Illuminations Globe

Disneyson 1

New Member
The're most likely to keep the globe until Fay passes, then take it out when they can up the fireworks count. Who'd want to see a no fireworks, no globe ROE? Might as well see Fantasmic!...


Well-Known Member
All together, Aayla o Wayla Wayla o wayla yaa yaa o way la yay

Actually, if you want to get technical, the first line's lyrics are
"Wé la, oh mé la wé-la, wé-é yey-yé oh é- yé." :D

(Though in my mind, I just think of it as "Way La") :lol:

It's about time they fixed this globe. They could do one better and bring back the original IllumiNations show from 88-96.

You know, I really liked the concept of the original Illuminations and the soundtrack it used, but when I hear folks mention about bringing it back, (and I in no way mean this as a knock on you, ejeremy) I wonder if people are just "romanticizing the past", so to speak.

Have you watched Martin's video of the original Illuminations? Compared to RoE it's pretty boring! (IMHO, that is)

Counting from the beginning of the soundtrack, there were absolutely *no* fireworks in the show until the 9:50 mark, at the end of the Rhapsody in Blue/USA segment. Up until that point it was entirely lasers, fountains and pavilion lighting. While this was all new and amazing technology to late-80's/early-90's audiences, laser shows are rather common-place nowadays. It wouldn't hold a modern audience's attention long enough to MAKE it 10 minutes in. (Keep that in mind the next time you're sitting through the "boring slow part with nothing going on" in RoE that's a little over 4 minutes long...)

And even after the fireworks start in the original, there's only about 6:30 left until the end. And a large percentage of the pyro are simple comets shot off from the water and an almost never ending stream. Not a whole lot of variation.

The one thing that I did learn from Martin's video that was better in the original was just how versatile the pavilion outline lights really are. They're definitely not used to their full potential in RoE...

So yes, while the original was very groundbreaking for its time, they've learned from it, expanded on it and made it better in the form of Reflections of Earth. Also, I kind of prefer the message of "the countries uniting as one" in RoE as opposed to highlighting the individuality and separateness of each country in the original.

Though I do admit what would be interesting would be to see them tackle the original show with today's technology and pyro...

Wait... Even more than that... For a holiday version of Illuminations, I'd like to see them take the soundtrack from California Adventure's short-lived "LuminAria" holiday show (from its first or second holiday season), and do a show at Epcot, where they have the space to do *real* pyro and not the little tiddly stuff they were forced to use at DCA because the lake was so small... If you haven't heard it, try and find the LuminAria soundtrack. It's a great piece of music. (Though I admit it doesn't quite fit the World Showcase theme...)



Park History nut
Premium Member
One of the biggest problems with RoE is the first Globe segment during `Space` and `Life` is just that - the globe and the fountains. Once the (hit or miss visually) lasers die during `Life` as man begins to hunt to survive and records his kills there is nothing else to see. Joe public who has a bad sightline or can`t read what`s on the globe is left with a spinning ball and some fountains. Hopefully Skydance should remedy this by using not just the globe to tell the tale.

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Actually, if you want to get technical, the first line's lyrics are
"Wé la, oh mé la wé-la, wé-é yey-yé oh é- yé." :D

(Though in my mind, I just think of it as "Way La") :lol:

Have you watched Martin's video of the original Illuminations? Compared to RoE it's pretty boring! (IMHO, that is)

The one thing that I did learn from Martin's video that was better in the original was just how versatile the pavilion outline lights really are. They're definitely not used to their full potential in RoE...


Bah! I'll still remember it as just "way la." :lol:

Although I do think that in the second part, they begin to say something like "gay la" or "gay uh", which could be "gala", as in celebration or festivity, or "gaia", as in "gaia philosophy" or "gaia hypothesis". Basically, it has to do with organisms and how they are interconnected with each other, and that as they evolve, they try to create a world that is beneficial for their survival. Again, very simple explanation there, look online for more info. The only reason I bring this up is that if they are indeed saying "gala" or "gaia", it would certainly fit with the context of the theme.

I agree 100% with you Rob about the previous version(s) of IllumiNations. I was rather surprised that they were created by Don Dorsey, because I found them to be rather simple and boring. Granted, the idea of highlighting each nation was rather neat, and the laser animation was kinda cool, but certainly from a pyro perspective, it was underwhelming. Ten minutes is a long time to watch some lights, lasers, and fountains. I'd never guess that the same man who created the great show we have today created the old IllumiNations; the difference is amazing.

The one thing that previous versions did better were the pavilion lights. The effects employed with them on the pavilions are superior to RoE by far. Hopefully SkyDance utilizes the pavilion lights to full effect.

