
Well-Known Member
Canada is removing their return covid tests to reenter Canada at the end of the month.
Wdw will be laughing all the way to the bank.
Travel agents are being flooded with calls for vacation packages.

For any real change to happen people need to stop going and let WDW know why.


Well-Known Member
I have personally been going for 4 decades now.
Nothing is perfect, however when something feels wrong we should say something.
Nothing you can do, some things just don’t last forever, we had a good hanging thread run for 15 years much longer than id ever imagine I want to say between 1998 and 2013. We saw everything we loved declining aNd it held up for much inter than it should have, its over and Disneys only going to continue to be unrecognizable to us more and more in the upcoming years.


It devistates me to say this but we go to Disney now to reminisce and for some of us that’s the highlight but in its current form where really not having a good time and it’s finally catching up to me.
There were many times people would tell us they didn’t enjoy their Disney trip and we felt those people didn’t know how to do it right. We stay on site, go early and come back to enjoy the resort all afternoon, then return for the late hours.

Our last trip, 3 weeks ago was terrible. The crowds were far worse than we’ve ever experienced. The parks closed too early for the size crowds they had.

My wife loves Epcot. The crowds were so bad, I told her one evening I’d prefer to stay back at the room. She said she didn’t mind going by herself, it would give her a break from grandkids for a bit. She came back saying the crowds were so terrible she could hardly walk around the world showcase.

Price doesn’t seem to matter to many. They might need to double the price to get the crowd size down. We saw a half dozen VIP groups in one morning. Normally I notice 1 per trip.

We don’t plan on going back until Disney offers the 30% off deal again. Not because of the price, although I was shocked Riviera was asking $700 per night, but because that might mean crowds are down.


Well-Known Member
Nothing you can do, some things just don’t last forever, we had a good hanging thread run for 15 years much longer than id ever imagine I want to say between 1998 and 2013. We saw everything we loved declining aNd it held up for much inter than it should have, its over and Disneys only going to continue to be unrecognizable to us more and more in the upcoming years.
Spot on.....I completely agree.
However, there is something cathartic about writing to WDW.


Well-Known Member
This video is exactly why I am not renewing my WDW pass. It will take some time, but many people will be priced out. While I have not been priced out, I have been “magic”-ed out. There is literally no feel-good energy at WDW.

Want some simple Econ 101? The product is a cheap quality for a premium price.
I agree with this. I have not been priced out (though the prices are ridiculous), but there have been too many changes, price increases and upcharges that don't benefit the customer. There is nothing positive about visiting.

The only reason I am not cancelling my next trip is a I got a steal of a deal on a DVC rental, I have a TON of Disney rewards points to use and we will be there the week of my Mom and sister's birthdays. It will be my last trip.

Luckily, my last 'drop' of Disney reward points will be a few days before I leave and when I return home, my Disney credit card will be cancelled.


Well-Known Member
I disagree. I know this is a popular sentiment on the internet, but I'm inclined to think this is a myth. At least for the time being.

It appears to me, that WDW is following in the footsteps of other businesses that have had major problems. It appears to me, that instead of appealing to MORE customers, they have decided to raise prices. Like they know they CAN'T find enough new customers, so they instead just try to get as much $ as possible from their existing customers.

WDW's latest commercial is REALLY telling. They used to always advertise a price. Something like, "A family of 4 can enjoy a 5-night WDW vacation for as little as $1000." NOW the commercial has no price, and - get this - when advertising their hotels, the ad actually ends with, "Disney hotels...why would you stay anywhere else?" That is such a tell, IMO. Like they are saying, "DO NOT LOOK AT the price of any offsite hotels. Just book WDW without pricing any other options."

Does anyone else remember the movie Brazil? When Michael Palin says "Trust me," while standing in front of a sign that says, "Who can you trust?" The ad reminded me of that. Omitting the price while saying it is a good deal = admitting the current pricing is terrible. The ad is called, "The Fun Never Stops," and features Dumbo.

Perhaps when the pandemic eases, the situation will improve, but...well right now a large portion of the population wouldn't dream of visiting a densely crowded place like WDW, especially if they have young children. Another portion of the population won't spend money on vacations until they feel their economic stability has recovered.
Speaking of their commercials, I saw one the other day that seemed to be geared towards Florida residents, which surprised me. I wanna say it said something like "Florida residents 2-day pass for $149." I think it was a local commercial. (I'm in Texas, but we stream cable and I think it was a Florida station.)


