Yes, in case you were wondering, I am alive.....

I wanted to start off by apologizing for not responding to these messages sooner. I have been super busy & have barely had time to come on to the forum. I feel rude for taking so long to get back to you all but know that I appreciate everyone's messages & interactions with this slower than slow TR....
So glad that J got to ride SDD again on this trip although it was a bummer he didn't get to ride GE. I really love riding the Skyliner even if it's just to take a break during the day. You all really accomplished a lot on E's birthday. We love the atmosphere at San Angel Inn but we prefer the food at La Hacienda de San Angel. So glad you got back to writing this TR. I've missed you on the boards.

There's nothing like walking through the gates of MK in the early AM!
He rode it the next trip so it's all good!! We hadn't been to La Hacienda in years but we ended up eating there in September--just appetizers though. Thank you!! I'm scared thinking about doing the next one b/c it's been so long since then. On the plus side--I did take good notes for that one!!
As always enjoyed reading along!
Thank you & thanks for sticking with me!!
Fun as always! Maybe one day our trips will coincide! I am not an AP holder, but I agree it's a bummer how the new ones are going to be laid out. Looking forward to the next report!
Thank you very much!! That would be great!! Fortunately, my renewal was early August so at least I get to keep PP for another year--for what that's worth
Hi, we have recently joined here and have been living the Disney Magic through reading all these wonderful TR’s. I love that you get to visit WDW so often and enjoy seeing all the adventures J gets up to

Look forward to your next one. Hopefully we will get there next year.
Hello & welcome!! I'm fortunate to be able to go as often as I do. I'm glad you find J entertaining!! He is funny!!
Thank you(I'm hoping

to start it today). I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!
Thanks!! I just remember breathing a sigh of relief when I finally finished!!
Another delightful TR! J always cracks me up -- he's the perfect little travel buddy. I'm very impressed with his in-depth knowledge about WDW -- he's quite the "expert"!!
You took some great photos (especially the food!). It was also interesting to learn about the various updates in the parks, as that continues to be a rather fluid situation.
As for your flight home -- yikes! Those airport lines looked scary. Glad you, E and J made it home safely.
Thanks for sharing your vacation experiences.
Thank you so much!! Yes--he is quite the expert. Just ask him!!

He is fun to travel with & for such a young one he's very good about knowing where to go/what to do.
Thank you!! And those updates change quite frequently for sure! We were there in July and only had to wear masks on Disney transportation. Then August came around & we were back to wearing them indoors also!!
They were scary. I don't intimidate easy but seeing lines like that make me very anxious.
Thank you for following along!!
Great report. Thank you for the time you put in to it. Makes me want to book OKW.
Thank you!! I just wish I had more time so I could have done it in a timelier fashion. I really enjoy that resort & want to stay there again!! Since this TR I have gone back 3 times to visit though!!
Please tell me that J does not grow (up) even more in your next TR!
Sorry--he does!! I didn't think it was possible but he's getting taller!!
Thanks for sharing your trip with us! I don't understand why everyone hates CBR, it's one of my favorite resorts! I'm so jealous of the lack of crowds and the low wait times you experienced. I wish it had been that way in July!! Can't wait to hear about the July trip!
Thank you for reading!! I've walked around it once & thought it was somewhere that I would like to stay. Hopefully, one day I will!!
Yeah, July was a bit crowded for sure!! I'm looking forward to finally being able to start it!!
Awesome Report again, I love hearing about your adventures
Thank you very much!! I've been back quite a few times since this trip so there's a lot more adventures to be shared!!
Aww thanks for including that pic! Gary will be so pleased to see J with his pins!
And thanks again for taking the time to write up a report. It is so much fun following along with you guys on your many Disney adventures! Looking forward to reading about your summer time fun!
(And love love the final pic with J and the balloons)! Maybe I will be able to get one similar of our granddaughter in October!
And E was "pleased"

to see that I bought J one when I was there last week!!
Thank you so much!! Like I said, I just wish I had more time to devote to them!! Gosh, "summer time fun"!! It feels like it was so long ago!! Especially with this fine weather we're having here today!!
Were you able to get the pic?
Thanks for a nice report. It was so fun to hang out with you guys! Hopefully I can make it into another one of your reports some day!
Thank you & we had a blast hanging out with you also!!
Something tells me there's a great chance of that happening!!
We should be thanking you Patti for allowing us to follow along with your family adventures!!! We enjoy OKW too although we don't stay there with DVC as much as some of the other resorts closer to the parks. OKW has a very laid back feel to it and the restaurant Olivia's is always a great meal. Sorry Spirit was such a mess getting home for you. Looking forward to reading about your next adventure.
Were you saying that after you spent time with my adventurous family??

