Iasw Song!


New Member
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I SAY REMOVE THE DOLL RESISTANCE POSTER! Specially cause I can`t counter his attack cause I don`t know how to make those:(


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by darthdarrel
I SAY REMOVE THE DOLL RESISTANCE POSTER! Specially cause I can`t counter his attack cause I don`t know how to make those:(

My recruiting efforts are working darrel.... Angel is part of the Resistance now! Muah-hahahahahahahah:sohappy:


Trophy Husband
I have to admit I feel a bit sorry for Darrel, being so outnumbered, but then I remember the reason he is outnumbered. . .

everyone else knows those dolls really are evil.


New Member
It's a small world after all,
It's a small world after all,
It's a small world of fear and pain and tortue and greed and screams and destruction after all,

It's a small small world.



New Member
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Originally posted by garyhoov
I have to admit I feel a bit sorry for Darrel, being so outnumbered, but then I remember the reason he is outnumbered. . .

everyone else knows those dolls really are evil.


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by darthdarrel
They`re gunna get you!.............:mad:

Originally posted by darthdarrel
That`s me the FEARLESS LEADER!:D

Originally posted by darthdarrel
YEs that is our plan for the anti doll movement!:D
(This quote referred to the backwards "murder")

Originally posted by darthdarrel
I don`t think so you destroy some we`ll just make more!:D

Now I ask you: Does this sound like the admitted sith lord is spreading "peace" and "love" and "joy", or is this an insideous plot to take over the world?


New Member
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Originally posted by garyhoov
(This quote referred to the backwards "murder")

Now I ask you: Does this sound like the admitted sith lord is spreading "peace" and "love" and "joy", or is this an insideous plot to take over the world?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like he wants to take over the world with his evil dolls! They have been doing water maneuvers in the lagoon after dark from what I have been told.....Have to check with my friends in Security....make sure they dont escape!


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by garyhoov
I ask you: Does this sound like the admitted sith lord is spreading "peace" and "love" and "joy", or is this an insideous plot to take over the world?

You are onto something Gary....he is using his so called "peacefull, joyfull, love spreading dolls" for evil doings! :eek:

And that is when the Resistance steps in..... :drevil:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DMC-12
My recruiting efforts are working darrel.... Angel is part of the Resistance now! Muah-hahahahahahahah:sohappy:

(did you have any HELP with that one? :lol: ) (remember...even on my ride home from work I was recruiting)


New Member
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The Dolls are not EVIL!:mad:
I have decided to take action against these Evil, Doll resistance people! I am going to contaminate the worlds Guiness and Beer with Glitter punch!:D and water from the mote!:lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DMC-12

And that is when the Resistance steps in..... :drevil:

Queue up the "Terminator 2 Theme"

Darrel is the TRULY EVIL ONE!!! He is making this ARMY to take over OUR WORLD...sure...it's a SMALL WORLD...and that's why Darrel thinks that SMALL things can take it over!

Darrel...be prepared...the RESISTANCE will STRIKE! With DMC-12 at the command...you and your dolls will NEVER SURVIVE...because I for one...will make sure of it!

(DMC...I wanna take out the Africa room...I need to put the poor hippo out of his misery!)


New Member
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Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Queue up the "Terminator 2 Theme"

Darrel is the TRULY EVIL ONE!!! He is making this ARMY to take over OUR WORLD...sure...it's a SMALL WORLD...and that's why Darrel thinks that SMALL things can take it over!

Darrel...be prepared...the RESISTANCE will STRIKE! With DMC-12 at the command...you and your dolls will NEVER SURVIVE...because I for one...will make sure of it!

(DMC...I wanna take out the Africa room...I need to put the poor hippo out of his misery!)

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