Well-Known Member
i am telling you that this guy is not alone..i want to go to disney world.. THE OLD DISNEY WORLD.. THe Walt Disney world.. I am desperate to go... but Bob Paycheck has ruined this for me.. So for the past 5 plus years ..I have been promising 3 young people that I would take them to see Grampa's Buddy.. Mickey Mouse.. because since Grampa was old enough to watch tv and remember.. Mickey has been my buddy.. and now Mickey's boss and controller and manipulator, has priced Mickey's place way out of proportion.. But we are going to go at least once.. I have GIVEN MY WORD.. but trust me, as much as my children have been dusted with Pixie dust like a five pound bag of powdered sugar, they too , have seen the price.. and the GREED.. and THEY ARE TELLING ME NO... and that's Disney customers for the next 40 years.. Not me.. but them. my kids.. and that's money not coming back to Orlando.. Bob Killjoy has stomped on the pixie dust and its down to less then a trickle on my kids..
this guy is not alone.. and yes.. People are desperate to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE.. but fool me once.. shame on you.. FOOL ME TWICE , Shame on ME.. you may get our money ONCE.. but not twice.. Listen DIsney.. this is the truth in the making..


Well-Known Member
i am telling you that this guy is not alone..i want to go to disney world.. THE OLD DISNEY WORLD.. THe Walt Disney world.. I am desperate to go... but Bob Paycheck has ruined this for me.. So for the past 5 plus years ..I have been promising 3 young people that I would take them to see Grampa's Buddy.. Mickey Mouse.. because since Grampa was old enough to watch tv and remember.. Mickey has been my buddy.. and now Mickey's boss and controller and manipulator, has priced Mickey's place way out of proportion.. But we are going to go at least once.. I have GIVEN MY WORD.. but trust me, as much as my children have been dusted with Pixie dust like a five pound bag of powdered sugar, they too , have seen the price.. and the GREED.. and THEY ARE TELLING ME NO... and that's Disney customers for the next 40 years.. Not me.. but them. my kids.. and that's money not coming back to Orlando.. Bob Killjoy has stomped on the pixie dust and its down to less then a trickle on my kids..
this guy is not alone.. and yes.. People are desperate to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE.. but fool me once.. shame on you.. FOOL ME TWICE , Shame on ME.. you may get our money ONCE.. but not twice.. Listen DIsney.. this is the truth in the making..
Fortunately I already took my grandkids in 2008. It was still pretty much "the old" Disney at that point. The rest of the story is the same. My kids, their parents, have not bought into the new one and the older grandkids have no interest anymore. That is what I have been saying. This has a long range affect once it stops being the place they MUST go. They are already saying things like who's Walt Disney!


Well-Known Member
The parks are not crowded. You love Disney.


Well-Known Member
Us Hardcore Disney fans have no choice. We either put up with their **** or we won't have something we love. Unlike with Disney+, they can keep churning out crap though and we'll show up in droves.
Not my family. DVC & AP, in MI - we cancelled our Spring trip. Used to go twice per year, giving WDW about $6K per trip. So they are out $6K in 2022. Being a "locals" park, I'm sure they will make it up elsewhere.

We've cut our trips in half.... and are exploring dumping our 300 DVC points. LOVED WDW, while it lasted...


Active Member
Not my family. DVC & AP, in MI - we cancelled our Spring trip. Used to go twice per year, giving WDW about $6K per trip. So they are out $6K in 2022. Being a "locals" park, I'm sure they will make it up elsewhere.

We've cut our trips in half.... and are exploring dumping our 300 DVC points. LOVED WDW, while it lasted...
We have 250 points that we are for the first time considering dumping; we rent a bunch of 2021 points out. Never done that.


Premium Member
A good old fashioned recession will fix this problem.
In fact…it’s the only way.
That's coming up sooner than people think. Disney parks will get hammered, it has happened in the past.
It’s been 14 years and iger - To his credit in a weird way - managed to increase prices for the long haul during the last one. If you want to know why the relationship is so unbalanced? Don’t discount this huge factor.
Yeah.. put me in the camp of people not rooting for an economic recession because a theme park isn't what I want it to be.
You should…wdw and recessions have been “symbiotic” over its history.


Premium Member
This is factually wrong. TWDC has made it quite clear that their only interest is in high margin guests. They are not looking to broaden there customer base, in fact to the contrary they are using price to narrow their guests to only the most profitable under the guise of controlling capacity. (LOL). There’s a reason why the value resorts were/are the last to open. There’s a reason why the upcharge parties deliver less and cost so much much more, How about those APs, pricing out the least profitable guests…. Yes Disney may throw a bone every now and then to some groups, but is 25% off a $1000 rack rate room that’s no better than the local Marriott really showing that they want to broaden their customer base?
You still believe what they tell you?
Why? As long as it’s not book cooking…they can say any damn thing they want.

You’re just describing phase 1: find people to spend more
Phase 2 is to pack the place with them and then charge for fastpass fo the bathrooms next to the food wine booths.
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Premium Member
Actually, it was Pete Werner (Dis Unplugged) who said it.

Huge Disney fan. I think others have come out and said they especially don't like APers and call them something like Annual ******** (or something along those lines).
What got him going?

Did chapek Welch on the free club33 memberships that he promised to him and his head goon/goonette?

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