Active Member
I really don't want to fan the flames of this debate, but just to give a balanced look at the issue I would point you to an article published by WebMD that discusses these studies that show there is no danger posed by secondhand smoke:UncleJeet said:But it does, doesn't it? Isn't that sort of the foundation of all science? When study after study has shown that secondhand smoke is not a carcinogen, does not contain allergens, and is generally a pretty benign pollutant, that probably means that it never will be the noxious and deadly fume that so many people want to believe it is.
You see, it's not just that "Secondhand Smoke Will Kill You" isn't written on paper as truth, but that "Secondhand Smoke Is Stinky And Annoying, But In The End Is Pretty Harmless" IS written on paper after paper after paper. The only papers that have "It'll Kill Ya" written on it are either based off of faulty research or pure speculation and anecdotal "evidence" - ie, not evidence at all.
"Researchers reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1998 that 75% of studies done between 1980 and 1995 that found no link between secondhand smoke and health problems were funded by tobacco companies. In that review, researchers examined 106 studies conducted in those 15 years; two in three indicated secondhand smoke does contribute to lung and heart disease.
"...there are at least 50 very reputable studies that find a link between secondhand smoke and lung cancer and at least 50 others that find an increased risk of heart disease," says Thun. "
The report can be found here: