I Am A Considerate Smoker Tired Of Getting Ragged On By Nonsmokers!!

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Well-Known Member
HennieBogan1966 said:
First I wanted to ask if this response is being seen. I have been having some problems with my posts, so I wanted to make sure that issue has been resolved. Could someone let me know please? Then I'll make my comments on this issue.



Yep, we can see it. Or at least, I can see it. You should be fine to make your comments.

Here's my own comment. I personally am a non-smoker and since my father died of lung cancer, I hope that my children will grow to be non-smokers as well. I'm fine with the majority of the locations for the smoking areas at WDW, but there is one that I do have a problem with. There is a smoking area in Tomorrowland that is located directly under the tracks for the TTA. The problem with this is that when the TTA passes over that area, there is a cloud of smoke that collects there. This means that people on the TTA are forced to inhale secondhand smoke while they ride. This really doesn't seem right to me. Other than that, as long as people stay in the designated areas when they are smoking, I have no problem with that.


Well-Known Member
HennieBogan1966 said:
First I wanted to ask if this response is being seen. I have been having some problems with my posts, so I wanted to make sure that issue has been resolved. Could someone let me know please? Then I'll make my comments on this issue.



I can see it.

So what do you have to say? :animwink:


Unfortunately I think it's a case of a handful of people making you all look bad. I'm sorry you end up having to pay for it.

Thank you for being a considerate smoker :wave:


Account Suspended
Thanks Disney

What I'd like to say is that while I am not a smoker, and have been asthmatic since birth, I would tell everyone that we have to be careful to protect our everyday, "still legal" civil liberties. While I personally abhor smoking, and all that goes with it, I fully support the rights of people to do so, as it is "still" a legal product.

While the subject of rude inconsiderate people can be frustrating, I can certainly understand why they look at you that "funny" way. It IS a disgusting habit. Not to mention what it does to your breath, teeth, lungs, and clothes. I can remember as a youngster all the cigarette machines that used to be in restaurants. I used to read the warning labels while my family and I would wait to be seated. Even then I knew how dangerous a habit it could be. So, it makes me wonder what the REAL reasons are that people smoke.

Again, personally, if you want to do it, do it. But don't get offended when people express their right to voice their displeasure with it. It is their right to do so, just as it is your right to smoke in designated areas. And I don't agree with all these smoking areas being banned on a civil rights type of issue, but I am glad that it is happened as someone who struggles to breath well around cigarette smoke. Think of it like this:

If smoking were still "legal" in restaurants, planes, etc., where would all of us go who don't smoke? Don't we have as much right to breath freely in clean air too?


New Member
I'd like to see Disney be a bit more accommodating to smokers but have either designated smoking areas away from the travel paths of non-smoking guests or have enclosed, ventilated rooms where smokers can indulge. As a smoker, it would appeal to my sensibilities of not inflicting my habit on others. And if someone decided to get up in my face anyway, I'd ask them, politely, why they bothered to come into a designated smoking area to do that.


Premium Member
Wow lot's of smoking threads today!

I don't know if I have an allergy to smoke or anything, but when I'm around it I start coughing really bad, I get nauseas, I get a sore throat, and I have sinus problems the rest of the day. A few months ago we ate at Red Lobster and were seated next to the smoking section and I got so sick I couldn't finish my meal and had to lay on the couch the rest of the night with a grueling headache.

I am angry at smokers in general because I have to constantly go out of MY way to avoid them. If I go to Walmart I have to try and find a door where there aren't 30 people blowing a smoke cloud in front of it. If I can't find such a door, I have to hold my breath for 10 seconds while I race past the smoke clouds. I can't even ride in my own vehicle without being bothered by smoke. If someone 2 cars over is smoking with their windows down and I have my windows up the smoke blows right into my vents and makes my van smell bad.

My honest opinion - I'd rather have someone fart in my face than smoke in my face. Farting is rude and smells bad, smoking is more rude, smells worse, and causes health problems.

