Impressed with rude people


Well-Known Member
if hitting worked i'd do it at work daily. i raised two children and have my granddaughter after school daily and have never hit my's called being smarter than a toddler/child. if you teach your kids boundries right from the beginning you don't get to the point you have to hit them or be stared at by an entire disney bus etc...

i agree with the post parade/fireworks crowds...i've been in the middle of that same craziness and with all the pushing it was scary.


Well-Known Member
On our last trip this past May, we had secured a great spot for MEP, my littlest was in his stroller right up front with his brother sitting next to him on the curb. I was behind my son tht was sitting as my DW on the right. All of a sudden this Mexican woman comes up with her 2 kids and starts moving my sons stroller!!! DW freaked and yelled at her, the lady disnt get it and proceeded to try to move it again! This time I stepped in a yelled at her to not touch our stroller ad how rude and unacceptable it was. She finally backed off but I can't comprehend someone doin that! I would never try to physically move someone else's kid out of the way! Created a little scene with onlookers peering our way, but we were done with it! Don't ever touch my children!


Active Member
This was one of the things I pointed out in my trip report when I was in the world last month. I have never encountered so many rude people in the 19 trips I have made to WDW, than I did this trip. I just can't believe how many people are oblivious to their own actions and act like they are the only ones on vacation. One instance was when we were walking into Muppets 3D show... there were 7 of us in our group, they let us in to be seated and we were all together walking into our row and some girl and guy completely cut off someone in our group and we got separated. He was literally in the row at this point when they cut him off, and I couldn't bite my tongue especially since 2 of us were already in their seats, so I let them know what they had done! I was actually laughing because it was funny how blind they were to their actions. There were many other encounters through out the week, but that one stuck out to me.
I agree last month I was standing on the edge of the curb at MK watching the move it shake it parade go by I had my camera out and taking pictures when a lady stepped right in front of me. I was on the edge of the curb her foot ended up between my feet I looked back at my DH and asked right out loud did that just happen? The lady looked at me like I had 3 heads.


Well-Known Member
I agree last month I was standing on the edge of the curb at MK watching the move it shake it parade go by I had my camera out and taking pictures when a lady stepped right in front of me. I was on the edge of the curb her foot ended up between my feet I looked back at my DH and asked right out loud did that just happen? The lady looked at me like I had 3 heads.

you probably hit your secret button without realizing it and went invisible...that's what i always ask...and loudly when things like that happen to me. :rolleyes:


New Member
Last year my husband and I went to Disney, the night that we were suppost to go to MNSSHP (tickets were out) we decided to head to Epcot, when we get there we realize it the opening night of the Food and Wine festival, It wasnt to busy so we walked around WS, needless to say a man who obviously had too much to drink knocks into me extremly hard, him and his wife just walk away giving me a look like it was my fault, at the time I was 5 months pregnant and clearly showing and the wife didnt even have the common decency to ask if I was okay. Everytime I even accidentaly brush someones shoulder I say im sorry.


Waited in the hot sun for the 3 pm parade yesterday. Some dingleberry comes in at the last minute with his kid. My wife was nice and let the kid close to the rope and dad hung back. Parade starts and dad jumps up and cuts in and blocks our view.

Had a CM block my pictures at the MNSSP saying I couldn't take pictures with other people in it. How is that even possible at WDW?


Active Member
As a parent, I'm appalled at the idea that my child would ever strike me and I would do nothing about it. I'm pretty diligent on disciplining that and had that happened, we would have been outta there with my kid spending the rest of the afternoon in the room.

The only "rudeness" I consistenly see is the people on scooters. They really drive me nuts!! I'm not bothered by the people who legitimately have an illness requiring a scooter. It's the people whose only ailment is their self-induced obesity. I just cannot get over how in the world anyone thinks it's okay to (1) use your scooter to cut in line and then get up and walk and get seated into the ride (you realize we all just saw you do that?); (2) cut in line for hte bus at park closing,have your scooter take up 3 seats, and then you can get up and walk to take up a 4th seat (acutally, they're usually so fat they end up taking 5 seats because they "hang over" onto a 5th seat). Meanwhile, I'm standing on a bus trying to hold a sleeping child and a rail while my other young child is standing holding onto a rail and my husband is balancing the stroller. It's just absurd to me. I really wish those people would realize just how disliked they are and either take an earlier bus so that they are doing this in the middle of park exit or WDW should get a seperate bus for them so we don't have to deal with them. I think next time I go I'm going to wear this shirt


Okay, got that off my chest...


