Impressed with rude people


New Member
Original Poster
My wife and I got back from our honeymoon and had a great time. The parks were great, the rides were fun and the food was fantastic.

There were a lot of well behaved children, and we chatted with a lot of friendly guests (easy to start conversations when we were wearing our happily ever after buttons).

However the handful that were rude went to the extremes. Im sure Im stating anything new but I didnt know strollers and scooters were aggressive weapons. The 8 year old girl yelling at, then smacking her mother in front of us at the character spot in epcot was pretty impressive especially since the parents did nothing but continue waiting for the characters as if nothing happened. Our discussion about what would have happened to either of us had that happened then ensued.

The guy that takes the prize for rudest person Ive encountered though was the guy who arrived at Fantasmic after they dimmed the lights to start the show who sat on my wife's lap (she was in the aisle as we did the Fantasmic dining plan and were seated in that area) as Mickey was coming out. She told him that was her seat but he said nothing to her, then she turned to me and told me not to say anything ;)
She squeezed in tight to me (I then squeezed into the older lady on my otherside) and we enjoyed the show.

These encounters certainly did not ruin our trip, we had a great time. They are funny to us just how oblivious some people are to manners.

Im curious what other experiences with rude individuals you all have had in the past.


Well-Known Member
My wife and I got back from our honeymoon and had a great time. The parks were great, the rides were fun and the food was fantastic.

There were a lot of well behaved children, and we chatted with a lot of friendly guests (easy to start conversations when we were wearing our happily ever after buttons).

However the handful that were rude went to the extremes. Im sure Im stating anything new but I didnt know strollers and scooters were aggressive weapons. The 8 year old girl yelling at, then smacking her mother in front of us at the character spot in epcot was pretty impressive especially since the parents did nothing but continue waiting for the characters as if nothing happened. Our discussion about what would have happened to either of us had that happened then ensued.

The guy that takes the prize for rudest person Ive encountered though was the guy who arrived at Fantasmic after they dimmed the lights to start the show who sat on my wife's lap (she was in the aisle as we did the Fantasmic dining plan and were seated in that area) as Mickey was coming out. She told him that was her seat but he said nothing to her, then she turned to me and told me not to say anything ;)
She squeezed in tight to me (I then squeezed into the older lady on my otherside) and we enjoyed the show.

These encounters certainly did not ruin our trip, we had a great time. They are funny to us just how oblivious some people are to manners.

Im curious what other experiences with rude individuals you all have had in the past.

Well youre a better person than I..had he sat on anyone in my family...Id have had him removed..people can be stupid but dont interject that stupidity into my life by physically touching my family in that manner...wont ever end well.

In January new years day we were in ht eMK gor EMH (12-3) while in line at Mickeys Philharmagic there some teenagers that took handfuls of 3D classes and started stomping on them...the lone CM was a young guy who did everything in his power to pretend not to see the ridulous seen unfolding before him. It wasnt overly crowded but there were a few parents with kids...alot of teens and some like myself that had a mixture. I finally went over the kid who was with 3-4 other people and in a very impolite manner told hime he would be better served to not make a bigger out of himself and while the CM may not have a backbone I certainly would make it my mission to see them ejected from the park at which point a couple other adults also chimed in that the 4-5 or five of them might want to go to another attraction or if they stayed here there better not be a single all worked out in the end...doubt the little vagrants learned anything other than in that instance they got more than they bargained for.


Well-Known Member
My grandmother said it well and I can honestly say it applies to all ages: Children will only do what they can get away with.

My hubby was in a very long line to check us in at Biergarten many years back when a big ol' hairy muscle monkey looking guy tried to cut the line. Another man politely said something along the lines of: "The end of the line is way back there. It's crazy, huh?" The monkey turns and pretty much tells the guy to eff-off. The polite guy just stood there shocked. Everyone else who witnessed this just turned away. Soooo, my hubby informed the monkey that he was an overgrown @$$, all these people may let him get by with such but he wasn't gonna let it slide. Monkey man tried to start an altercation but finally other guests were getting proactive. The monkey ended up stomping off back to the end of the line but not before leaving my husband with a few threats. Cute, huh?


Premium Member
My grandmother said it well and I can honestly say it applies to all ages: Children will only do what they can get away with.


Which is why me even rasing my voice will bring my children into fear... and why I've sent many an attempted nonchalant line cutters to the back.

If you never face these people... they just take more and more and more.