Instead of following along you got to be a part of it!!
Olivia's is really good and I love the laid back feel at that resort also! Since then I have bit the bullet & flown with Spirit a few times. The secret is to fly with them when you're not checking luggage in!! Then it's not so bad!! Thank you!!
Thank you for sharing your trip with us! I can't wait to see what your next adventure had in store for you!
Thank you for reading!! A little forewarning....there was some drama!!
Your trip reports are never stale girlie!!! I'm looking forward to the next one (and am happy to see that someone shares my thoughts about MMRR!!!)
Awww--thank you!! I appreciate the vote of confidence!! Thanks & yeah--I'm just not a fan!!
Love your reports as always! OKW is one of the DVCs we haven’t stayed in yet, but meaning to. Your comments only reinforced that!
So really random question, but did you (or E and J) happen to be in Hollywood Studios on 8/12? We were recently there and stopped at Baseline for some beers and the charcuterie - could have sworn I saw E and J sitting inside when we grabbed our items. Might have just been in Trip Report land in my head, lol.
Thank you so much!! It is a great resort. Definitely give it a try!!
Not random at all & yes, we were all there!! I wonder where I was at the time?? JSR was there also! You should have said hello!! E & J are used to forum friends now!!
Sorry to see this trip report end, but I’m glad there will be more! Hoping you and E and J are all doing well and staying safe and healthy!
I'm not sorry--I was getting so anxious b/c it was taking me so long!!

We're all good--thanks!! I hope you are also!!
Isn't POR opening in October? I'm surprised you tried to book OKW....did you like it better than POR?
Yes--it is open!! And never fear--I've made it "home" already!! Just to visit though--we didn't stay there. Soon, though!!
We wanted OKW again b/c for that trip there were 5 of us going & we wanted to get a villa.
POR will always be my favorite but I've definitely acquired a taste for the villas. I like having the space and the ability to have snacks & food in the room for longer trips.
Haha!! I think I've sent you enough pics over the last few months so you couldn't miss me too much!!
Thank you!!
I'm sure I'm way behind on the news but I just saw that Yehaa Bob is coming back!!! Immediately thought of you!
Thank you!! I was so excited!! I got to see his show a few weeks ago!!
He is??? Oh that makes me so happy!! After reading all @riverside 's reports, I had been wanting to see his show, but then covid hit and he was gone and I thought I'd never get to. I MUST make sure to see it once we're allowed back into the country and I can actually go to Disney!! Is he coming back with the reopening in October?
He was back on their opening day. His show has been modified to where there isn't as much crowd participation(which is a bummer b/c that was always super fun) but it's still a great show to see!!
Glad you were able to finish the TR - but let's go back to the beginning in June ......
It took awhile to finish but it was a great read!!!

I know, I know.....
It feels like it took FOREVER!! Thank you for sticking with me!! I appreciate it!!
That is correct!!
Just read the whole thing at work!! y'all always look like you have the BEST time together!!
That Spirit check in line looked a lot like our SW check in line in May. With DME no longer taking peoples checked bags, I think the airport is going to look a lot like that going forward, unfortunately.
Oh good--then you didn't have to experience how long it took me to do this!! We always do!!
That is a very good point. I didn't think of that. That is something I really miss. Heck, having to get the luggage upon arrival is a pain too!!
Love your adventures with J!
Thanks!! More to come soon!!
Yes, sometimes I forget things or things break so I sometimes I have to "justify" the splurge for sunglasses, etc in WDW. I try to budget for it since I know I'm always forgetting x, y or z.
That's too funny!!
Space can take it's toll on grown ups, I understand but I'm so PROUD of J for being brave enough to go on it and loving it!
He would ride it all day if we let him!!
YES!!! I'm so glad you got to get on Pirates again! That drop isn't any bigger than the drops on Space Mountain! But good for J for facing his fears!
I'm glad too!! It feels like it had been forever since we were on it!!
YAY for WDW Magic meet and greets. And even more yay for MY FAVORITE BAR ON PROPERTY.

for both!!
We loved OKW when we stayed in July. As new DVC members, I'm sure we will end up back there soon enough...
Beautiful place!! That's great!! I would love to go back there soon myself!!
Great report, can't wait to read about your next one in July!!!
Thank you!!
So I had to check to see if we had pics from there from our April trip. For sure did!! No one said a word and there were definitely NO signs saying no pictures. Sooo weird he made you delete it!
And that's exactly what mine looked like!! I just don't get it!! I guess it depends on the CM??
Nice pic!!
I was so happy for you today when I saw Riverside resort was back open today!
Thank you!! I was so happy to go there again!! It's been way too long!!