I Love You...I Know...Wedding Planning and Star Wars Weekends May 2011

We have just returned from yet another magical vacation to The Walt Disney World Resort filled with perfect memories that I can’t wait to share with you! This trip was split between Wedding Planning and Star Wars Weekends. We are getting married at Disney’s Wedding Pavilion on September 27, 2011. We met with our officiant, Rev Kevin Knox, and our Disney Fairytale Wedding planner, Kathleen. We also toured the Wedding Pavilion and UK Lochside which is where we are having an Illuminations Dessert Party! We attended the StarTours2Live meetup and the WDW Radio Meet of The Month and saw GEORGE LUCAS AND BOB IGER IN PERSON HOLDING LIGHTSABERS BATTLING THE DARKSIDE! SQUEE!! Oh yeah and Chewbacca getting down to “Welcome To The Jungle”. This trip was jam packed with awesomeness. It was our most epic trip ever so let the memories begin!

The Cast

Me – Shelley (@WaltSentMe007 on Twitter). This was my 18th trip to the world and my 2nd time staying at The Caribbean Beach Resort.

DF – Jason. This was his 3rd trip to the world (2nd trip with me) and his 1st time at The Caribbean.


Previous Trip Reports

Here are all of my previous trip reports. Apologies for the pictures from 2009. That camera was horrible.

http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=419842 March 2009 Flower & Garden Festival Contemporary Resort
http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=637161 September 2010 Engagement Report Animal Kingdom Lodge

Here’s a link to my ongoing Disney Fairytale Wedding Planning Report:


I started this back in September 2010 after we got engaged. We’re having an Escape Wedding at Disney’s Wedding Pavilion on September 27, 2011. We were featured on an episode of Inside Disney Weddings a few months back and we will be doing another show when we get back from our wedding and honeymoon: http://www.insidedisneyweddings.com/2011/03/wedding-planning-spotlight-shelly-jason/

The Bare Necessities

Look for the bear necessities, the simple bear necessities forget about your worries and your strife…yeah man!

We got your bak guaranteed – CamelBak

Jason suggested we get a CamelBak backpack for this trip because we were not used to going during peak season with all of the crowds and the heat. This was a HUGE money saver in the end. We didn’t buy 1 single bottle of water the entire trip. We purchased the CamelBak DayStar with a 70 oz bladder from Amazon.com. We only ran out of water 1 day and that was because we were at Hollywood Studios @4AM and stayed for 12 hours. We ran out when we got on the bus to go back to our resort so it was no big deal. I highly suggest this product for all WDW Travelers!

Handy Cooler Personal Evaporative Air Cooler

When I found this device I didn’t really believe it. It’s not a fan. It’s an actual portable evaporative air conditioning device. Another find on Amazon.com. The reviews of it were so good I had to try it. Boy am I glad I did. This thing is quite powerful and it gets very cold. There’s a sponge that you wet and insert into the device. It evaporates the water to create cold air. It was SO much better than a fan or those water bottle fans they sell for a 500% markup :) We used it every single day!


Flippin Sweet Ridiculously Huge Black Sunhat

Those of you who follow me on Twitter probably saw quite a few tweets about my ridiculous black sunhat. I got a ton of comments on it from Cast Members and other guests. I may have looked utterly ridiculous but I was comfy cozy under all this shade! http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0032AMW0G



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Day 5 – Monday, May 23, 2011

Our last day. BooHoo!!! We got up at 6AM, got ready and checked out. Jason’s boarding passes were hanging on the door but mine were not. We got it straightened out at the airline check in desk so it turned out ok. There was no line to boot!

We decided to just take a cab to Grand Floridian since it was already 8AM and I wanted to make sure to get to the Wedding Pavilion early for pictures. There were cabs hanging out in the parking lot near the custom house so we grabbed one and were on our way!

We walked over to the WP and took some pictures. I cried! It’s so beautiful!












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Then we checked out the Groom’s Room:


Why is there such a girly phone in here?


Jason Indiana Jones


One last peek!


The Bride's Vestibule was locked but there was a maid there and she opened it for us. She was so sweet and was genuinely happy for us.



It was still about an hour before our meeting so we went for round 2 @ Gasparilla. This time the food was hot and delicious. Yeah!



Marina view!



