I'm guilty of...


Well-Known Member
...getting choked up and even sometimes teary-eyed when "Little Wonders" comes on in my car. That song so captures it for me. I live for those small hours, the little wonders when I'm with my family at WDW. Time does fall away for me but those special times remain in my heart for always. And I don't stress about when we'll be able to go back again because I believe that fate will bring us back when it's time. It's a comfort, really.

**sniffle sniffle**

I need a tissue, too......


Sweet pea, you brought tears to my eyes!

I'm guilty of playing Disney music in my classroom during the day, and falling asleep to it at night.


I'm guilty of buying Disney everything, Towels, kitchen utensils, candles, Mickey pumpkins, Mickey Christmas wreath, pretty much ALL things Disney so that my home is Disneyfied at all times :)


Two things I will admit (it's a ten step process)

Going on youtube and "watch" WDW ride videos and pretending I am there

Watching Disney movies at night when the kid is in bed and crying my eyes out over it!


Well-Known Member
Always talking to my wife about the next Disney trip. Or picking another trip to compensate for us not going to Disney. She goes along with it (and loves WDW by the way) but I take it to new heights. I have this dream of taking a trip to Orlando for a long weekend, that's it. Fly there and fly back. I talk about it a lot.

OMG!! I do the samething. Actually everytime we are driving I'm talking about going "down" for the weekend!! Its only a 8 hour drive down.....:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Naming my dinner specials after WDW restaurants. Margherita pizza i called Via Napoli, and surf n turf is referred to as Narcooses. Only the nuts like me get the names.:ROFLOL:

Pooh Lover

Well-Known Member
I rarely listen to anything in my car, at home or at work that isn't WDW related. Almost every conversation I have with my husband I railroad back to our upcoming trip to WDW. I worry more about the details of a WDW trip than I do my work. I am pretty much all Disney all day.

Mickey is King

New Member
I'm guilty of feeling all choked up as I read all these posts that prove I am just as addicted to WDW as many others. And cranking "circle of life" in my car......guilty.


Well-Known Member
I'm guilty of using Fastpasses beyond the 1 hour window and we'll be doing t again over the next two weeks...... :eek:

I do this as well ... I thought it was acceptable :shrug:
We try our best to get there within the "hour" BUT it just doesn't always work


Well-Known Member
Always talking to my wife about the next Disney trip. Or picking another trip to compensate for us not going to Disney. She goes along with it (and loves WDW by the way) but I take it to new heights. I have this dream of taking a trip to Orlando for a long weekend, that's it. Fly there and fly back. I talk about it a lot.

You need to do it!!!!

It is awesome
DH & I are taking our 2nd "long weekend trip" in 24 days:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I'm guilty of spending more time on this forum than actually working while at the office.... wait! maybe that's why I suddenly became unemployed!!:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
...getting choked up and even sometimes teary-eyed when "Little Wonders" comes on in my car. That song so captures it for me. I live for those small hours, the little wonders when I'm with my family at WDW. Time does fall away for me but those special times remain in my heart for always. And I don't stress about when we'll be able to go back again because I believe that fate will bring us back when it's time. It's a comfort, really.

**sniffle sniffle**

I need a tissue, too......

Oh how I love that song! Love the movie too!


Well-Known Member
getting my daughter (she'll be 3 next week!!) completely addicted to disney! she can tell you all her favorite rides in every park, only wants to listen to the classic disney dvds in the car, and 90% of her toys are disney related.


Active Member
I'm guilty of checking this website every morning. Before I check my facebook and before I check my e-mail. I come to wdwmagic, its almost like a reflex.. I then need to cycle through all my other disney websites for daily updates.. thedisneyblog, miceage, blueskydisney and when I'm really desperate jimhillmedia.

I'm also guilty of dragging my family along on a disney trip atleast once a month. We're seasonal passholders and live about 3 hours away. So atleast once every month (when there are no blackout dates) I pay for a hotel room for a night, get everyone up at 5 am and make the 3 hr drive up to the world for my disney fix. I also spent over $1,000 last christmas to buy all 5 passes. And it was one of the best christmas gifts I was able to give my family. Its like the gift that keeps on giving for a whole year.

I too am guilty of playing some disney music in my car every now and then. Fantasmic, wishes, even world of color (though I have only seen it in videos) and they still manage to give me some momentary uplifting when I'm driving to or from work.


Well-Known Member
I'm guilty of talking too much and planning our March 2012 trip that my 9 year old daughter has asked me not to mention it again until we get there.

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