Loving this thread ^_^
But id love more of a immersive marc davis style area, if nothing else just the buildings and pirates walking around, parrots yelling at you. Im envisioning a small portion of harry potter land (immersiveness)... as soon as you get past the old area it opens up into pirate land. I think Pirates (esp if you combine peter pan and a skull rock and boats) and haunted mansion are 2 rides that could have an entire area built around them (their own land) It will never happen though.
They kind of went in this direction in Adventureland at Disneyland Paris (although adding some of your armchair imagineering here would truly bring it to its true glory!) Heading towards PotC, you really trek through some really fantastic pirates theming. It’s truly immersive and beautiful - as a big fan of PotC, I really felt transported into that world even before entering the queue! Tony Baxter and the rest of WDI really did an excellent job there.
I'd love to see more PoTC love in the parks. The ride has always been one of my favorites, and I love the first two movies as well (haven't seen the others).
Wasn't there talk of of building a big PoTC-themed water park area at one time? Or did I dream that?
I heard rumors of a PotC Waterpark for the Homestead, FL area. The talks ended when Hurricane Katrina hit and did it’s damage. I don’t know the validity of that old rumor as I’ve searched countless times online and found nothing. Towns, in general come up with crazy ideas all the time to get people talkin’.
The only thing I remember seeing was this Jim Hill piece talking about it when it was still very Blue Sky, but there’s at least a proof of concept that looks really cool.
Magic Kingdom’s version of Pirates of the Caribbean is the least entertaining and exciting, and the changes over the years certainly haven’t helped it. The ride was rushed to be built and almost 50 years later it still absolutely shows. MK’s doesn’t hold a candle to the original at Disneyland. It’s an attraction the public wanted and Disney has had all the time in the world to plus it up, but they haven’t done it. It’s something that I’ll never understand.
One of the most (literally) glaring problems is the on-ride photo. Let’s blind guests when the ride has barely even begun! The facial expressions on guests for a cheap gimmick in turn cheapens the ride.
I really, really wish Disney would give this attraction the refurbishment and plussing it deserves. People still love pirates and the genre.
I agree with the sentiment that Johnny has suffered enough. I’m still hoping that Disney will do just one more film to wrap up the stories of the original trio (there was a tag at the end of 5 that left it open), thoughh that doesn’t appear to be on Disney’s radar at the moment. In any case, I still really like Jack Sparrow. I just agree with others here that the ride shouldn’t have been turned into a “where’s Jack?” narrative.
Expand the cave scenes. Use more of the audio tracks from Disneyland there (more mysterious and fun.) Bring back the pirate barker bird! Re-write the auction scene to give the characters better dialogue. I’m glad certain changes were made and like Redd (she’s the embodiment of a few characters Marc Davis had originally planned for the attraction but they never made it in, and brings the character of the Redhead full circle), she just needs better dialogue. And with the refurbishment and whatever new Pirates film tie-ins that are coming with the 2 new flicks in development, use that tie-in to plus the area around PotC and make it a pirate paradise!