I'm down to double digits !!


New Member
Original Poster
Yay! I am so excited ! We are finally under 100 days to our trip and we got to make our ADR's today since they started the new 180 days out dining plan today ! :sohappy:


Active Member
WOO HOO for you! The day is getting closer and closer! Me, I will be there one year from today! Soooo long to go! :lol:


72 hours for us, heck I live in FL, I don't mind a wait.:snore:

But, there was a time I would count the hundreds of days before going so all my sympathy:cry: to those of you.


Premium Member
Lately it seems I'm always in the double digits. Everytime I think I'm about to go on my last Disney vacation for a while someone else calls and invites me to go again. So I'm in the double digits for 2 more trips now, and I just got home from one 3 weeks ago! Do you all hate me?


New Member
Original Poster
Whe I started planning this trip I was over 350 days so I am very excited to be in double digits !!! It really does seem to happen quickly !

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