Also, another thing RoE has over the other versions: the music. The score of RoE can't be beat. The old versions just took some classical music clips and edited them together. RoE score was composed from scratch, and I have yet to see a nighttime show where the music blends so perfectly with everything else going on.

-Just an aside here, can anyone answer this: Was the show created from the music, or was the music created for the show? In other words, was it, "Compose a musical score, and we'll make the fireworks fit the music," or "Here's the pyro and effects we want to use, now compose a score that can incoroporate these things." The only reason I asked is that I've been listening and watching and thinking for years, and I cannot figure wout if the show made the music, or if the music made the show. :veryconfu

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I second that! :lol::lookaroun Or would I third that? :D

At first I wanted it to go the way of the dodo, but it looked beautiful at night.

So when's the globe going away?

Actually, if you want to get technical, the first line's lyrics are
"Wé la, oh mé la wé-la, wé-é yey-yé oh é- yé." :D

(Though in my mind, I just think of it as "Way La") :lol:

You know, I really liked the concept of the original Illuminations and the soundtrack it used, but when I hear folks mention about bringing it back, (and I in no way mean this as a knock on you, ejeremy) I wonder if people are just "romanticizing the past", so to speak.

Have you watched Martin's video of the original Illuminations? Compared to RoE it's pretty boring! (IMHO, that is)

Counting from the beginning of the soundtrack, there were absolutely *no* fireworks in the show until the 9:50 mark, at the end of the Rhapsody in Blue/USA segment. Up until that point it was entirely lasers, fountains and pavilion lighting. While this was all new and amazing technology to late-80's/early-90's audiences, laser shows are rather common-place nowadays. It wouldn't hold a modern audience's attention long enough to MAKE it 10 minutes in. (Keep that in mind the next time you're sitting through the "boring slow part with nothing going on" in RoE that's a little over 4 minutes long...)

And even after the fireworks start in the original, there's only about 6:30 left until the end. And a large percentage of the pyro are simple comets shot off from the water and an almost never ending stream. Not a whole lot of variation.

The one thing that I did learn from Martin's video that was better in the original was just how versatile the pavilion outline lights really are. They're definitely not used to their full potential in RoE...

So yes, while the original was very groundbreaking for its time, they've learned from it, expanded on it and made it better in the form of Reflections of Earth. Also, I kind of prefer the message of "the countries uniting as one" in RoE as opposed to highlighting the individuality and separateness of each country in the original.

Though I do admit what would be interesting would be to see them tackle the original show with today's technology and pyro...

Wait... Even more than that... For a holiday version of Illuminations, I'd like to see them take the soundtrack from California Adventure's short-lived "LuminAria" holiday show (from its first or second holiday season), and do a show at Epcot, where they have the space to do *real* pyro and not the little tiddly stuff they were forced to use at DCA because the lake was so small... If you haven't heard it, try and find the LuminAria soundtrack. It's a great piece of music. (Though I admit it doesn't quite fit the World Showcase theme...)


I have often thought the same thingl LA is AMAZING-both pyro and music.

One of the biggest problems with RoE is the first Globe segment during `Space` and `Life` is just that - the globe and the fountains. Once the (hit or miss visually) lasers die during `Life` as man begins to hunt to survive and records his kills there is nothing else to see. Joe public who has a bad sightline or can`t read what`s on the globe is left with a spinning ball and some fountains. Hopefully Skydance should remedy this by using not just the globe to tell the tale.
:D...Hence the "name?":lookaroun;)


Active Member
The're most likely to keep the globe until Fay passes, then take it out when they can up the fireworks count. Who'd want to see a no fireworks, no globe ROE? Might as well see Fantasmic!...
^ As much as I want see The new Earth Globe, and what EPCOT does with ROE without the Globe,. That makes perfect sence!

The last 2 nights, Did they play the entire ROE soundtrack? Or did they shorten it some how?

If anyone is willing to wear a ponco today, Zip on over to EPCOT later and see if the Globe is on the lagoon.

WDW Monorail

Well-Known Member
Also, another thing RoE has over the other versions: the music. The score of RoE can't be beat. The old versions just took some classical music clips and edited them together. RoE score was composed from scratch, and I have yet to see a nighttime show where the music blends so perfectly with everything else going on.

-Just an aside here, can anyone answer this: Was the show created from the music, or was the music created for the show? In other words, was it, "Compose a musical score, and we'll make the fireworks fit the music," or "Here's the pyro and effects we want to use, now compose a score that can incoroporate these things." The only reason I asked is that I've been listening and watching and thinking for years, and I cannot figure wout if the show made the music, or if the music made the show. :veryconfu

I've always wondered the same thing. The beat, tempo, and general compostition show that the music was obviously created with a pyro show in mind.

