Iasw Song!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man
Didn't think I'd leave you out did you MK? This is one of my other favorite Heros and I think he suits you very well...


"History: After chasing his two younger brothers into an abandoned fun house [known as "It's a Small World", Roddy] found his dad being [abused by hordes of dolls]. While running away, [Rod] stumbled upon a mysterious amulet, and while holding it he wished that he had the power to trash [Darrel's Army]. Then he immediately transformed into Darkhawk. [Rod] vowed that he would use his new found powers for justice [and total Doll Destruction].

Later on he got a few pointers from Spider-Man, and occasionally teamed up with the New Warriors. "

That's your story [basically] and he suits you perfectly cause you stumbled into this late and are still trying to learn your way around, but are already very powerful. :animwink:

Hey, I remember him! We only had about his origins and a Spidey big adventure that he was involved in.

But I liked it, thanks!:wave:


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
ahhh...the great comeback from Darrel returns!!!

I double :rolleyes: dare ya!
Sorry That`s all I could come up with! I have bronchitis and I am sick as a dog!
My head hurts and I am dizzy! :(


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
Sorry That`s all I could come up with! I have bronchitis and I am sick as a dog!
My head hurts and I am dizzy! :(

Aw, it's no fun bashing dolls with you sick like this... :( Get better soon so we can doll-bash with our consciences clean! :lol:


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
ROFL :lol: :lol: :lol:

On behalf of my sick (though unspeakably evil) friend Darrel, I would like to offer the following comeback. . .

Ahem . . .

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. . .

Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by garyhoov
On behalf of my sick (though unspeakably evil) friend Darrel, I would like to offer the following comeback. . .

Ahem . . .

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. . .

Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.


And I'll complement...

*cleans throat*

I fart in your general direction.

Thank you. :D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by garyhoov
On behalf of my sick (though unspeakably evil) friend Darrel, I would like to offer the following comeback. . .

Ahem . . .

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. . .

Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.


You mean...he'll do THIS again??? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ???

Well...We've already GOT ONE!!!!
(Pssst...*snicker snicker* I told them we've already GOT one)


NNNNNNNEEE! NNNNNNEEE! Bring me a SHRUBBERY!!!! or I shall say...."NNNNNEEE" again!


... if it weren't for Monty Python, Star Wars and Caddyshack, men wouldn't be able to talk to each other at all... :lol: Just kidding.

As for heroic alter egos...

*lights saber*

I don't need one.

Get well soon, Darth DollBoy...

As for commands... we'll wait until the Evil Doll's leader is well again. There's no fun in beating on the weakened. But, stay on your toes and get into defensive positions, Resistance members.
They may be bluffing.


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by jrashadb
... if it weren't for Monty Python, Star Wars and Caddyshack, men wouldn't be able to talk to each other at all... :lol: Just kidding.

As for heroic alter egos...

*lights saber*

I don't need one.

Get well soon, Darth DollBoy...

As for commands... we'll wait until the Evil Doll's leader is well again. There's no fun in beating on the weakened. But, stay on your toes and get into defensive positions, Resistance members.
They may be bluffing.
Thank you jrashadb,I think!:lol:
I`m going to bed! I just took some robitussin with codeine!I`m fading fast!:snore: :snore:


New Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Umm...even though Freak is a superhero...can I have a "cool" one with "cool" USEFUL powers? :lol:

Dang... that's a good one, cause you are Freakazoid to me. Hmmmm... you are a clone too, but the Scarlet Spider would be too much the same, you need to be a unique Hero... let me think about it... what is Brian's hidden Hero? Pleae no one make suggestions... I don't want to get influenced.


Originally posted by spider-man
For some reason... Lobo comes to mind :lookaroun

I had never heard of him, so I did a little searching on the Internet to find out more about him... Interesting cat. The funny part about it is I've actually uttered sentences like the one you scanned in several times. Several times a day, really. :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by jrashadb
I did a little searching on the Internet to find out more about him... Interesting cat.

He's a bit on the Violent Side :lookaroun but other than that his lines, overall appearance and philosiphies seem to fit pretty good. :animwink:


New Member
OK Freak! Are you ready for this :confused:

The Mask... not exactly the one found in the movie though... more of the hard edge comic character he is based on.

The picture below illustrates pretty good... A Gun in one hand, a pie in the other. A prankster with Attitude and unlimited resources. A real pal to those he befriends, and Your worst fantastical Nightmare to those who are in the wrong. He enjoys life and is ready to defend freedom at any cost. The Comic version is more extreme on the whole insanity side, but that's also what makes the character sooo interesting and cool.

:lookaroun Hope you like it, cause your stuck with it now. :lol:


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Well-Known Member
:lookaroun Umm...thanks...yeah :lookaroun

All of the cool superheroes out there...and I'm the "MASK" :lol:
jk...Spidey...I LIKE IT!

He looks like one bad DUDE!


New Member
And here is Gary's official Fur Ball Smart Guy counterpart:

:lol: :animwink:

Actually, he ain't that bad a Hero to be, he is extremly agile and intelligent (although he doesn't appear to be wearing pants :lookaroun )


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