I have a few gripes!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Capt. Salty,

just to avoid confusion, when you stay at a value resort, I don't believe you can have your packages sent back to the resort. they are only available for front of the park pickup.

if this is wrong-let me know:).

I could be wrong in saying this but as I heard it no matter what WDW resort you are staying in, you can have your packages sent to your room.

A few years ago my b/f and i were staying at all start music and I bought a poster at an MGM store and had it sent back to the hotle with no problem. Now I understand that this policy could have changed. Please let me know if it has.


Well-Known Member
I always give up my seat to individuals holding kids and elderly individuals, but after reading your post, I am seriously going to reconsider. What a sense of entitlement...


Active Member
it has always been that you can send your packages back to any of the disney resorts, but only concierge level rooms have them delivered directly to the room, all other must pick them up in the gift shop at the resort


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Original Poster
I agree with the post above (Dali)...While I do agree with some of the stuff the OP stated, most of it is minor stuff to me.

However, the Ohana thing is something to take exception to. IMHO, no matter what kind of customer a CM receives they should handle a matter more professionally. I know that in my day to day this doesn't always happen; people are in bad moods, personal conflicts, etc., but I DO expect better from a Disney establishment. I would have asked to speak to a manager.

I have been going to Disney for about 8 years (first trip at 20 with boyfriend/now hubby) and have been there 9 times. In those 9 times 4 times have we stayed at a value resort. Most of those times I had something to complain about. We are now DVC members and can enjoy some of the little extras that come with staying a moderate or deluxe resort. I realize that DVC isn't for everyone and not everyone can afford it. I guess I just think that the trade off is that I know that if I stay at a value resort, there are some things that aren't going to be as comfortable as staying in a nicer resort. I'm not trying to sound like I'm too good for a value resort, because truth be told, I think kids enjoy the atmosphere of the value resort more than the moderates or deluxes.

Side note: in March of last year I was about 6 and half months pregnant with my second child, and a lot of people didn't offer up seats for me either. This was all while my hubby was holding our sleeping daughter and I held on to the stroller. No one offered a seat to myself, or my hubby and daughter (she was 2). It's a bit sad, but really I just think that there are more important things to worry about. I know that you said it didn't ruin your trip-and I believe you-but the experiences bothered you enough to publicly 'vent'.

Also, in 24 days we will be going with 2 toddlers for the first time, so we'll see how easy our trip will be :lol:.

I really am glad that you did have a good trip though:wave:.

Thank you for recognizing the fact that you too noticed that people dont give up their seats. You said it perfectly for stating "it's sad" that people don't recognize the fact that someone may really appreciate a seat if they are elderly or have children. I managed holding my daughter and I saw many other people in my situation trying to hold on to the bar while carrying a child. I can not imagine trying to do it pregnant as well.

As for the resturaunt....I did not speak to the manager because they were v busy. I used to wait tables and I know how frustrating it is to be in the service industry. If for what ever reason this sever was having a bad day (which she did not appear to in the early part of the meal) I figured my complaining at that point would make it harder for her to get throught the night and might possible make it a bad experience for another guest. I just left well enough alone. I have heard of other guests having problems while on the dining plan with poor service because the servers know they allready get a guaranteed gratuity. I would hope this would not be the case but I am starting to think that may be where the problem lays. I have always had such good experiences with disney that I would think that disney would expect nothing but exceptional service from their CM's

On a side note....I met sooo many CM's that were wonderful, helpful, friendly, and gave spectacular service!!!


Active Member
Original Poster
I always give up my seat to individuals holding kids and elderly individuals, but after reading your post, I am seriously going to reconsider. What a sense of entitlement...

I am sorry you feel that way. It is not a sense of entitlement as I would offer my seat to someone if I were not injured, elderly, or carrying a child, as I have many times before when I did not have a kid. It is in no way a sense of entitlement. It is simply a courtesy that I would give someone and I would hope someone else would reciprocate.

And for all the people you have given your seat to.....I think that is wonderful and shows you are a caring human being and if you had ever given up your seat to me....I would thank you.