I don't know of any other piece of music organized around some pyro product. If true, that just makes RoE even more spectacular.

Brian Noble

Well-Known Member
strongly believe that the vast majority of guests who see RoE have absolutely no idea of the story it is telling.
Hell, I know the story, and unless I've got a great position, I can barely tell what's going on. If you're at the wrong spot around the lagoon and/or haven't had your eyesight checked lately, it's pretty tough sailing.

Hopefullly New Globe fixes some of that.


New Member
Hell, I know the story, and unless I've got a great position, I can barely tell what's going on. If you're at the wrong spot around the lagoon and/or haven't had your eyesight checked lately, it's pretty tough sailing.

Hopefullly New Globe fixes some of that.

I've seen the show twice with the globe in view, and have been unable to make out what's on the screen.

WDW Monorail

Well-Known Member
Not sure if that was reported but the globe should be out until mid-September. As suggested, the refurb will be delayed a day or two if needed.

As for timelines for a new show, I've heard 2009, 2011 & 2012 on here from the usual trusted sources but no one actually connected to the show has said anything. Only that DCA will get their show first.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I've always wondered the same thing. The beat, tempo, and general compostition show that the music was obviously created with a pyro show in mind.

I don't know of any other piece of music organized around some pyro product. If true, that just makes RoE even more spectacular.

I think the music team and pyro team would plan the show together,right?Prolly one big meeting.:shrug:

I've seen the show twice with the globe in view, and have been unable to make out what's on the screen.
It's hard to see but You can see most of it...Not in detail though...


Well-Known Member
Bah! I'll still remember it as just "way la." :lol:

Although I do think that in the second part, they begin to say something like "gay la" or "gay uh", :veryconfu
Yeah but I don't think people use the word "Gay" the way they used i definiteley think its we' la through the whole thing. and just for the record when I first saw ROE in 99' I could only make out a few things on the globe. I did not see some of the actual video until I watched a closeup video in 2007.


Well-Known Member
Woah!Of all people-You!

Different strokes for different folks,I guess.:)
If its there when you first go, it becomes one of your first impressions. Keep in mind my most recent visit was the first time I had ever seen SSE without the Wand. But I was just as excited as many of you were when they started taking it down. It really does look better without it.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
If its there when you first go, it becomes one of your first impressions. Keep in mind my most recent visit was the first time I had ever seen SSE without the Wand. But I was just as excited as many of you were when they started taking it down. It really does look better without it.
W00t w00t for you then.EPCOT at it's best huh?


Well-Known Member
W00t w00t for you then.EPCOT at it's best huh?
With the exception of JIYI, I think the Millenium Celabration was Epcots high point. After all that was when I became an Epcot fan. I know Horizons wasn't open anymore and I do think it would have made more sense to keep it open till 1/1/00.


Well-Known Member
Although I do think that in the second part, they begin to say something like "gay la" or "gay uh", which could be "gala", as in celebration or festivity, or "gaia", as in "gaia philosophy" or "gaia hypothesis". Basically, it has to do with organisms and how they are interconnected with each other, and that as they evolve, they try to create a world that is beneficial for their survival. Again, very simple explanation there, look online for more info. The only reason I bring this up is that if they are indeed saying "gala" or "gaia", it would certainly fit with the context of the theme.

The lyrics of Tapestry are an entirely made-up language, so no specific meaning to any of the words. They wanted it sounding "ancient language-like", and to keep it simple enough so that the audience could sing along with it by the end of the parade, even if it was their first time seeing it.


hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
The lyrics of Tapestry are an entirely made-up language, so no specific meaning to any of the words. They wanted it sounding "ancient language-like", and to keep it simple enough so that the audience could sing along with it by the end of the parade, even if it was their first time seeing it.


Ah, good to know. Maybe I'm hearing things then. :shrug:

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
With the exception of JIYI, I think the Millenium Celabration was Epcots high point. After all that was when I became an Epcot fan. I know Horizons wasn't open anymore and I do think it would have made more sense to keep it open till 1/1/00.
OOOH...That 1/1/00 idea is a good one.I agree.And when it shut down it shoulda been refurbed.:brick:

And yeah,I loved the 2000 Celeb. at EPCOT.A Celebration with EPCOT at it's Center?(heh)AMAZING.I think that's the only one MK has not had-excluding 100 YOM.


Well-Known Member
The lyrics of Tapestry are an entirely made-up language, so no specific meaning to any of the words. They wanted it sounding "ancient language-like", and to keep it simple enough so that the audience could sing along with it by the end of the parade, even if it was their first time seeing it.

I would not really describe it as made-up. I see it as symbolicly lyrics that in any language sounds the same. So the World is speaking one language together. The Language of humanity and the hopes and dreams of the world.

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