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My wedding folder. I *think* I bought this in the mid 90’s.


We walked back to Franck's and met with Kathleen. I am SO glad we did this. She made wonderful suggestions for everything and worked with us to keep the cost down. We put every option that we could think of in our BEO and she will update the costs and send us a revised BEO. I had to hug her!

Sorry but this is the only shot I have of Franck’s. We only had a half hour in there and I had a ton of stuff to go over. I totally forgot to take pictures inside!


Since it was our last day, we hopped a monorail to EPCOT. The EPCOT monorail was down so we had to take a bus from the TTC. We had a nice conversation with a lady and son who liked my nerds rock bag.

We decided to take it easy and just eat and drink our way around World Showcase. But we had to get fast passes for Soarin at least. First we got a blue raspberry slush @ the cart near Journey Into Imagination and we went to UK Lochside to sit and relax. I Can’t wait for the Dessert Party! I shot a short video of this location.


We made our way to France for another round of lemon slushes and I got a strawberry crepe. Nom nom nom nom!




After that we walked to Japan and got a Kirin and some california rolls. Nom nom nom nom! We sat for a long time near our favorite waterfall @ Yakitori house and watched the ducks. It appears that the duck couple we've seen over our past few trips had 5 babies! They were all over everyone begging for food. It was hilarious!






I was pretty tipsy by then and we tried to watch the drum show but I either needed to be sitting or walking. Standing in the heat made me feel like barfing. So we walked to America and just sat at the tables outside in the shade. It was a really nice spot with a cool breeze that was welcome for us.

It was getting close to our fast passes for Soarin so we made our way back to future world. I stopped in Mouse Gear and got candy for my nieces and shortbread for Mom. The cashier complimented me on my hat. The cashier next to her was helping a little girl and he did a magic trick for her. It was truly magical to see the look on her face! Only in Disney!

We took a ride on Soarin but we got the bottom row. Oh well, it was still a great ride as always.

That wraps up another great trip full of magical memories that will last a lifetime. The highlight for me was definitely the Wedding Pavilion and our meetings with RevKev and Kathleen. I think for Jason the highlight was Inside The Saga with Anthony Daniels. I just asked him what his favorite memory was and he said he couldn’t decide. Now that's a magical vacation!

When we landed in Baltimore, Jason said something that is so true:

“We’re home. Or we’re back to where we live. We just left home.”

It’s always sad to leave WDW but at least we’ll be back in just 4 months for our Disney Fairytale Wedding and Honeymoon!


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Then we made our way to Starring Roles Cafe where i had my very first Butterfinger Cupcake! Omg nom nom nom nom. 4 noms!




We shopped for presents for everyone and sat to have a beer for a bit before hyperspace hoopla. People of course were rude and had kids on their shoulders so I could barely see :( I did catch the part with chewy dancing to welcome to the jungle though! It was hilarious! At least we had awesome seats for Anthony Daniels. I added all of Hyperspace Hoopla to my YouTube Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?p=PL72776952246F5AF8&feature=mh_lolz

We left Hollywood Studios and wanted to go to the Magic Kingdom for Extra Magic Hours. The bus to the Magic Kingdom was mobbed and I was wondering how to get there when Jason said “How about we just take the bus to the Contemporary and walk?” I could not have loved him more in that moment! He’s a TOTAL Disney pro now :) So we took the almost empty bus to the Contemporary and walked to the Magic Kingdom. We dreamed about buying DVC at Bay Lake Towers….mmmmm. The park was open till 3AM that night but we had to get up @6AM to check out and get over to Franck’s for our meeting with our wedding planner.

We got there as the Main Street Electrical Parade was starting.


I was starving (a butterfinger cupcake is not dinner!) so we headed over to Cosmic Rays and got a sweet spot outside for The Magic The Memories & You and Wishes. We both had burgers and it was delicious! We watched MMY without a hitch and watching it from the side was great. The projections wrap all the way around the castle and we noticed that what looks like confetti is actually hundreds of pictures!


When Wishes was about to start this incredibly rude British family totally jacked our spot. Their kids were almost in my friggin lap. I actually had to move. They were touching our chairs and table. It was ridiculous. Luckily you couldn’t hear the audio very well from there because of the waterfall and the fireworks were mainly blocked by trees so they left after Tinkerbell flew by. I don’t know why things like that surprise me. I’m glad that so far we've always met more nice people than rude people and I will be very sad if that balance ever changes for the worse.