Active Member
i am one of the scooter people that doaes not stay on my scooter but when the bus driver tells you that you can not stay on your scooter what do you want me to do? yes evert time i have been on a bus the driver has told me i can not stay on scooter. you might ask the driver about this. from what i have been told only those in wheelchairs can stay in them. just had to get this off my chest. now i feel better.

Slobby Bobby

New Member
Saturday night after the fireworks show at Epcot, we get on the bus back to CSR. Just as we are about to depart, four completely intoxicated fools get on. Loud, obnoxious, etc. One girl had to be propped up so she wouldn't fall on the floor. Another one was yelling the whole time and the male participant was trying to call Pizza Hut, to have them deliver pizza's to their room. He couldn't figure out how to make a call with his phone for the longest time. Evidently, the Pizza Hut he called would not deliver to them so he was upset and the others were yelling at him to hurry up and get them some food god@#$% it! He calls CSR front desk and tells them to get him room service and then proceeds to curse the person, calling her a b!$%& over and over again. Wife yells "Hey! there are kids on the bus!" One of the lessor drunks told the guy to pipe down and just wait until they get back to the room - he was so wasted that he didn't even hear us and just kept on. The bus ride from Epcot to CSR is not that far but it seemed like it took an eternity. The bus driver apologized to us as we got off... I felt bad for him as I realized he had to deal with that crap most likely every time he had that shift and route.


Well-Known Member
Saturday night after the fireworks show at Epcot, we get on the bus back to CSR. Just as we are about to depart, four completely intoxicated fools get on. Loud, obnoxious, etc. One girl had to be propped up so she wouldn't fall on the floor. Another one was yelling the whole time and the male participant was trying to call Pizza Hut, to have them deliver pizza's to their room. He couldn't figure out how to make a call with his phone for the longest time. Evidently, the Pizza Hut he called would not deliver to them so he was upset and the others were yelling at him to hurry up and get them some food god@#$% it! He calls CSR front desk and tells them to get him room service and then proceeds to curse the person, calling her a b!$%& over and over again. Wife yells "Hey! there are kids on the bus!" One of the lessor drunks told the guy to pipe down and just wait until they get back to the room - he was so wasted that he didn't even hear us and just kept on. The bus ride from Epcot to CSR is not that far but it seemed like it took an eternity. The bus driver apologized to us as we got off... I felt bad for him as I realized he had to deal with that crap most likely every time he had that shift and route.

That reminds me of a trip from Epcot to SSR one late evening in August 05'. My family including my DW, DD7, nephew 15, and 67 Y/O father were leaving Epcot and it was late and we were the only ones @ the bus stop. We boarded the bus and then all of the sudden a group of young adults which I was guessing they we college students comes up to the bus and they are absolutely hammered. Well they are looking to get to DTD, well PI specifically. So the bus driver says no problem we can get you close so hop aboard. My family say up front and the 12 - 15 of them were in the back of the bus stumbling, dancing, screaming and swearing. To top it off the bus driver then announces herself as "Hot Mama Mickey" and starts to flirt and entertain this disaster in the back of the bus. I leaned up and asked the bus driver (Hot Mama Mickey) to settle this down because my daughter and wife were very scared at this point and it was honestly quite annnoying. She told me to relax and they were just having fun. So I yell back for them to calm down because there are children on the bus. They tell me to go "F" myself and at that point my 67 Y/O father started to get up and head to the back of the bus and that would not have gone over well so I got him sat back down. We finally get to the Congress Park stop in SSR and they depart the bus. Now this is our stop, but I was not sure what would have transpired if we got off the bus at the same time so we continued on to the Carriage House. At this point I had some serious discussions with the driver and she thought that there was no problem. As we exited the bus I asked the driver for her name and she did not want to give it to me and started to pull away. I got the bus number and we started to walk back to our section of the resort. I called the front desk as soon as we got in the room which they then patched me through to guest relations. I explained what happened and they apologized and gave us one fast pass to use the next day for our inconvienence. :rolleyes: A lot of magic was lost that night!!:(


Well-Known Member
i am one of the scooter people that doaes not stay on my scooter but when the bus driver tells you that you can not stay on your scooter what do you want me to do? yes evert time i have been on a bus the driver has told me i can not stay on scooter. you might ask the driver about this. from what i have been told only those in wheelchairs can stay in them. just had to get this off my chest. now i feel better.