Disney is a magical place and sometimes the smallest gestures keep it magical and most meaningful


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Are you sure that the 40 year old man did not have a "condition" that you could not see? Maybe he has an inner ear problem where standing on a moving vehicle would cause him to fall (and hurt those he would land on), or some sort of other problem that standing would cause pain or endanger those near him? At what age does a man become a Senior and allowed to sit, where those who are younger and more able-bodied give up a seat for him? :shrug:

And if you really wanted to sit on the bus you could have waited for the next one.
All very good points!
First of all, when you're in your room, put out the DND sign - period. You will avoid any intrusion. Secondly, I find it offensive for you to point out that a male sitting in a seat should simply give it up just because you (a woman, and holding a child), think you should have it, just because you're holding a child. Male or female has nothing to do with it. Yes, it;s the polite thing to do, but for everyone. All those people have been walking just as much as you. Also, since you stayed at a WDW resort, you could have had your purchases sent to your resort, and not had to carry tons of bags. And, depending on where you're staying, your bus stop may very well be the last stop. Do a little research when you get there, find out where the bus stops are, find one that may not be the last one, but may still get you back in a resonable amount of time. The buses may leave empty because they're going to a DIFFERENT area than where you need to go...
Yes its WDW, but you also have to realize that the CM's are people too, not Audio Animatronics. They have to deal with thousands of guest's, some nice, some not so nice-my meaning-it wears on you. You need to understand that, as well.
I truly hope you go back and have a better experience, but do some research on the transportation system, You'll be glad you did. We always drive or rent a car for some of the reasons you speak of.
I'm not trying to bash you, but WDW is it's own major city-if you will. You and your family will benefit from doing as much research as you can for your trip. The majority of us on these boards have been to WDW multiple times, and can't say enough about knowing where you're going, how to get around, and what to do. Sounds obvious, but none-the-less is very true.
just my 2 cents.

May I suggest using the default font...It makes for much easier reading.


New Member
4. My BIGGEST pet peeve of the trip:fork: .....why on earth when you get on a bus, and you are standing there holding a baby, why cant someone of able body (especially a man) get up and offer his seat to you? Why should I stand there struggling to hold on while holding a sleeping baby while a man in his 40's sat there next to his 6 or 7 yr old daughter and wife who sat and talked on his phone "conducting business". Sorry but he acted as if he was someone important....well guess what....in Disney everyone is important and status makes no difference there. Their daughter was small enough she could have sat on moms lap and he could have stood up and offered a seat to anyone else holding a child (as I was not the only one standing with a baby) or to the elderly lady standing. Them doing that small gesture of putting her on a lap and him standing, would have opened 2 seats for people struggling while standing. I am sorry to sound all old fashioned with men should offer their seat but, if I were not holding my daughter, I would stand up and offer my seat to someone who needed it. The entire time there, only ONCE did someone stand up and offer me a seat when I was standing with the baby.

Now thats odd for me to hear. We stayed at All Star Movies, and when the bus was packed, or even just a few people standing up, if one of those was elderly, pregnant or holding a baby and/or pushchair, someone would always off their seat.

My dad stood up for a women holding a baby, and that was on the longest distance trip which was from downtown back to the hotel, and i stood up (bear in mind i'm a typical 16 year old :p) for an elderly women on the way from Epcot.

It just shows how ignorant some people can actually be and i can sympathise with your anger :mad:

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
That is correct.

All purchases can be sent to a WDW resort.

Only guests staying in concierge will get them delivered to their rooms. Again, this a "you get what you pay for" situation. Concierge rooms are very expensive, and for that extra money, you get more service.

Further to that, when you want resort delivery, tell the CM at the beginning of your transaction. There is extra paperwork involved, and if you mention this after everything is rung up, it will take you much longer, because it will have to be backed up.

At the end of the day, nerves are frayed, folks are tired and sweaty, and not much in the mood to interact with others. This is not an excuse for lack of courtesy, but they are just as miserable as you are.

When you travel with small children, you must constantly make allowances for them. This can mean skipping rides, leaving when you are having a great time to accommodate a nap, tantrum, or diaper change, or lugging around the thousands of pounds of equipment they require.

It is a sacrifice that most parents here claim to be happy to make.

This is your choice and your issue to deal with.


New Member
man give her a break. It seems that everyone is flaming her for her thoughts. I have seen numerous threads were people gripe about thing and nobody has a problem.

Recreational ranting is every American's God given right, but sympathy is not.

Gripe about mousekeeping walking in your room if you want. I appreciate the warning.

Has anyone else noticed the Value resorts are at the end of the bus stops?... Yes, everyone. Okay, to be fair, once I noticed, I made a mental note to book at least a moderate next time.

