and say a few words, but they can't take any action (besides calling security if needed). There needs to be CMs that have the power to be at attractions and just roaming that when things come up, they are there to resolve issues.

Sure, scooter/stroller maulings are hard to deal with, but they can be dealt with. People who are ignorant in line(s) by cutting, pushing, etc. Kids under the age of 10 running rampant and nowhere near parents, people who beat on the poor animals, etc. This is all stuff that should be dealt with. It's sad that there are many that will turn their heads and only a few good samaritans that will stand up for what is right. Everyone is at the parks to enjoy themselves, but it's a business and reality still where we all must understand that the "perfect" vacation is what you make of it.

Our last trip, we had 2 moments of note.

1. DGF and I are waiting in line to see Mickey and Minnie in Town Sq Theater. As we are in the queue in the main hall, nearing the door to go back the hallway to the M&G, a family of like 8 comes cutting through the ropes. Others are watching in disgust and I boldly yell out "NO! LINE STARTS OVER THERE!" and I point to the end of the line. By this time 3 or 4 CMs had already shown up. 2 defended the family stating that they had other family members further up in line, and 2 CMs were stating that I was right, they had to go to the back. Needless to say, the family got to go through and I just about lost it. That's when I almost went off on the lady infront of me who defended them. Her and her hubby and 2 kids, yeah, her idiot hubby was in and out of line at least 12 times going to shops cause he couldn't find the right items to buy. Their kids were all over the theater hallway to the point that I almost mentioned for her to get out of line to wait for her husband so that she could control her kids. I ultimately was mad for a long time after this, but cooled off and enjoyed meeting Mickey and Minnie (I didn't let those cutters ruin my chance at meeting the bossmouse!).

2. This is where I feel bad for CMs. DGF and I were in the hub and settled in for the electric light parade. As we were there about an hour ahead of time, we got to know the CM a lil. She was really cool. She was the perfect CM. She made sure no one butted in infront of others. She said it's very tough, but it's the right thing to chase out the last minute squashers and such, as it should be. I don't think it's right if you sit for an hour or so then have idiots come and squeeze in at the last second. It's the way it happens, but not on this CMs watch. If only the CMs were more in number and more able to control things of this nature, it would be absolutely wonderful.

The only thing I can say to wrap this up is, if everyone would realize that not every trip is going to be perfect, every trip would be perfect. Was I happy that I had to wait 45 minutes to meet Ariel and Eric, no. Did I get unruly and pushy? no. I just waited my turn and all was good. Did an extra wait here or there get me upset? no. Did I have to cut in line because I had to be somewhere else or something to that effect? no. If everyone would just relax a little more and enjoy vacation by staying within socially acceptable behavior, there would be less stories or horror. If you show up late for a parade, explain to your kids that YOU messed up on timing and that because you were late, you have to watch from a different vantage point, don't be the sore loser and try to push to the front with your kid on your shoulders to block everyone else who showed up and claimed their spot the right way.

Common sense lacks when people go on vacation (and just overall anymore it seems). It's even scarier how big of a lack of discipline there is too. All because of 2 scary words "child abuse". Correcting your kids isn't child abuse. Using excessive force IS child abuse. Parents are too worried about being the "cool" guy now that they've lost control or better yet, they want to yell and scream like kids themselves when someone else steps up and tells their kids that they were wrong. The path society is on scares me and I will forever use other families and their rude, idiotic, mean, disrespectful behaviors to help in raising my children as to how to act correctly in today's world.


God bless the "Ignore" button.
The guy that takes the prize for rudest person Ive encountered though was the guy who arrived at Fantasmic after they dimmed the lights to start the show who sat on my wife's lap (she was in the aisle as we did the Fantasmic dining plan and were seated in that area) as Mickey was coming out. She told him that was her seat but he said nothing to her, then she turned to me and told me not to say anything ;)
Maybe he just really liked your wife? :D
But my GF is the same way; if I see someone I wanna "politely discuss manners" with, she makes sure I sit down and shut up.


Active Member
You know what? To me those people are to sad to get mad at. I just feel sorry for someone that has so little self esteem and common values that they are capable of doing something that low. Certainly, makes me feel better about myself and just for the cost of one place on a theme park ride. Worth it!!

We have actually made a game of it, my 11 yr old daughter came up with it and calls it "find the fakers". I agree, it's not something that makes me mad as it is just pathetic and sad.


Premium Member
We have actually made a game of it, my 11 yr old daughter came up with it and calls it "find the fakers". I agree, it's not something that makes me mad as it is just pathetic and sad.

Sounds just like a favorite game of ours in Vegas... but we are picking out the pros :)

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