Well-Known Member
Ref. Wish #1... I wish I could go back in time to just before I smoked my first cigarette. I stopped but it took 40 years before I was able to do so and even though I have been lucky (so far) minor damage like COPD had already taken place that is no longer reversible. I know that if I live long enough it will only get worse and might still be the demise of me.1 - I wish I could go back in time and stop my parents from picking up that first cigarette! Losing your parents at 62 due to smoking-related illnesses really sucks.
2 - I wish I could fly.
3 - I wish I could make my dream of Florida condo ownership happen overnight, instead of having to actually work for it. If we had that condo, Wish #2 would really come in handy.
But mostly I wish for Wish #1.
The worst part is that one of my daughters (yea, the one that supported orange) was overheard telling her children that smoking isn't all that bad compared to things like Pot or other drugs. I asked her if she will feel the same way if she get the opportunity to watch the possibility of me trying to get oxygen in my body a few years down the road. The sad part is that part of her belief that it isn't all that bad is the fact that I, after years of smoking, haven't had any major issue from it, like cancer or lack of oxygen. Last test I was at 96% in breathing efficiency. Now I don't want to be sick, but, I also don't want to think that my grandchildren may believe that it would be alright because Grandpa seems OK. Life sure do get complicated at times.