Iasw Song!

Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Ok, I'm going to settle this once and for all...

*puts on Resistence Red Lycra and grabs saber...er...LIGHTSABER*

*walks up to Walt's frozen body*

*lights saber and slowly thaws Walt from the heat*

Walt: Cough...cough, thank you my son...

Freak: Walt, you're alive...there are soooo many people that need you right about now!

Walt: Thank you son, you're truly a lifesaver.

Freak: No...it's a LIGHT SABER...

Walt: I've been frozen for 37 frickin' years here...throw me a frickin' bone...Are you really going to just "correct" me?

Freak: No, I've thawed and revived you because I need to ask you something

Walt: Well, I guess I owe you that much.

Freak: It's a Small World...the dolls...are they evil?

Walt: You know of them?

Freak: Yes, of course my lord...they've been wreaking havoc and I'm a part of the resistance to bring them down.

Walt: Well, first of all...I didn't think that attraction would have the legs to stand on for more than a few years...but to answer your question...WHO DO YOU THINK FROZE ME?!?!??!

Freak: :eek: *gives Walt a Resistance badge*

Walt: Badges? I don't need no stinkin' badges! DOWN WITH THE DOLLS!

Freak: Glad to have you on the team...there are a few people I've GOT to introduce you to...first off is Jerry, next is JRash...
*bows down to the mighty Freak*


New Member
Original Poster
:eek: :eek: Propagandist lies Walt would never say the dolls are EVIL after all he created them with his own hands! :D
Freak you are trully Disthpicable!


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It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by MerHearted
*gets out a nine iron*


*swings at SE*KINK!

Hmmm... this is going to take a while. :brick:

Hmmmm *tears down Ariels Grotto and builds Mr. Toads Wild Pimpin Coaster Ride in its place* :lol: :wave: :p


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by MerHearted
You b@stard! *lunges at Jer and starts pounding away* :mad: :fork:

Ouch!!! :eek: :mad: :fork:

Your pushing your luck... and you are one step away from becoming Fillet O Carp/Fish on the Value meal menu.... bud... :lol:

*tapes you a test track car* :lol:

Say Hi to Ang for me as you go round and round... :lol: :wave:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by MerHearted
And I thought you loved me, Jer... :cry: :cry: :cry:

hmmmm LOVE is a rather stong word... :lol: :p

"LIKE"... now "like" is a good word... I do not dislike you... and I thought you could use a spin on Test Track! :wave: :sohappy: :wave:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DMC-12
hmmmm LOVE is a rather stong word... :lol: :p

"LIKE"... now "like" is a good word... I do not dislike you... and I thought you could use a spin on Test Track! :wave: :sohappy: :wave:

How bout some LOVE, man?! Hmph! :rolleyes:

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