It's the law, no need to ask anyone. Logically, if you can get on and off a scooter then you have some mobility so you can move and sitting on a scooter there is no way to safely secure your being, only the scooter. Sadly, so many people would rather run around with anger instead of understanding. Therefore you get some of those posts that make you feel like you have done something wrong. Ignore them, enjoy yourself and let them be overwhelmed with unsubstantiated anger.

There seems to be so many out there that conclude that if you can walk or stand for a few minutes or steps that you should be able to walk miles. Having been in both situations all I can say is I certainly hope that nothing happens to them that causes a situation where they cannot stay on their feet for long periods of time, can't exercise and get fat or just generally become old. Can you imagine the anger when it is they that are getting looked at like Jack the Ripper.


Well-Known Member
I'm slightly amazed at how many awful stories everyone has. Then again, I've been in Walmart before and had people bump into me and then I apologize and they give me a dirty look. Um... I'm pretty sure I wasn't the one moving at the time, stop being a jerk and get some manners.


Well-Known Member
Kids not behaving well at Disney isn't nothing new or see people cut in line. I seen it enough times. The worst I see a kid misbehave was girl that appears to be 3 or 4 years old at Le Cellier in 2008 or 2009. The girl and the 2 adults she was with was setting a table next to my party.

She was a thrower to put it mildly. She threw crayons, bread, and held a steak knife in a position that it appears that she was about to throw it before her dad or grandfather took the knife away from her:eek:. My party of two gave the waitress extra money for the tip for having to pick up the stuff she threw and for put up that family.

The Mom of the girl was gone while she was acting up with the Dad or grandfather not doing anything with girl before she grabbed a steak knife and appeared to be wanting to throw it. I said Dad or grandfather based on the fact that adult's appearance was of someone in their late 40's or 50's. That isn't the point in terms the adult male in terms of who the person could be because the little girl was misbehaving.


Active Member
I just encounter rudeness in ride lines. For instance, if you are lucky and are the first ones right at the doors that open to a ride, when they finally do open, people will rush around you. I make the joke "First in line, last to get on."


Well-Known Member
I am past being shocked by parents who allow their children to hit them. At first, it was quite shocking, but I've seen it so often now that the shocked thing has warn off.

A few weeks back, three or four year old hit his ~9mo old sis. The mom mildly chastised him, so he hit her. Than she hit him. Then he hit the baby again, hard, and glared at the mom, "I'll do what I want and don't you hit ME" style. The baby started crying. So the mom says, "You better stop. I mean it!" (Which was pretty funny) and he gently hit the baby in a show of "I'll do what I want" and moved over to watch some dancers. The mom then starts talking sweetly to him and asking if he likes them and if he'd like to dance with them, lol.

Some people really are just completely clueless on how to raise children. I'm sure she loved her kids. She just had no idea at all how to raise them or help them.

They're bad parents, but it isn't lack of love, really, I don't think. It's cluelessness and apathy. I think. I'm no shrink or anything.

Ah the old distraction method..I've employed it occasionally..but usualy..if my very difficult child #4 ( you've all see the know how he can be) acts that way it's off to the nearest restroom for him. I may not be able to discipline him as I wish in public..but he will get an attitude adjustment in the semi-privacy of a restroom!


Well-Known Member
I'm slightly amazed at how many awful stories everyone has. Then again, I've been in Walmart before and had people bump into me and then I apologize and they give me a dirty look. Um... I'm pretty sure I wasn't the one moving at the time, stop being a jerk and get some manners.

As I have stated before, I have been going to WDW yearly since 1983. During all that time I have never been run into, brushed or otherwise assaulted by a Scooter, Stroller or anything else, for that matter. I believe that the reporting of the problem is greatly exaggerated. I have, however, seen people step directly in front of scooters and strollers and then show indignation that they were hit by them. Never a thought that they might have played a major factor in the event.

The end result is that people with real debilitating problems are embarrassed to go to places like WDW for fear of being ridiculed. I know I did. I had a serious leg injury a few years ago and I was supposed to go with my daughter, planned before the accident. When it was time to go I decided that I really didn't want to go.

By then my leg tolerated standing and walking but not for long periods or distances. They encouraged me to rent a scooter and based on everything I had read on the boards, I was gun shy. I decided not to go, instead of just thumbing my nose at the judgmental people out there. I missed out on my favorite place in the world for fear of being judged by the angry mob. Never again. If I find myself in that situation (hopefully not) again, you will see me there proudly riding my scooter. What others think is absolutely their problem.

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