Well-Known Member

Have to admit...I'd be pinching a behind until he got that nasty thing off me. ? Why would your wife allow that? hahaha

We saw LOTS of meltdowns by kiddos. I mostly wrote it off as tired, hot cranky kids and thank GOSH it's not mine because I'd hate to have to swat a butt right here in the middle of WDW. rofl


Well-Known Member
I was in the candy store (Mercantile?) in Frontierland with my 2 1/2 son and 4 1/2 daughter at the time. There was a man at the counter LITERALLY asking what the ingredients were in EACH AND EVERY piece of candy in the counter, then deciding which to buy and which to leave. There was one CM in the store and he was patiently helping the guy - who was there first and it's his right to take the time he needs - but it was a bit annoying to wait behind. I grabbed a bag of Mickey pretzels for each of my kids (what we went in for) and let them start munching on them while we waited behind the man. There was another older woman in the store and she was just wandering about. Once the kids finished their bags of pretzels, I still had to wait about 5 minutes for the guy to finish. He finally paid and I put the empty pretzel bags on the counter along with my KTTW card. The woman, who was across the store, announced, "Excuse me miss - we're together so I'm next...(then to the CM) what's in these chocolates". PARDON??!! I said, "you have not been waiting in line - just because you're together doesn't make you next and I am just buying two bags of empty pretzels!!" I them mubled some curse words under my breath, and she backed away and said it's not that important to her to be next, and we should just go first. NOT THE POINT LADY!! Funny thing is she probably has a story about a rude lady with 2 kids that cut in front of her.


Well-Known Member
We have seen things on every trip that make us go -- really?? I try not to let it get to me and ruin my vacation. I think over time it has become worse with the entitlement attitude that seems to be growing in society in general. (I am not talking about accidental rudeness, like when I have an airhead moment and just stop in the street without warning - my apologies if I tripped you up. It's just sometimes I get that ..."squirrl" thing LOL.) I am talking about people trying to bully and hurt others in order to gain what they want. I think being in a crowd magnifies the behavior because "it is a bunch of strangers" so people may act in a different manner than they normally would. I am not trying to excuse the behavior, I just think that while some of us let their inner-joyfull child out while at WDW, others let out a different aspect of their personality. I appauld everyone who says, no, this is not right and not appropriate. I also need to keep in my mind that the only behavior I can control is my own and try my very best to not do something that would cause a problem. However, I have to say if some man sat on my lap you can bet there would have been a reaction that would have made him reconsider his seating choice!

Dads 2 Boys

Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I can sum it up like this.....

My wife and 2 boys (13 & 10) were walking towards World Showcase from FW when my oldest, who wasn't watching where he was going but instead looking @ girls, bumped into a middle-aged woman and knocked her down. He (and we) were mortified and he quickly and sincerely apologized, helped her up and asked if she was ok. She said she was fine, not to worry and it was ok. She then responded that she was shocked someone actually apologized for something like that in the parks and it rarely has happened during their stay. So apparently common courtesy is the exception and not the rule and it's sad.

On a side note, I went from wanting to throw him into the lagoon to being a proud parent in 5 seconds. :)


Well-Known Member
None of us should be suprised by any of these actions. We live in a rude cold hearted world. One of the reasons we all love Disney is because it helps remove us from the reality of society and reassures us that goodness, caring and a little magic still exists. It is sad to see people act like this anywhere let alone WDW. I gues the best thing any of us can do is make it a point to teach our children good manners and make sure they understand what is expected of them.


Well-Known Member
None of us should be suprised by any of these actions. We live in a rude cold hearted world. One of the reasons we all love Disney is because it helps remove us from the reality of society and reassures us that goodness, caring and a little magic still exists. It is sad to see people act like this anywhere let alone WDW. I gues the best thing any of us can do is make it a point to teach our children good manners and make sure they understand what is expected of them.

I respectfully disagree with your first statement, we should all be suprised by these rude actions. As it is most of us are already being complacent and are allowing others to get away with rude and offensive behavior. We should never be afraid to make a stand and say that an unkind action is wrong. Maybe if we start being a little more proactive towards the rude people of the world, they will start to get an the idea that rude and offensive behavior is not tolerated.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
My wife and I got back from our honeymoon and had a great time. The parks were great, the rides were fun and the food was fantastic.

There were a lot of well behaved children, and we chatted with a lot of friendly guests (easy to start conversations when we were wearing our happily ever after buttons).

However the handful that were rude went to the extremes. Im sure Im stating anything new but I didnt know strollers and scooters were aggressive weapons.

Im curious what other experiences with rude individuals you all have had in the past.

I first noted the weapon aka stroller about 15 years ago in the World Showcase at the conclusion of Illuminations. Those 1950's throwback strollers that were plated cold rolled steel that cause serious akilli injury to any guest rammed by the weapon. We quickly learned for our safety and mental health to hold back after Illuminations for 20 minutes and wander the WS until the stampede ended.

But the first time I saw deliberate use of the stroller as a weapon was my Dad. (me hanging my head)
Osborne Lights 1.0 original where you entered and walked through the streets to the end, the continuous show. My Dad had my preschooler in our umbrella stroller however she could not see the lights over the people lining the curb. My Dads solutions was not to wait his turn but to move the stroller back and forth into the back of peoples ankles until they moved, harder and harder. I'd take the stroller and kid from him but as I'd stop to look he'd hijack the stroller again and repeat. We dealt with my Dad and stroller weapon issue many times over that week of Christmas. So much so that my folks were leaving WDW 3 days before us and we tacked on another week after Dad left just to have a vacation without Sargent Dad behind the stroller.

Note: Nothing I did worked with Grandpa and Dad has never been invited to WDW with us again, Mom yes, Grandpa was banned by his own family. Amen.