I know smokers feel all proud of themselves if they are courteous and don't smoke around others, but what you don't realize is that your CLOTHES, your hair, YOU smell like a cigarette. Just being around the smell of YOU can be a nuissance to other people and make them ill, even set off an asthma attack. So you go stand in your designated spot and smoke your cigarette and then you get in line packed with children who have to breathe in the smoke that is all over your clothes.

I appreciate courteous smokers, I am grateful for those who go off to a secluded area to light up rather than light up right where I'm about to walk, but at the same time you have to understand that us non-smokers are in a constant battle to avoid smoke and smokers and it never ends. It ticks us off because its completely unfair that we chose to keep ourselves healthy but yet we still have to deal with other people's gross habit day after day. Unless you strip naked, take a shower, brush your teeth, and wash all your clothes after each cigarette - you are still bothering the nonsmokers no matter how courteous you are trying to be.

And I ditto everyone who complained about the horrible locations of the designated smoking areas.

/end of rant.


Well-Known Member
Laura22 said:
Wow lot's of smoking threads today!

I don't know if I have an allergy to smoke or anything, but when I'm around it I start coughing really bad, I get nauseas, I get a sore throat, and I have sinus problems the rest of the day. A few months ago we ate at Red Lobster and were seated next to the smoking section and I got so sick I couldn't finish my meal and had to lay on the couch the rest of the night with a grueling headache.

I am angry at smokers in general because I have to constantly go out of MY way to avoid them. If I go to Walmart I have to try and find a door where there aren't 30 people blowing a smoke cloud in front of it. If I can't find such a door, I have to hold my breath for 10 seconds while I race past the smoke clouds. I can't even ride in my own vehicle without being bothered by smoke. If someone 2 cars over is smoking with their windows down and I have my windows up the smoke blows right into my vents and makes my van smell bad.

My honest opinion - I'd rather have someone fart in my face than smoke in my face. Farting is rude and smells bad, smoking is more rude, smells worse, and causes health problems.

I know smokers feel all proud of themselves if they are courteous and don't smoke around others, but what you don't realize is that your CLOTHES, your hair, YOU smell like a cigarette. Just being around the smell of YOU can be a nuissance to other people and make them ill, even set off an asthma attack. So you go stand in your designated spot and smoke your cigarette and then you get in line packed with children who have to breathe in the smoke that is all over your clothes.

I appreciate courteous smokers, I am grateful for those who go off to a secluded area to light up rather than light up right where I'm about to walk, but at the same time you have to understand that us non-smokers are in a constant battle to avoid smoke and smokers and it never ends. It ticks us off because its completely unfair that we chose to keep ourselves healthy but yet we still have to deal with other people's gross habit day after day. Unless you strip naked, take a shower, brush your teeth, and wash all your clothes after each cigarette - you are still bothering the nonsmokers no matter how courteous you are trying to be.

And I ditto everyone who complained about the horrible locations of the designated smoking areas.

/end of rant.

Sorry, I had to apluad :sohappy: this here because it wouldn't let me give you postive rep points, apparently I need to spreed the love, I have given too many to you already! :sohappy:

So true, I totally agree.

As far as giving dirty looks, it might also be because smoking is a nasty habbit. It is unatractive and most people who don't smoke look at it that way, hense the ugly looks. They would give you the same looks if you peed in puplic or other nasty things (not to say the are the same, but both are unatracitive habbits.)


Premium Member
DisneyPhD said:
As far as giving dirty looks, it might also be because smoking is a nasty habbit. It is unatractive and most people who don't smoke look at it that way, hense the ugly looks. They would give you the same looks if you peed in puplic or other nasty things (not to say the are the same, but both are unatracitive habbits.)