That cupcake looks soooo good, i always say im gonna try one and never do lol


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That cupcake looks soooo good, i always say im gonna try one and never do lol

I first read about the Butterfinger cupcake on the Disney Food Blog and I'm SO glad I tried it! I actually ordered one on our last trip but the place was jam packed and the CM gave me the chocolate peanut butter cupcake instead. She had to get it from the back and it looked delicious as well so I didn't correct her. Both are delicious but you can't beat the Butterfinger cupcake! I wish I could have eaten the whole thing, I got through half though. It's totally worth the indulgence :)


Well-Known Member
You look fabulous, and I love the hat! I wish I could pull it off, but I have bangs (I look old without them), and hats & bangs just don't mix.
I wish y'all were getting married at the end of August, so we could bump into you.
The pics of the wedding pavillion and the GF are just amazing! The attention to details, like the door handle shaped like rings, is just incredible! And the fact that the wedding planning place is called "Franck's" just makes me smile!
Best of luck to you two~may your life together be just as magical as your wedding!


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You look fabulous, and I love the hat! I wish I could pull it off, but I have bangs (I look old without them), and hats & bangs just don't mix.
I wish y'all were getting married at the end of August, so we could bump into you.
The pics of the wedding pavillion and the GF are just amazing! The attention to details, like the door handle shaped like rings, is just incredible! And the fact that the wedding planning place is called "Franck's" just makes me smile!
Best of luck to you two~may your life together be just as magical as your wedding!

Thank you so much for all the compliments :) I LOVE the details at the WP too! I could have stayed in there forever and I wish I had taken video! My mind was just in another place :) It would have been cute if Jason had taken a video of me walking down the aisle or something. Oh well. We'll have a REAL video of that in just 4 months!

I think I've watched Father of the Bride about 5 times since we got engaged! I loved Franck's but again I failed to take enough pictures and video! It was incredibly beautiful and an experience I'll never forget!


Well-Known Member
Great trip report and congratulations on your upcoming wedding! That is so exciting that you are getting married at the wedding pavilion. I am planning a trip for next May and hope to be able to go to Star Wars weekends. I know my husband would absolutely love it. He got excited when I showed him the pictures from your report.

And, yes, my mind also went immediately to Father of the Bride when I saw Franck's.

I thought what Jason said when you landed back in Baltimore was so sweet and so true! I feel the exact same way as well.


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Great trip report and congratulations on your upcoming wedding! That is so exciting that you are getting married at the wedding pavilion. I am planning a trip for next May and hope to be able to go to Star Wars weekends. I know my husband would absolutely love it. He got excited when I showed him the pictures from your report.

And, yes, my mind also went immediately to Father of the Bride when I saw Franck's.

I thought what Jason said when you landed back in Baltimore was so sweet and so true! I feel the exact same way as well.

Thank you :) I highly recommend Star Wars Weekends! We were actually surprised at how much we were able to do but we still didn't get to do everything mostly because of the crowds. We missed out on some of the shows but overall it was a great experience.

They don't say "Welcome Home" at Disney for nothing! I think a lot of us feel like we're going back home when we go there. Maybe one day we will call it home for real :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Aww..I know how you feel about short trips. But you have an awesome trip to look forward to in just a few months! :D I'm sure you'll look just like a princess when you

The pictures you took of the Wedding Pavilion are really lovely and the view of the castle is simply amazing. I know if I set foot in there it would take my breath away.

OMG I love your "Soft Kitty" shirt!! When I saw it I was like Is that what I think that is? :lol:

Thanks to your pictures I would LOVE to experience Star Wars weekends again. On my first trip with my husband (then fiance) back in 2004 I didn't realize they were going on and we were lucky to catch some of the fun on our last full day.


I didn't even realize you that started your trip report much less finished it!
You are good! :)
I loved your hat and tote bag.
You and Jason must be so excited for your wedding/Disneymoon, 4 months
is just around the corner!! The WP looks so beautiful. I also vote for hair down, your hair looks very pretty that way.
Sounds like you had a great time at the Star Wars events.
We have friends who were there and said the wait time for ST was 7 hrs.
They didn't wait. I hope the line isn't crazy in early December. My daughter and I can't wait to ride!
Looking forward to the wedding report. :sohappy:


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Aww..I know how you feel about short trips. But you have an awesome trip to look forward to in just a few months! :D I'm sure you'll look just like a princess when you

The pictures you took of the Wedding Pavilion are really lovely and the view of the castle is simply amazing. I know if I set foot in there it would take my breath away.

