Yeah, pulling 1-3 million a week for the next few weeks in theaters is really gonna save it! :lol: International it's already made the bulk of what it will.
DVD sales NOW are different from the past. The world and market has changed.
People need to stop thinking behaviors of markets a 5-10 years ago still apply now.
The # of theaters a film is in now at opening and the # of screens available means the # of weeks they last in theaters go way down. Movies do not last months with their revenues slowly trickling anymore. Movie's drop off 20-50% per week now almost by standard. JC never performed and bigger competition came along almost immediately. It's earning days are mostly over.
The 'home market' is not what it used to be... as already stated, new formats, new distribution methods, new price models... you can't use thinking of ages ago to say how things will work now. Even BLOCKBUSTERS like twilight have only pulled 85million in home sales.
JC will be lucky to make 25 million in home sales I bet.
So maybe they collect another 50+ million.. and they'll still lose 100-150 million on this film.