Impressed with rude people


Well-Known Member
I am past being shocked by parents who allow their children to hit them. At first, it was quite shocking, but I've seen it so often now that the shocked thing has warn off.

A few weeks back, three or four year old hit his ~9mo old sis. The mom mildly chastised him, so he hit her. Than she hit him. Then he hit the baby again, hard, and glared at the mom, "I'll do what I want and don't you hit ME" style. The baby started crying. So the mom says, "You better stop. I mean it!" (Which was pretty funny) and he gently hit the baby in a show of "I'll do what I want" and moved over to watch some dancers. The mom then starts talking sweetly to him and asking if he likes them and if he'd like to dance with them, lol.

Some people really are just completely clueless on how to raise children. I'm sure she loved her kids. She just had no idea at all how to raise them or help them.

They're bad parents, but it isn't lack of love, really, I don't think. It's cluelessness and apathy. I think. I'm no shrink or anything.


Well-Known Member
As a parent who has almost finished raising 3 boys, I have to say that children need discipline. I have seen children at WDW spit, slap, and kick their parents. The parents are so scared to spank or swat their children now a days for fear they will be hauled in front of a judge. Being raised in the 70's here in the south, we were taught to respect our parents and elders. Sometimes the consequences could be severe for talking back or not listening.

Saw a lady at Target a few years ago with a little girl that started getting out of control because the mother wouldn't buy something for her. She picked the girl up off the floor and swatted her rear. A few people looked on in horror. I told my wife I wanted to go give her a hug! The daughter's attitude changed very quickly, though! :)

I can honestly say, getting my butt whooped growing up made me a better person today. I didn't get many because the ones I got I remembered!

Amen! The sight of my father unbuckling his belt was enough to reduce me to a blubbering crying mess. :) Three licks, never ridiculously hard, but enough to get my attention, then a little sit down with me where he explained why I got in trouble, why I got spanked, and finally he'd tell me how much he loved me and how proud he was of me.

We hardly spanked our son. Probably haven't done it in a few years. What I found worked best was making him stand facing a wall, hands to his side, looking straight ahead for 3 or 4 minutes (sometimes longer). I've taken him out of a restaurant before when his attitude started getting out of control and we stood facing a brick wall for 5 minutes in the freezing cold. Of course I stayed out there with him. Did the same in front of Best Buy once. :) I always try to explain why he got in trouble, etc. like my dad did for me. :)


Well-Known Member
I respectfully disagree with your first statement, we should all be suprised by these rude actions. As it is most of us are already being complacent and are allowing others to get away with rude and offensive behavior. We should never be afraid to make a stand and say that an unkind action is wrong. Maybe if we start being a little more proactive towards the rude people of the world, they will start to get an the idea that rude and offensive behavior is not tolerated.

To be surprised would insinuate that one lives with their head in the sand completely unaware of the steady decline in mutual respect towards mankind in general. People being rude and intolerant is behavior that is not surprising. We all fully understand many people treat others with little regard and respect. It does not lend to the idea that we should accept it nor ignore it. It simply states we are aware it takes place on a fairly regular basis in society.


Well-Known Member
While we definitely spank DD when it's warranted (that hasn't happened for a while, the look is now sufficient), we try not to do it in public because one of my BFFs had a really embarrassing situation happen to her at the grocery store. She spanked her daughter and another customer went and told a manager on her and the manager stopped them and gave my friend a talking to about spanking her daughter and that he has to report child abuse that he sees. Thankfully my friend was not reported for child abuse, but of course in now completely terrified to spank her kids any place but at home. My friend is generally a push over so I know her daughter had to be acting really really bad for her to even consider a spanking. It's things like this though that add to the problem. I of course feel that child abuse is not acceptable at all, but not every spanking is child abuse.

At WDW one of the rudest things I saw was some hispanic guests who after eating their meal at I believe it was Flame Tree BBQ asked us if someone came to take their trays and we told them no. So, then one girl said "Oh you will take them then" and the whole group (4 or 5) walked off! DH and I looked at each other totally confused and a little annoyed.


Well-Known Member
As a parent, I'm appalled at the idea that my child would ever strike me and I would do nothing about it. I'm pretty diligent on disciplining that and had that happened, we would have been outta there with my kid spending the rest of the afternoon in the room.

The only "rudeness" I consistenly see is the people on scooters. They really drive me nuts!! I'm not bothered by the people who legitimately have an illness requiring a scooter. It's the people whose only ailment is their self-induced obesity. I just cannot get over how in the world anyone thinks it's okay to (1) use your scooter to cut in line and then get up and walk and get seated into the ride (you realize we all just saw you do that?); (2) cut in line for hte bus at park closing,have your scooter take up 3 seats, and then you can get up and walk to take up a 4th seat (acutally, they're usually so fat they end up taking 5 seats because they "hang over" onto a 5th seat). Meanwhile, I'm standing on a bus trying to hold a sleeping child and a rail while my other young child is standing holding onto a rail and my husband is balancing the stroller. It's just absurd to me. I really wish those people would realize just how disliked they are and either take an earlier bus so that they are doing this in the middle of park exit or WDW should get a seperate bus for them so we don't have to deal with them. I think next time I go I'm going to wear this shirt


Okay, got that off my chest...