OMG I love your "Soft Kitty" shirt!! When I saw it I was like Is that what I think that is? :lol:

Thanks to your pictures I would LOVE to experience Star Wars weekends again. On my first trip with my husband (then fiance) back in 2004 I didn't realize they were going on and we were lucky to catch some of the fun on our last full day.

Thank you! I felt like a princess just walking into the Wedding Pavilion. It's actually a bit smaller overall than what I thought. There are 2 Groom's Rooms to the right and left of the actual chapel and the Bride's Vestibule is a different building connected by a walkway. The chapel is bigger than what I thought but the Bride and Groom areas are smaller. It's still a beautiful venue and worth every penny!

I was waiting for someone to comment on my Soft Kitty tee! I was like "are there no Big Bang Theory fans on this site??" I got a number of comments on it during our trip :) I got it from thinkgeek.com.


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I love the picture of you in front of the Coral Reef. You look so pretty with your dress and hair down. I don't think it would stay very well all day so I would go up for the big day.But that's just my opinion


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So sad this report is over :( But your wedding trip is coming soon so its all good! :)

The pictures of inside the Wedding Pavillion are beautiful!!! I've never been inside so it was really great you took those pictures! Thank you! And I can totally see you in your Cinderella dress at the end of that isle! I also got all excited seeing that first picture inside with the castle in the background, because I could picture myself at the end of that isle one day too! :)

And I agree with Jason's last words so true. Glad you had a fun trip!


Well-Known Member
The pictures of the wedding pavillion are gorgeous!!!! I got misty eyed looking at them because that is totally my dream wedding spot!! :) You are going to look beautiful!! I love the picture of you holding Jason's hand in front of the window!
YAY for you guys having a wonderful time! Your wedding will be here before you know it!! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Oh how exciting. It is all so very cool! once again I am so excited for you guys and look forward to reading about your Disney wedding and honeymoon in just a short four months.

I have never seen the lion do anything other than sleep myself! I am so jealous you got to see it. I may have to drag my hubby and the lil one out early to do that when we are there in July.

Glad you had a good time and welcome back to were you live!


Well-Known Member
Then we made our way to Starring Roles Cafe where i had my very first Butterfinger Cupcake! Omg nom nom nom nom. 4 noms!




I was thinking that I could resist the Butterfinger Cupcake until I saw the picture of it cut in half. It looks amazing!!

Your trips sounds like it was just as jam packed as ours was that same weekend.

I'm pretty sappy when it comes to wedding so don't think I'm a total nut job when I tell you that I had an "awwwwww" moment when I read that you guys were meeting with Rev Kevin for the first time the same day that DH & I were celebrating 17 years of wedded bliss :sohappy:

We left the same day that you did and we also had an issue with the boarding passes. DH got his, but mine were not in the envelope. But also like you, we got it straightened out in no time.


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I didn't even realize you that started your trip report much less finished it!
You are good! :)
I loved your hat and tote bag.
You and Jason must be so excited for your wedding/Disneymoon, 4 months
is just around the corner!! The WP looks so beautiful. I also vote for hair down, your hair looks very pretty that way.
Sounds like you had a great time at the Star Wars events.
We have friends who were there and said the wait time for ST was 7 hrs.
They didn't wait. I hope the line isn't crazy in early December. My daughter and I can't wait to ride!
Looking forward to the wedding report. :sohappy:

Thanks for reading! Yay another vote for hair down! At this point I'm thinking for the wedding maybe half up? I need it out of my face so I'm not playing with it all day!

I think you should be fine for ST in early December because it's Value season. I've been using my iPhone apps to peek at the wait times and they're not very long anymore. I think it ramps up for the SWW but other than that it's about 10 - 30 mins on average. You guys will love it! I just watched the Disneyland opening webcast today. SO not as good as WDW and I really wish they had used some of the storyline from the WDW opening. At least we got to see Tom Staggs cut the ribbon with a lightsaber :)

I love the picture of you in front of the Coral Reef. You look so pretty with your dress and hair down. I don't think it would stay very well all day so I would go up for the big day.But that's just my opinion

Oh my goodness thank you for the lovely compliment! I think I was glowing that night from all the magic. It's like there's pixie dust in my veins!

