I got my Disney Visa card!


New Member
I got mine about a week ago. :sohappy:
Of course my hubby asked where his was. :confused:
So I have to add him onto mine, It will still say Member since Day one.:sohappy:


Meega, nala kwishta!
Wow, been reading some of these stories about people having to send in their life history to get this card. I just filled in the internet app, and week later the card came in the mail.

I wish we could pick a picture on the card though instead of that pink/red look.


Well-Known Member
New Disney visa card sucks

This is the Wonderful replacement for the Disney Club Card? 1% back!? Disney club only costed $40.00 a year and saved me $200.00 to $400.00 a single trip. Now they want you to spend $100.00 to get $1.00. No Thankyou.


New Member
I applied a little over a week ago online. Patiently waiting. It didn't say if I was approved or not but I have good credit and get about 4 pre-approved credit card offers a day so I'm hoping.

I wonder if the card will change pictures/colors when new card comes to replace old expiration date?


Well-Known Member
we just got the pin in the mail yesterday. much faster to get the pin than to get the card.
Tigsmom...same exact thing happened to me! SAHM, no income, so its in hubbys name...then next thing I know they want me to get my own.


Well-Known Member
Hey, got our card a few days ago (I think we already earned 2$, been a busy week!)

No problems getting it. I did put my husbands name as the main name since I only work part time and his income is about 3 times that of mine. :lol:

No pin yet, expect that next week.

Strange about all the troulbes getting it, since they are shoving cc appications down peoples throats lately.

I think it is worth it. I like when I spend money I would anyway, I get closer to my favorite vacation.


Well-Known Member
Got our pin yesterday...Hubby gave it to me, but the kids are fighting for it. It's bigger than I thought it would be!


New Member
I got my card about 2 weeks ago, but no pin yet! How long does it normally take to recieve the pin ?

Sorry to hear about the trouble some of you guys are having, I just applied online and it showed up in the mail.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Stitch79
I got my card about 2 weeks ago, but no pin yet! How long does it normally take to recieve the pin ?

Sorry to hear about the trouble some of you guys are having, I just applied online and it showed up in the mail.
Give it another week or two on the pin. We got the pin before we got our first bill. WOOHOO! We've earned 4 Disney dollars! I can buy a turkey leg!:slurp:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Stitch79
I got my card about 2 weeks ago, but no pin yet! How long does it normally take to recieve the pin ?

I received my pin within one week after my first purchase. That is the stipulation, you must use the card first before the pin will be sent. It's in the fine print an could easily be missed.


New Member
OK.. Just got in the mail a letter from Bank One. Said

"You may have recently received a lletter telling you, you were denied a Visa, but it was sent in error. In fact, you were approved and your card will be arriving in 7-10 days"



OK, I have a couple of things to say about this card. First of all, I applied for this card on day 1 and got a letter saying it was declined due to information on my credit report and it gave me a number to call to get specifics on it. I called the number and they said there was one instance over 4 years ago where I paid a Discover card payment 30 days late. I told them I was inbetween jobs at the time and they said they would note that and re-submit it. My wife got a call 3 days later to verify the spelling of the names on the cards and told us we were now approved. The cards came about 7 days later and I expected a credit limit of maybe $1500 due to the problems they said I had on my credit. Imagine my surprise when they gave me a limit of $10,000. I can't believe one small call made the difference between no card and a high limit card like this one. I do suppose you need that high of a limit if you travel to Disney as much as we do though. LOL.

Another thing I wanted to mention was people slamming the card and rewards and saying it won't save them the way the Disney Club card did. Let me say this, on the website there is an offers link to see current offers to card holders. With this offer, I was able to stay in a room this May for much less than my Disney Club card alone would give me. I am staying in a moderate resort for $94/night. A savings of almost $50/night over rack rates. I find the discounts to be equal to what we had in the Disney Club if not better. We also have a friend who is a manager of the local Disney Store and she told us to expect the same 10% or better discounts for using or Visa card as we got with our Disney Club once the program gets under way. I think it is great if you use your credit responsibly.



New Member
I got a letter that said I was declined because of my credit report.that freaked me out because I knew I shouldnt have anything on my report that was bad.so i pulled my report and guess what,SEARS listed me as a bad debt,charge off,skip $2,998.I about went thru the roof knowing that I paid them every dime and on time.I called them and they said they didnt put it on my report and would send me a letter stating paid in full,and it will be off my report by April 12th.hopefully this will resolve the problem but Bank One should call people when they see something strange when they see 17 good things on a report.so check your credit always,you never know what strange things may appear.


New Member
DH and I received our cards today, yippee! Although we don't really need another credit card and we spend every dollar with Amex (to get rewards)...so I have to see how this is going to fit into my spending habits and how I can get the most out of it! Any suggestions???

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