Iconic Purple Directional Signs Being Replaced


Well-Known Member
The blue is not near whimsical enough.

With the large roads that plow through the 42 mile resort they should do more to a make it feel like we are in the bubble. For me this lessons the feel of the bubble and the the blue is not near enough to differentiate being on WDW property.

I am betting instead of 30 years, this last ten or less.
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Well-Known Member
with the demise of DME and the rise of rideshare.. there is no bubble anymore.
That is not how I feel.

Ride share and DME has little to do with the bubble for me personally because it has nothing to do with the look of the actual land. Heck, it is 2022 and the look of the surroundings is all WDW can control. Ride share is here to stay and I find helpful at WDW and DME is gone. I used DME once in 50 years, that never payed a part for me because the bubble started when I arrived at Disney, not at the airport. If I am in a Ride share and I look out the window that is what makes the bubble. What I see is what causes me to feel, not the car or how I get around. I rent a car 90% of the time and I always felt in the bubble, just as much when on WDW buses.

Your statement if anything reaffirms that the details are even more important now than ever. Make another 20 small decisions like this and each hotel may seem like a different hotel and we are just in a city with all different hotels than in one resort.

I will go as far to say the WDW transportation system itself is starting to make WDW resort feel like city transportation. For me the road signs and the Disney transportation needs be a bit over the top in their look to keep the WDW bubble feel.

It may not be a big deal, but nothing is a big deal in life. So if some people are more enthusiastic about changes in a negative way, like this sign color change, that's no big deal either.
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Well-Known Member
A brief history of Highway Gothic, Interstate, and their ilk is a common topic touched upon in practically any course on typography.

Contrast can be checked by anyone using a color contrast checker, available as a plugin for most design software or for free online, but the fact that it has far more contrast than other blue road signage should be immediately apparent to everyone.
Agree with this... and I think the yellow-on-blue is easier to read than the yellow-on-red for the old signs, at least the lower-third stuff like "straight ahead" and "exit only" directions.


Well-Known Member
Agree with this... and I think the yellow-on-blue is easier to read than the yellow-on-red for the old signs, at least the lower-third stuff like "straight ahead" and "exit only" directions.
Readability is of course key and a good point. Readability through contrast could of been done by WDW in a more fanciful or amusing way and made even safer.

The responses I have read for the most part are I hate the new colors or I like it better than the purple, but very few responses if any of WOW I love the new signs being blue, or the look is so Disney, or what a cool Disney vibe. About as close to that I have found is it matches this or that.

How difficult is it for a company with so much talent, resources and money to come with with something that would WOW or at least be less than boring, in my opinion of course..

It's like this, Bob(or whoever decides these thing) here are some colors, okay go with the blue. That's about as much effort it seems was put into it. Anyone in marketing and advertising knows what most people might think of as no big deal is actually the difference between thousands or millions(dollars, views, sales, whatever). Logo's and colors play a huge part in how companies come across and the feeling they project to consumers. Someone visiting WDW or reading this thread might think the sign colors play no part at all and are no big deal, but we know colors, logos, shapes, signs, plainly seen or so subtle we do not notice, play a part in a person's perception. My perception, they are signs and don't project private resort or even Disney.

Will it effect my trip, nope. Do I wish they came up with something more unique, yep.
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Well-Known Member
Where are you?

Yeah, they do
Not sure what you mean, if you are asking where I am at this moment, today in Illinois, on Monday back to Florida for 6 weeks.

I have lived in both places the last 4 years(but Covid kept me out of FL for a LONG time). This year 2022 will be more in FL than IL and 2023, 100% Florida.
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Well-Known Member
Now sure what you mean, if you are asking where I am at this moment, today in Illinois, on Monday back to Florida for 6 weeks.

I have lived in both places the last 4 years(but Covid kept me out of FL for a LONG time). This year 2022 will be more in FL than IL and 2023, 100% Florida.
I was wondering where a 42 mile resort is?


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
If the criteria is "the signs are part of the bubble!", Then shame on you! If you're a true proponent of the bubble you wouldn't even be seeing the signs as you ride the buses like Walt intended!!!


Well-Known Member
I was wondering where a 42 mile resort is?
I suspect you are joking, but I can never tell on this darn forum. I hesitate to answer stuff like this that once again I am told I am the only one that missed the joke. I don't keep track on each poster so I do not know whether a person is an expert on WDW or a newb that doesn't knwo what an onsite hotel is.