Having a child is a hassle, but any help you get from strangers is to be appreciated not expected. The man who didn't give up his seat wasn't rude - he was inconsiderate.


Active Member
Original Poster
man give her a break. It seems that everyone is flaming her for her thoughts. I have seen numerous threads were people gripe about thing and nobody has a problem.
1. I agree that if mousekeeping only knocked once then then tried to enter right away i be upset also. they should give atleast an appropriate amount of time for someone to acknowledge whether they are in the room or not.

2 As for the bus and having to stand, that is just pure decency's. I know that the man has the same rights to sit as anyone else but come on. I have giving me seat to a woman with an infant while i was hold my 3yr old ds hand because she was having a hard time and my ds was able to hold my hand or leg to support himself

3 we all know that empty buses at the end of the night has been a big problem for ever and it probably won't go away anytime soon.

Thank you for "sticking up for me" as I feel like I have to continue to defend myself.

With the mousekeeping, they knocked once, I yelled just a minute and the indoor lock was on the door (as one person mentioned in another post) but even with that lock on, you can still open the door a crack and see in. Even after yelling just a minute they still proceeded in the room so I assume they didnt hear me. I guess I didnt realize that they would come back to the room after it had been serviced and that is why I didnt think to put the sign on the door.


New Member
try and focus on the good parts,they far outweigh the bad.I just returned on tuesday evening,i felt so relaxed and my trip was great but there was some problems ,some disneys fault,some not.But now its saturday morning and i can feel the tension rising in my body.my extremely relaxed feeling is being wiped away by reality.It stinks.at least, i am going back next summer so i have something to look forward to.:)
it has always been that you can send your packages back to any of the disney resorts, but only concierge level rooms have them delivered directly to the room, all other must pick them up in the gift shop at the resort

Sorry! You guys are right. I just got off the phone with my husband and he said that the time I was thinking of (Dec. '06), there was some kind of problem with order back-ups and stuff was not going to be delivered to the resorts.
So, you guys are the smartest...I-not so much :p.

Capt. Salty

New Member
Capt. Salty,

just to avoid confusion, when you stay at a value resort, I don't believe you can have your packages sent back to the resort. they are only available for front of the park pickup.

if this is wrong-let me know:).
you know, I was thinking about that possibility after I posted. my mistake.

and again, my point concerning giving up a seat to someone was it shouldn't be a "chivarly" thing, it should be simply the right thing to do for anyone sitting to offer a seat to someone who obviously needs it...

I also expect that a CM be as courteous and professional as possible, at all times, just like a patient of mine ( I'm a paramedic), expects me to be courteous and professional, but lets be realistic here, CM's are just as human as you and I. One of my wife's best friends is a CM, has been for almost 15 yrs, and, just like everyone elses jobs, some days are better than others - WDW or not.

no stress here...:wave:


Well-Known Member
I totally understand what you're saying...yes, it would be embarrassing for me if I had been undressed and Mousekeeping had walked in on me. But, I would chalk it up as they were just doing their jobs. We don't know the reason they were coming back into your room, but I would suspect, (knowing what I know about the hotel industry) that they were either checking up on the original Mousekeeper's work or they weren't aware that someone had already cleaned the room. It is an honest mistake. Like I said, it's something I would be embarrssed about, but wouldn't carry with me through the rest of the trip. Maybe I'm a bit more easy-going, but mistakes like that can happen, especially in the hotel industry. (And on that note, I'm sure you aren't the only person that Mousekeeper has accidentally seen naked).

I'm also sorry to hear what happened to you at Ohana. I will be going down to Disney on Friday with the Free Dining and I'm hoping I recieve excellent service still at the restaurants. However, if I do not...I'm the type who will say something. Not rudely...just a polite little mention how I didn't think that was the correct way to handle the situation...and leave it at that. B/c if you don't let someone know that what they did was not acceptable, they will continue doing it.

Just my two cents...on all that.

I'm glad though out of all your gripes to hear you had a wonderful trip.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I had a similar incident on my last trip. We had just arrived at the POP and I was standing around the room in my swim suit while my mom was changing in the bathroom when a maid came to check on if we were settled in. She knocked, but before I could say "don't come in" she barged in and she looked pretty embarrassed to see me standing there shirtless and in my swim suit. Now I don't really blame the maid, but I do think they could open the doors and enter the rooms more slowly and carefully to prevent incident.