Like if you saw someone picking their nose, you can't help but sneer. :lol:

Boo's Mom

New Member
I live with a smoker (my grandmother) and I go to school with a bunch of inconsiderate smokers. My headaches have increased since I've started college, I have chronic sinus problems. I wake up with a swollen face, horrible sinus pressure, headaches so bad my jaw hurts. I'm around cigarette smoke 24/7. When I get a place of my own, there will be no smoking in my house. I absolutely will not marry a smoker. My health is more important than my love for somebody, (sorry guys). I worry about my health, Boo's health, Noel's health and my grandmother's health but there is nothing I can do. It sucks but my hands are tied. My doctor has said that cigarette smoke is the cause of all my problems. Recently I've noticed that my gland on my left side of my neck has been a little swollen. I've had so many health problems since I started college that I'm left wondering is college really worth going through all of these health problems. I have no problem with smokers as long as they consider the health of those around them. Its the inconsiderate ones that make me sick...literally
Here is my problem with designated smoking areas.

When someone in a group of smokers lights up, the entire group of smokers light up. Usually, its a small group, just a few people in one area. When you have designated smoking areas you have a HUGE cluster of smokers. This HUGE group creates a larger, concentrated cloud of smoke which seems to annoy non-smokers even more than then an individual smoker here or there.

How many times have you had to walk through a hazy cloud to get into a shopping mall or office building because 20 people are grabbing that cigarettee on their break in a huge cluster.

It's a confusing situation. I understand closed or small areas like movie theaters, shopping malls, restaurants, bowling allies, que lines (but not bars!). But I don't understand open air, well ventalated areas. Like a smoker sitting on a park bench watching people walk by. As long as the smoker was conciderate to those around them (i.e., not initially lighting up if non-smokers where close, trying to stand so the wind does not blow the smoke towards people, etc.) However, I understand that this puts a lot of effort into the average, everyday smoker.

Boo's Mom

New Member
Dakotadogy said:
How many times have you had to walk through a hazy cloud to get into a shopping mall or office building because 20 people are grabbing that cigarettee on their break in a huge cluster.

exactly the reason why I hate malls and only go to them if I absolutely have to.


I am glad you are considerate of others because a lot of smokers aren't. This past summer my boyfriend and I went to Cedar Point in Ohio, and they don't have the smoking in certain areas, so people were just smoking in line. Almost every line we stood in someone in front of us was smoking, and when we left later that day we smelt like smoke! Thankfully you fallow the rules, so you are ok. Sorry about the crazies!!! :)


Well-Known Member
I personaly have no problems with smokers as long as they smoke in the designated areas. If not only for health reasons but for the plain fact that you have no where to tip your ashes or toss the butt out. My wife saw some woman sitting smoking on a planter in front of the Main Street Railroad Station during the afternoon parade and then toss her butt in the bushes when done. Nice way to start a fire.

I also had someone walking the opposite direction in Frontierland smoking and saw me look at them and they stared me down the whole way past like to say, "Yeah I'm smoking where I shouldn't, what are you going to do about it". Half of me wanted to tell them that there are non smoking areas to go to and half of me looked at my daughter walking next to me and wanted to avoid confrontation and that half won out.

I smoked for 8 years (quit almost 13 years ago) and when I smoked I tried to be considerate to others even though there were less non-smoking areas back than.

I don't think it should be banned in the parks, just contained. Smokers have rights also, but should also obey the rules. WDW is not really a public place. It is just like going into any company's building. They have a right to run their business how they see fit. If they want no smoking in certain or all areas it is their right in the end.
Personally, I think that smoking should be banned at all Disney public sites especially at the parks. The designated smoking areas aren't separated enough to avoid caustic smoke from invading the non-smoking travel paths and areas so that those who choose not to smoke can avoid the "clouds." At a minimum Disney should create areas that avoid all smoke contact with non-smokers. I like the idea of an enclosed, ventillated, and filtered "smokers only" room or something of that nature to put an end to the confrontations with the "clouds."