Well-Known Member
I haven't personally witnessed anything more rude at WDW than I have at either of my jobs, one being a tourist attraction and one being retail. Sometimes I watch something happen at either job and wonder how much worse it must happen at WDW just because of how many more people are there. I think part of why some people are rude in WDW (or in either of my jobs for instance) is that they feel entitled to do what they want because they're the customer/on vacation. I don't know where they get this sense of entitlement from, but it is definitely not how I was raised. At the museum I work at we found a woman changing her baby's diaper on our display case. And, at the store I work at, I once walked into our break room, lunch in hand ready to sit down and eat, to find someone changing a diaper on the table I would normally eat off of. In both places we have public bathrooms (that are actually pretty clean), and have changing tables, so for whatever reason the parent in both places felt entitled to change a diaper wherever they felt like. If people feel that entitled to do what they want in a one room museum or a store, I can't imagine how entitled they must feel to do rude things while on vacation.


Well-Known Member
We were talking to a photopass photographer on main street waiting to get a picture. She asked our kids if they had done any pictures with tinkerbell. they said no and got excited! Our daughter (7) then took a sip of her water from the water bottle and a women in her 60s cut right in front of us and knocked our daughter back spilling the bottle on her. we were all is shock, including the photographer. I looked at this lady as she turned and never broke stride or said a word. Probably the closest I ever came to wanting to shove an older lady. I was furious. But i thought better of saying anything and we ended up getting great pictures. I knew we were still having a great trip, and that woman would still be a rude a..hole!


Well-Known Member
Well youre a better person than I..had he sat on anyone in my family...Id have had him removed..people can be stupid but dont interject that stupidity into my life by physically touching my family in that manner...wont ever end well.

In January new years day we were in ht eMK gor EMH (12-3) while in line at Mickeys Philharmagic there some teenagers that took handfuls of 3D classes and started stomping on them...the lone CM was a young guy who did everything in his power to pretend not to see the ridulous seen unfolding before him. It wasnt overly crowded but there were a few parents with kids...alot of teens and some like myself that had a mixture. I finally went over the kid who was with 3-4 other people and in a very impolite manner told hime he would be better served to not make a bigger out of himself and while the CM may not have a backbone I certainly would make it my mission to see them ejected from the park at which point a couple other adults also chimed in that the 4-5 or five of them might want to go to another attraction or if they stayed here there better not be a single all worked out in the end...doubt the little vagrants learned anything other than in that instance they got more than they bargained for.

As a parent who has almost finished raising 3 boys, I have to say that children need discipline. I have seen children at WDW spit, slap, and kick their parents. The parents are so scared to spank or swat their children now a days for fear they will be hauled in front of a judge. Being raised in the 70's here in the south, we were taught to respect our parents and elders. Sometimes the consequences could be severe for talking back or not listening.

Which brings me to this conclusion; children who have no respect for their elders, grow up to have no respect for anyone or anything. Like the kids stomping 3D glasses. I can honestly say, getting my butt whooped growing up made me a better person today. I didn't get many because the ones I got I remembered!


Well-Known Member
None of us should be suprised by any of these actions. We live in a rude cold hearted world. One of the reasons we all love Disney is because it helps remove us from the reality of society and reassures us that goodness, caring and a little magic still exists. It is sad to see people act like this anywhere let alone WDW. I gues the best thing any of us can do is make it a point to teach our children good manners and make sure they understand what is expected of them.

I agree with you. Great comments. All we can do is be the well mannered people we are and maybe influence some of those around us to be a little more kind and considerate of others. Other than making complaints to a CM who hopefully will do something, or make a comment to those rude people who will more than likely ignore us, theres not much we can do. The reality is that they will keep being a certain percentage of guests we have to put up with..:(


Well-Known Member
As a parent who has almost finished raising 3 boys, I have to say that children need discipline. I have seen children at WDW spit, slap, and kick their parents. The parents are so scared to spank or swat their children now a days for fear they will be hauled in front of a judge. Being raised in the 70's here in the south, we were taught to respect our parents and elders. Sometimes the consequences could be severe for talking back or not listening.

Which brings me to this conclusion; children who have no respect for their elders, grow up to have no respect for anyone or anything. Like the kids stomping 3D glasses. I can honestly say, getting my butt whooped growing up made me a better person today. I didn't get many because the ones I got I remembered!

Love your post, but I just want to warn you that as a parent, you are never finished.


Well-Known Member
Here is my take on the stroller assaults. In the regular world when a person sees another pushing a stroller they are usually courteous enough to let the person pass or hold a door or just be mindful that there is a small child in the front of the stroller . At WDW what I notice is that courtesy tends to fly out of the window because people are generally rushing trying to accomplish there itenerary or get to an ADR. I have bumped someone with the stroller; however it was not intentional the individual walked right in front on me with total disregard. Sorry about your ankle but you kneed my kid in the face. I generally try to take the path of least resistance. Sure there are some parents that do smack into people intentionally because they need to be the first in line for whatever and the chosen one is in the stroller and we all need to bow to him/her. These discourteous people give the rest of us parents and responsible stroller pushers a bad name.

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