Well-Known Member
OK now I am a hater I agree the scooter people drive me nucking futs! Charge your battery and watch where you are going. Generally I agree people with mobility issues need these to enjoy a full day at the park but if they wear coke bottles for glasses and are visually impared driving a motorized vehicle in a crowded area probably not the best of ideas.


Well-Known Member
The only direct encounter I've had with a rude person at WDW was in July 2009 during my first trip. The tour groups were out in force and there was a group of Brazilian teenagers behind us walking through DHS. They were INCREDIBLY loud. Not just the normal you're in a theme park noise - I'm talking screaming and singing and just being annoying in general. They followed us all the way down Sunset Blvd and finally my then-significant other turned around and asked them to "please shut up". Perhaps not the most polite thing to say, but it was hot and miserable and they were REALLY loud! Anyway, the girl walking three inches behind us looked at him and said in plain English, "I don't speak English, sorry," and then continued to laugh hysterically.


Well-Known Member
I have way too many stories about rude people and have muttered way too many words on these boards about how people feel entitled. It honestly makes me sad to read these stories.

The whole thing about kids back talking, hitting parents and screaming because they want something does not go over well with me. I have to assume that parents think that their kids will not love them if they teach the kids manners and respect with some tough love and the occasional beating (spanking). It takes only one or two spankings to get them to realize they want no more of that and looks alone work. I remember saying I hated my parents when I got in trouble, but I truely loved them and thank them for being strict and teaching me how to respect myself and others.

My daughter acted up once in a restaurant when she was about 4 Y/O. She loved to go out to a restaurant and she always behaved until this one day. We order drinks and she started back talking, raised her voice and threw some crayons. I turned to my wife and simply said pay the bill we are leaving and walked out of the restaurant with my daughter and my wife followed a few minutes later. My daughter was very upset and cried for at least an hour, but remembers that day clearly today. I know that one day when she has children of her own that she will remember and probably laugh.


Well-Known Member
I have way too many stories about rude people and have muttered way too many words on these boards about how people feel entitled. It honestly makes me sad to read these stories.

The whole thing about kids back talking, hitting parents and screaming because they want something does not go over well with me. I have to assume that parents think that their kids will not love them if they teach the kids manners and respect with some tough love and the occasional beating (spanking). It takes only one or two spankings to get them to realize they want no more of that and looks alone work. I remember saying I hated my parents when I got in trouble, but I truely loved them and thank them for being strict and teaching me how to respect myself and others.

My daughter acted up once in a restaurant when she was about 4 Y/O. She loved to go out to a restaurant and she always behaved until this one day. We order drinks and she started back talking, raised her voice and threw some crayons. I turned to my wife and simply said pay the bill we are leaving and walked out of the restaurant with my daughter and my wife followed a few minutes later. My daughter was very upset and cried for at least an hour, but remembers that day clearly today. I know that one day when she has children of her own that she will remember and probably laugh.

This is so true, it's one thing to love your kids but you have to remember that the rest of society needs to be able to get along with them!


Well-Known Member
when it comes to the person with the misbehaving girl in line the answer isn't "what would we do if ours acted like that" the answer is "don't allow that sort of thing at home and it won't happen at wdw." aggressive people with strollers will always be a problem...worse is when they let their 8 year olds push the strollers. we just try to avoid what we call ankle bitter alley aka the long narrow strip of fantasyland (like in front of peter pan, iasw etc...) since that's the worst area right now.

when you bring up people being rude...we live close enough to go to wdw several times a year (we do a lot of one day trips) and i was having similar thoughts after a single day at f&w recently. there was a man around the age of 60 and about 100lbs overweight sweating terribly and very flushed in the face wearing a tshirt that said "i love chick-fil-let"...i'm an arnp and when i saw him it was his look of near passing out that caught my initial attention not his shirt. but given the recent media with the company i thought it was a fairly politically charged statement to wear to the happiest place on earth. i was a little drunk (it was f&w after all) and my first thoughts were i sure hope when he passes out none of the cm's or first responders are gay or he may be on the ground a while...(bad i know...but i'm sure tequilla, rum, wine, beer etc...were more in charge of my brain at the time lol). i just really disliked seeing someone wear what to many people would seem like a hate promoting t-shirt in a place where i try to let all the negative things in life at the door...of course given his morbid obesity maybe he just really likes their chicken nuggets.