Premium Member
thedisneyfan said:
Personally, I think that smoking should be banned at all Disney public sites especially at the parks. The designated smoking areas aren't separated enough to avoid caustic smoke from invading the non-smoking travel paths and areas so that those who choose not to smoke can avoid the "clouds." At a minimum Disney should create areas that avoid all smoke contact with non-smokers. I like the idea of an enclosed, ventillated, and filtered "smokers only" room or something of that nature to put an end to the confrontations with the "clouds."

But on another note, why should Disney have to cater to bad habits. That's like if they made a building for people who want to pick their nose without bothering anyone else. A bad habit is a bad habit.

I know some people say that Disney would lose the business of smokers if it was made into a non smoking theme park, but if someone would avoid Disney just because they would rather be able to smoke all day long then they have a real problem.


New Member
Smoking is a nasty habit. It's bad for the smokers health, and it smells quite bad. I will never start smoking, not only for health reasons, but because its a waste of money, and I wouldn't be able to stand the constant sneers from non smokers. However, I think as long as the smoker stays in the designated smoking area, then I have no problem with them smoking. It's their decision, if they want to smoke, then go right ahead. Smoking cigarettes is not illegal, and if Disney has smoking areas, then smokers should be able to smoke there. People who go out of their way to mock and sneer at smokers, especially if they are smoking in the designated areas, are just being aholes.

Also, secondhand smoke is not bad for your health. This myth has been perpetuated for years, even though it has been scientifically proven to be false. Though secondhand smoke is annoying, and smells bad, and might even make some people feel sick, it is not bad for your health. You will not get cancer. You will not die. This myth was just created by certain people as lobbying evidence to get smoking banned in public places. It worked too. We've all been brainwashed into believing this (I had it shoved down my throat every year in school). You can feel annoyed, but don't think your going to die just because you inhaled some secondhand smoke.


Premium Member
tedhbrown said:
Smoking is a nasty habit. It's bad for the smokers health, and it smells quite bad. I will never start smoking, not only for health reasons, but because its a waste of money, and I wouldn't be able to stand the constant sneers from non smokers. However, I think as long as the smoker stays in the designated smoking area, then I have no problem with them smoking. It's their decision, if they want to smoke, then go right ahead. Smoking cigarettes is not illegal, and if Disney has smoking areas, then smokers should be able to smoke there. People who go out of their way to mock and sneer at smokers, especially if they are smoking in the designated areas, are just being aholes.

Also, secondhand smoke is not bad for your health. This myth has been perpetuated for years, even though it has been scientifically proven to be false. Though secondhand smoke is annoying, and smells bad, and might even make some people feel sick, it is not bad for your health. You will not get cancer. You will not die. This myth was just created by certain people as lobbying evidence to get smoking banned in public places. It worked too. We've all been brainwashed into believing this (I had it shoved down my throat every year in school). You can feel annoyed, but don't think your going to die just because you inhaled some secondhand smoke.

:eek: You are totally WRONG! I don't think I've ever met a person who grew up with parents who smoked and didn't end up with bad allergies, asthma, sinus problems, etc for the rest of their life. So many kids end up in the hospital each year from health problems associated with their parent's second hand smoke. And if someone breathes in second hand smoke and has a severe allergic reaction or asthma attack - yes, they CAN die from that. I'm astounded at your statement!


New Member
As a member of ASH (Action on Smoking and Health), I assure you, smoking will be completely banned in Disneyworld within the next 5 years. The fact of the matter is, smoking is mass murder. Secondhand smoke causes more deaths than terrorists. You may think you're not affecting anyone by smoking in "designated areas", but it's not the case at all. Smoke spreads around a lot more than you can see it, and it's only a matter of time before science prevails in showing a more accurate radius of toxins. When smoking was banned in bars in Connecticut (while I was living there), air pollution dropped over 70% in and around those bars (I can't remember the exact figure of how far from the bars it was measured, but it was significant). Now we all know and love that classic Disney atmosphere... