I'm appalled! No hue and cry about a price being increased?


Oscar Mayer Memer
Don't forget convenience.

Don't like FP+? ADRs? the app/website crashing? Waiting for a bus?

For one price you can forget all of that!



Well-Known Member
Not OP, but I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
I think the disconnect becomes how to get Disney to return to offering a better quality product. So, many of people complain the the quality is not worth what the asking price is.
So I guess why would Disney offer something better?? Even though people don't feel they are getting a good product they still go. I admit that is a foreign concept to me.
That's all, definitely not saying that's bad


Well-Known Member
I think the disconnect becomes how to get Disney to return to offering a better quality product. So, many of people complain the the quality is not worth what the asking price is.
So I guess why would Disney offer something better?? Even though people don't feel they are getting a good product they still go. I admit that is a foreign concept to me.
That's all, definitely not saying that's bad
Disappointed is maybe a better word than Mad...
It is sad that the company continues to downgrade what was once a premium product... Is it all bad? no... But it is not what it used to be.
I will always challenge them to uphold the vision and quality they once had...
And while I still go, I do not go as often as I did...
I no longer buy merchandise like I used to before the quality and style plummeted...
And I will not applaud mediocre additions and sub-standard (for them) attractions in the parks...


Oscar Mayer Memer
Disappointed is maybe a better word than Mad...
It is sad that the company continues to downgrade what was once a premium product... Is it all bad? no... But it is not what it used to be.
I will always challenge them to uphold the vision and quality they once had...
And while I still go, I do not go as often as I did...
I no longer buy merchandise like I used to before the quality and style plummeted...
And I will not applaud mediocre additions and sub-standard (for them) attractions in the parks...





Well-Known Member
Disappointed is maybe a better word than Mad...
It is sad that the company continues to downgrade what was once a premium product... Is it all bad? no... But it is not what it used to be.
I will always challenge them to uphold the vision and quality they once had...
And while I still go, I do not go as often as I did...
I no longer buy merchandise like I used to before the quality and style plummeted...
And I will not applaud mediocre additions and sub-standard (for them) attractions in the parks...
Totally understand. Unfortunately after spending my working career with a fortune 500 international company, I'm a bit jaded. I do believe as long as we go, that says we're ok with the product. They don't need our applause, they need our dough.
So I do question if people really think the mouseworld has any incentive to change.
Does anyone know if VIP tour sales have slowed due to this price increase?


Well-Known Member
VIP tour guides can have someone ask you to go get them something from Target at 1am and deliver it to their hotel room. I dont know how much it pays, but probably not enough.

Also, the VIPs can request the same VIP guide for future trips if they enjoy them or if the family develops a relationship with them

John park hopper

Well-Known Member
Are there any stats on how many people are first time WDW visitors, as opposed to us who have been many times and have the I remember when mind set. I would guess first time visitors have no reference point as to how costs have escalated. Their first time visit becomes their norm and reference point for future visits. 10 -15 years from now if they are still going they will be saying the same thing we are saying now.
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Well-Known Member
Are there any stats on how many people are first time WDW visitors, as opposed us who have been many times and have the I remember when mind set. I would guess first time visitors have no reference point as to how costs have escalated. Their first time visit becomes their norm and reference point for future visits. 10 -15 years from now if they are still going they will be saying the same thing we are saying now.
That brings up another question - how many are one-and-done? I personally know many people (who have young children) for whom Disney is a one-and-done thing...many of whom didn't spend adequate time at WDW to appreciate all it has to offer, IMO. Another, somewhat related, question is how many have seen Disney buying up IPs all over the place and been soured by it?


Premium Member
Are there any stats on how many people are first time WDW visitors, as opposed to us who have been many times and have the I remember when mind set. I would guess first time visitors have no reference point as to how costs have escalated. Their first time visit becomes their norm and reference point for future visits. 10 -15 years from now if they are still going they will be saying the same thing we are saying now.

Our first trip was in 2017, and we fit solidly into this category. We go yearly, and we haven't noticed any decline from our baseline, but our baseline is pretty recent. If anything, we've noticed a lot of improvements with added rides and infrastructure improvements. Every trip we've had, we've been able to experience something new.

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