Well-Known Member
After the fireworks, the usual stampede was occurring. I was stuck in a huge crowd coming from Liberty Square into the hub. An older woman in an ECV was right behind me. She decided that it was a good time to start yelling as loud as she could "move!". She began honking her wheelchair horn repeatedly and ramming into me from behind. I couldn't move because I was locked in this mob scene. The fact that she was ancient was the only thing keeping me in my zen place. I just turned around to look at her and a woman next to her confirmed out loud what everyone was thinking, "she's crazy ".
All your dreams come true...

As for kids hitting parents. I will never forget this family of four. I believe they were Japanese. The mom was sitting holding a sleeping baby in her lap. The dad was standing with the son who was having a tantrum. The son kept going over to the mom and slapping and punching her in the face so hard I thought she was going to bleed or pass out. The mom just sat there taking it (with the baby still in her lap). She never once reprimanded the brat. The dad tried to hold the boys hands so he couldn't slap or punch the mom but when he screamed, dad let his hands go. This went on for the entire bus ride. The bus was not very crowded. I think everyone on the bus didn't know what to do or tried to ignore it. It was so extreme that I will never forget it. Those parents are raising a monster.

Part of the interest for me visiting WDW is watching families and how they behave. It's a social study.

Dad 2 M & M

Well-Known Member
I respectfully disagree with your first statement, we should all be suprised by these rude actions. As it is most of us are already being complacent and are allowing others to get away with rude and offensive behavior. We should never be afraid to make a stand and say that an unkind action is wrong. Maybe if we start being a little more proactive towards the rude people of the world, they will start to get an the idea that rude and offensive behavior is not tolerated.

And the fact of the matter is, rude people make up a small percentage of the population...they are just more obvious in places like Disney. When that many people are together, some are just not going to behave. Love the person who walks up as a parade starts, and expects others who showed up early to move out of the way.

I agree that we must not let people like that get away with their actions. With some, there has to be a consequence to get them to change their actions.


Well-Known Member
And the fact of the matter is, rude people make up a small percentage of the population...they are just more obvious in places like Disney. When that many people are together, some are just not going to behave. Love the person who walks up as a parade starts, and expects others who showed up early to move out of the way.

I agree that we must not let people like that get away with their actions. With some, there has to be a consequence to get them to change their actions.

I say we should be allowed to spank them! :Do_O


Well-Known Member
I am past being shocked by parents who allow their children to hit them. At first, it was quite shocking, but I've seen it so often now that the shocked thing has warn off.

We saw this exact thing last month on our vacation. I can't remember which park it was at, but this kid(about 4) started smacking his grandmother right in the face. She just let it happen. I would have given that kid a powerbomb.


Well-Known Member
My main rude stories are two:
1. We were on a plane to Disney. The plane was filled with pop warner (from Nj) . The parents who should have been chaperones, allowed the kids to trade seats, leaving all the adults happily sitting in the far back of the plane, while the kids were scattered in the middle. They stood, ran around, knocked into people repeatedly, etc.'the poor stewards tried to get them to sit down and shut up. Not one chaperone did a thing. It took 20 minutes, and finally a threat that we would miss out time, before they sat down. Disgusting.
2. The most horrible story. Our first Disney trip. My kids were so excited to see hall of presidents (we are nerds!). Guy sat in the back row ON HIS CELLPHONE having a very loud conversation "yeah, I'm in hop, blah, blah" obviously a regular. Tough cookies.. My kids first time! We tried shh! Others tried to tell him to shut up. Finally an older gentleman stood up, went to him, and told him to take it outside (no cm's anywhere!) the guy gets LOUDER. "get out of my face, get out of my face... Yeah some A*#$@%, is in my face "
it was insane. In Disney! I thought my husband would never go back after that! And not one c m ever did a thing. I was in tears at the fact that he ruined my kids first experience!


Well-Known Member
This was one of the things I pointed out in my trip report when I was in the world last month. I have never encountered so many rude people in the 19 trips I have made to WDW, than I did this trip. I just can't believe how many people are oblivious to their own actions and act like they are the only ones on vacation. One instance was when we were walking into Muppets 3D show... there were 7 of us in our group, they let us in to be seated and we were all together walking into our row and some girl and guy completely cut off someone in our group and we got separated. He was literally in the row at this point when they cut him off, and I couldn't bite my tongue especially since 2 of us were already in their seats, so I let them know what they had done! I was actually laughing because it was funny how blind they were to their actions. There were many other encounters through out the week, but that one stuck out to me.


Well-Known Member
My dad said that once he was waiting in line for a ride, and two girls ahead of him kept on cursing and cursing. My dad was just a kid, and of course his mom wasn't very happy. But I can't think of any rudeness I've personally experienced.

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