So sad this report is over :( But your wedding trip is coming soon so its all good! :)

The pictures of inside the Wedding Pavillion are beautiful!!! I've never been inside so it was really great you took those pictures! Thank you! And I can totally see you in your Cinderella dress at the end of that isle! I also got all excited seeing that first picture inside with the castle in the background, because I could picture myself at the end of that isle one day too! :)

And I agree with Jason's last words so true. Glad you had a fun trip!

Aww it makes me feel so good that you enjoyed my TR so much you're sad it's over! I'm sad too and totally missing WDW right now. My pictures of the WP really didn't do it justice and I don't think I've ever seen a picture that does. The castle is very prominent in the window and I LOVE that the imagineers designed it that way. Go Disney for making a little girl's princess dreams come true!


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The pictures of the wedding pavillion are gorgeous!!!! I got misty eyed looking at them because that is totally my dream wedding spot!! :) You are going to look beautiful!! I love the picture of you holding Jason's hand in front of the window!
YAY for you guys having a wonderful time! Your wedding will be here before you know it!! :sohappy:

Thank you so much! That picture is one of my favorites too. I wish I hadn't rushed everything but I didn't want to spend too long in there for fear that Jason would change his mind!! Just kidding, he was really great about everything. I'm so lucky! You know how guys can be about wedding stuff...he's been great! He even coordinated the tuxes on his own! And he picked the dessert party menu :)

Oh how exciting. It is all so very cool! once again I am so excited for you guys and look forward to reading about your Disney wedding and honeymoon in just a short four months.

I have never seen the lion do anything other than sleep myself! I am so jealous you got to see it. I may have to drag my hubby and the lil one out early to do that when we are there in July.

Glad you had a good time and welcome back to were you live!

Thank you for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed it! I really really wish I had better camera equipment because I would have loved to really capture that lion that day. He roared really loud! It was so cute how afterwards he kept "talking". Not really roaring but just making little sounds. It reminded me of our cat, Duchess :)

I was thinking that I could resist the Butterfinger Cupcake until I saw the picture of it cut in half. It looks amazing!!

Your trips sounds like it was just as jam packed as ours was that same weekend.

I'm pretty sappy when it comes to wedding so don't think I'm a total nut job when I tell you that I had an "awwwwww" moment when I read that you guys were meeting with Rev Kevin for the first time the same day that DH & I were celebrating 17 years of wedded bliss :sohappy:

We left the same day that you did and we also had an issue with the boarding passes. DH got his, but mine were not in the envelope. But also like you, we got it straightened out in no time.

Oh yeah the Butterfinger Cupcake....mmmmm....that's a must do on every trip for me now. Too bad I could only eat half of it! It broke my heart to throw some away but Jason isn't into sweets and I wasn't about to go offering a half eaten cupcake to the strangers around me. Now that's just nuts :hammer: You can google the recipe, it's everywhere.

Congratulations on 17 years of marriage! These days, that is quite the accomplishment. I hope Jason and I will be as happy as you :)

That was the first time I had any difficulty with the boarding passes. It's so weird the same thing happened to you! I figured it was a travel agent mix up but maybe not. We had a connecting flight home and they had entered our flight number from atlanta instead of orlando. It was easy enough to figure out though.


Well-Known Member
Aww it makes me feel so good that you enjoyed my TR so much you're sad it's over! I'm sad too and totally missing WDW right now. My pictures of the WP really didn't do it justice and I don't think I've ever seen a picture that does. The castle is very prominent in the window and I LOVE that the imagineers designed it that way. Go Disney for making a little girl's princess dreams come true!

Those imagineers definitely know how to do it right :) Working for Disney Imagineering is my dream job they just do everything so magical and I would love to be a part of that

Anyways, I thought of you just now because I was watching Say Yes to the Dress and they had a bride on there that was getting married in Disney World and she wanted that perfect Cinderella dress! And she was getting married at the Wedding Pavilion just like you! She was also getting the Cinderella coach too for transportation.

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