I got into a altercation @ F & G festival!!


Well-Known Member
The most memorable thread in my WDW Magic experience!

...only 2nd to the post on the Dis Boards where the lady got her shoe stuck in an escalator and was raging when a Dream Squad person who saw it happen gave her a coupon to get free replacement shoes and she was mad she couldn't use the coupon to get toys for her kids instead to "make up for the trauma."
This sounds hilarious, but I can't find this thread anywhere! Where is it, please? I'd love to read it!


Well-Known Member
this brings back memories. i remember first reading this a while back and thinking to myself this guy and his wife must be really paranoid and their stuff is not at all unique lol.


Well-Known Member
I was curious to see if they are going to shows anymore. I sent an email to them via their website. Mail bounced back "mailbox full". LOL


Well-Known Member
Well, all their efforts to keep people from copying have been in vain...

On Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/shop/ShedCreations?ref=top_trail

On About.com: http://woodworking.about.com/od/woodworkingplansdesigns/ss/ClayPotHanger.htm

Then there is the aptly-named: http://www.claypothangers.com/

And "Nature on the Rocks" has some stiff competition from...."Garden on a Stick": http://gardenonastick.com/products/
(I mean really...GoaS has a better name. At least they are selling garden decorations that are on a "stick". NotR should at least have some stone or mineral works on there....)

Oh and...discussions on how to build them at an online forum called Family Woodworking: http://familywoodworking.org/forums/showthread.php?13966-wooden-clay-pot-hanger

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