If you could remove one attarction...


Original Poster
With all the refurbs going on and we all know that Disney likes to replace one attraction with a new one.

What is one attraction you would like to see closed for ever?

Don't matter if it's a new attraction or old.

I choose Stitch's Great Escape. IMO they took a great "adult" attraction and made it a kiddie attraction. Disney needs to have more attractions aimed toward the young adults and adults.


Well-Known Member
I will keep saying the same thing. Indy Raceway. It would be great if they put a version of DL's Autopia in and around the TT building in Epcot, in addition to adding the Cars attraction from DLP. Then that would make all the land between Fantasyland and Tomorrowland available to be developed. That is my opinion.


New Member
I'm going to say SGE, as well. Although, I wasn't really a huge fan of Alien, either. :eek: Being strapped into a seat and sitting in the dark just isn't my idea of a good time.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure this will ruffle some feathers, but I vote for CoP...:eek:

...now hold on a minute and let me explain :)

Let's face it, in the hands of MK management, CoP has been left to die a slow, painful death (although there's new carpeting...too bad some of the AAs look terrible, and I cannot stand to hear the phrase, "You're not going to talk about the old days when you didn't even have a car phone?" or any reference to 'blink and you'll miss it' laserdiscs one more time).

I love this attraction, and that's why I'm suggesting this. Send it back to it's original home (well, after the World's Fair), and put CoP back in DL, where they tend to take better care of classic attractions. People in CA would go nuts over a return, and it would undoubtedly receive some much-deserved and -needed love.

Then, in addition to knowing one of Walt's original and best (IMO) attractions is being treated properly, MK's Tomorrowland can welcome a cutting-edge attraction (perhaps even take out the stage next door and do something huge)!

Does that soften the blow a little? :cool:
Truthfully, I'm only suggesting it because I grew up loving this attraction and I hate to see it in the shape it's in.


Well-Known Member
Got to say the Indy Show has got to go!!!! Putting the Indy ride or anything else in its place would be great improvent.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I'm going to say SGE, as well. Although, I wasn't really a huge fan of Alien, either. :eek: Being strapped into a seat and sitting in the dark just isn't my idea of a good time.

No, but being strapped into a seat and sitting in the dark and having my senses tricked into being tormented by a rogue alien is my idea of a good time!

(shivers just ran down my spine!)


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I'm sure this will ruffle some feathers, but I vote for CoP...:eek:

...now hold on a minute and let me explain :)

Let's face it, in the hands of MK management, CoP has been left to die a slow, painful death (although there's new carpeting...too bad some of the AAs look terrible, and I cannot hear the phrase, "You're not going to talk about the old days when you didn't even have a car phone?" One more time).

I love this attraction, and that's why I'm suggesting this. Send it back to it's original home (well, after the World's Fair), and put CoP back in DL, where they tend to take better care of classic attractions. People in CA would go nuts over a return, and it would undoubtedly receive some much-deserved and -needed love.

Then, in addition to knowing one of Walt's original and best (IMO) attractions is being treated properly, Tomorrowland can welcome a cutting-edge attraction (perhaps even take out the stage next door and do something huge!

Does that soften the blow a little? :cool:
Truthfully, I'm only suggesting it because I grew up loving this attraction and I hate to see it in the shape it's in.

You may be on to something there.

While I would hate for CoP to close for good and be sent to that extinct attraction club in the sky, I'm all for packing it up and sending it to another park.

Just as long as it remains somewhere.

Hey Disney...you listening?

Capt. Salty

New Member
For me, its the backlot tour. It's a bit boring, and they go through it so quickly. Freeing up all that space would be a good thing for DHS park...

as a side note: Sounds Dangerous could go.



Follower of "Saget"The Cult
For me, its the backlot tour. It's a bit boring, and they go through it so quickly. Freeing up all that space would be a good thing for DHS park...

as a side note: Sounds Dangerous could go.


The backlot tour really doesn't exist anymore, they may say it's still there, but it's not!


Well-Known Member
I'm sure this will ruffle some feathers, but I vote for CoP...:eek:

...now hold on a minute and let me explain :)

Let's face it, in the hands of MK management, CoP has been left to die a slow, painful death (although there's new carpeting...too bad some of the AAs look terrible, and I cannot stand to hear the phrase, "You're not going to talk about the old days when you didn't even have a car phone?" or any reference to 'blink and you'll miss it' laserdiscs one more time).

I love this attraction, and that's why I'm suggesting this. Send it back to it's original home (well, after the World's Fair), and put CoP back in DL, where they tend to take better care of classic attractions. People in CA would go nuts over a return, and it would undoubtedly receive some much-deserved and -needed love.

Then, in addition to knowing one of Walt's original and best (IMO) attractions is being treated properly, MK's Tomorrowland can welcome a cutting-edge attraction (perhaps even take out the stage next door and do something huge)!

Does that soften the blow a little? :cool:
Truthfully, I'm only suggesting it because I grew up loving this attraction and I hate to see it in the shape it's in.

Actually it would work at DCA with the direction that park is going. Good idea! Now I am for the relocation of CoP and the raceway. Think the Imagineers would have fun with all that real estate??? Basically inside the tracks from behind the castle all the way to Buzz would be available. WOW!


Not any particular attraction, but if I could choose to give anything at WDW the heave ho, it would definitely be...

"the zany fun fair of Chester and Hester's Dino-Rama!"

I love AK. It is a beautiful park with some stunning attention to detail.

And then there's Chester and Hester's. Don't get it....never will.

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