LeeLee D

New Member
Privacy aside, I always engage the bolt lock and the arm-like thingy (yea, I know - very technical) for safety reasons. I travel alone, so I may be more aware of things like that.

Just throwing $0.02 in!


Active Member
Original Poster
Are you sure that the 40 year old man did not have a "condition" that you could not see? Maybe he has an inner ear problem where standing on a moving vehicle would cause him to fall (and hurt those he would land on), or some sort of other problem that standing would cause pain or endanger those near him? At what age does a man become a Senior and allowed to sit, where those who are younger and more able-bodied give up a seat for him? :shrug:

And if you really wanted to sit on the bus you could have waited for the next one.

I dont know if that person had a condition that prevented him from standing but the fact that he had on swim trunks and a towel draped over his shoulder and got off at the water park makes me assume he was able bodied.

And I believe the guidelines for being considered senior is 62...although I am not possitive about that. Thats not to say that a senior isnt capable of offering his or her seat or that they are not entiteled to be given the opprotunity to sit down over a younger person. It is a matter of decency and compassion for others.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I had a similar incident on my last trip. We had just arrived at the POP and I was standing around the room in my swim suit while my mom was changing in the bathroom when a maid came to check on if we were settled in. She knocked, but before I could say "don't come in" she barged in and she looked pretty embarrassed to see me standing there shirtless and in my swim suit. Now I don't really blame the maid, but I do think they could open the doors and enter the rooms more slowly and carefully to prevent incident.

Why would she be embarrassed by seeing you in your swimsuit?


1. One afternoon we were resting in the hotel and we did not put our DND sign in the door as housekeeping had been there so we figured we were safe. WRONG! While napping, housekeeping knocked on the door....woke our daughter up and after one knock, tried entering our room. My husband and I had declothed to cool off and rest so there we were for her to see....I was a little perturbed about that.

So really, the only one at fault for this was you. You should be perturbed with yourself. :shrug:

2. Has anyone else noticed that the cheaper the resort you stay at, the farther you have to walk for the buses? I swear every bus stop for us was the LAST one on that line. Ummmm....hello DISNEY, most of the people staying at the value resorts are there because they have kids...most of them several kids. Why on earth would you make it so the people with kids, toting all sorts of extras in a bag and sometimes large or multiple strollers walk the farthest and try to navigate through the crowds?!

People with kids stay at ALL levels of resorts, from value to deluxe. Why should those paying $80 a night who have kids have less of a walk than those paying $400 a night who have kids? Obviously the ones paying 5x as much as you are to stay on property are going to have more perks. If you don't want to walk so far, then save up a few thousand more to get a closer bus like the people who stay at deluxe resorts do.

4. My BIGGEST pet peeve of the trip:fork: .....why on earth when you get on a bus, and you are standing there holding a baby, why cant someone of able body (especially a man) get up and offer his seat to you? Why should I stand there struggling to hold on while holding a sleeping baby while a man in his 40's sat there next to his 6 or 7 yr old daughter and wife who sat and talked on his phone "conducting business". Sorry but he acted as if he was someone important....well guess what....in Disney everyone is important and status makes no difference there. Their daughter was small enough she could have sat on moms lap and he could have stood up and offered a seat to anyone else holding a child (as I was not the only one standing with a baby) or to the elderly lady standing. Them doing that small gesture of putting her on a lap and him standing, would have opened 2 seats for people struggling while standing. I am sorry to sound all old fashioned with men should offer their seat but, if I were not holding my daughter, I would stand up and offer my seat to someone who needed it. The entire time there, only ONCE did someone stand up and offer me a seat when I was standing with the baby.

You having a baby does not make you more entitled to a seat than anyone else. You really should stop judging other people...you have no idea what their reason was for not giving up their seat for you. How do you know this man was even physically capable of standing for a long period? If you're so interested in his motivations for whatever he was doing, why not just ask him if you can have a seat if it's such a big issue instead of passing judgments?

:shrug: You're the one who decided to bring a baby to WDW, and if you don't want to deal with bringing the baby on the buses, then why not rent a car or drive yourself? We've always driven halfway across the country to have our own vehicle at the parks because we know that it would be more hassle than it's worth to have to rely on Disney transportation with young children in tow.

If I'm being honest, it sounds like you expect the entire world to stop and revolve around you in every situation, and that's just not reality. :shrug:
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