So do I laugh and say yeah you are right WDW has lost the single resort feel.

Or are you serious and not know that WDW is a single 42 Sq miles resort?

Many people here are newbs and don't know that. I dont know what you know either. So no matter how I answer I am either a fool for not getting the joke or possibly making you feel strange because you do not know WDW is a single 42 sq mile resort. I would not have even gone into this if I wasn't made fun with some finding it incredulous that I didn't know jk meant just kidding.

Today I am off work and just laying about all day getting ready for a long WDW trip or I may have just skipped posting a response at all. Why should I be afraid to feel foolish or missing a joke, so here I post.


Well-Known Member
I suspect you are joking, but I can never tell on this darn forum. I hesitate to answer stuff like this that once again I am told I am the only one that missed the joke. I don't keep track on each poster so I do not know whether a person is an expert on WDW or a newb that doesn't knwo what an onsite hotel is.

So do I laugh and say yeah you are right WDW has lost the single resort feel.

Or are you serious and not know that WDW is a single 42 Sq miles resort?

Many people here are newbs and don't know that. I dont know what you know either. So no matter how I answer I am either a fool for not getting the joke or possibly making you feel strange because you do not know WDW is a single 42 sq mile resort. I would not even gone into this if I wasn't made fun with some finding it incredulous that I didn't know jk meant just kidding.

Today I am off work and just laying about all day getting ready for a long WDW trip or I may have just skipped posting a response at all. Why should I be afraid to feel foolish or missing a joke so here I post.
WDW is not 42 square miles


Well-Known Member
WDW is not 42 square miles
You are right it is 42.47 mi² Actually after some recent purchases they are rounding it to 43 sq miles now.

Again, I dont know if people are joking, because map doesn't lie or if they are not counting all the land subtracting out the roads WDW owns or not sure what's going on in their mind. So I guess whatever? As the dates get newer the land amount gets greater, but I assure you WDW is aprox 42 Sq miles and nearly twice as large as Manhattan(22 sq mi) and very near the size of San Francisco(46.9 Sq mi). Disney self imposed at least a 1/3 of that never be built on as Nature land, but its still part of the WDW owned resort.

Some say it is closer to 47 sq miles, so it fluctuates, but 39 sq miles is the minimum I could find for one year :

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Well-Known Member
I appreciated the different color scheme to stand out, but I've never really "liked" those signs. IMHO they should look a lot nicer, but still legible.

I care more about what's physically in the parks than the surrounding roads.


Well-Known Member
You are right it is 42.47 mi² Actually after some recent purchases they are rounding it to 43 sq miles now.

Again, I dont know if people are joking, because map doesn't lie or if they are not counting all the land subtracting out the roads WDW owns or not sure what's going on in their mind. So I guess whatever? As the dates get newer the land amount gets greater, but I assure you WDW is aprox 42 Sq miles and nearly twice as large as Manhattan(22 sq mi) and very near the size of San Francisco(46.9 Sq mi). Disney self imposed at least a 1/3 of that never be built on as Nature land, but its still part of the WDW owned resort.

Some say it is closer to 47 sq miles, so it fluctuates, but 39 sq miles is the minimum I could find for one year :

For many years they even said themselves that WDW was 47 sq.m. I remember it vividly.


The new colors don't bother me, but somehow that new scheme take ways a bit of the magic for me. I guess because no where else that I can think of could you see signage like this and it made me happy. I wonder why they would spend millions of dollars on this when I can think of so many other maintenance items that are more important, i.e. a working Yeti.


Well-Known Member
I guess it could be said that I liked the different color road signs but did find them harder to read in a moving vehicle than the blue/yellow/white ones. I suppose it does take away from the magic but they have made enough other changes that defeated the magic that many like myself have made the decision not to return so the color of the signs are no longer relevant. To me it is a minor detail that most people who decide to immerse don't really get to see much anyway. Maybe on the way in and again on the way out, otherwise it doesn't really affect them at all.

I also wonder if Disney maybe might have been told by the State that since those roads are the equivalent of any other highway in the state that they needed to conform to the accepted safer road sign colors. Either way, it really is no longer that important when it comes to image or concern of the guests.

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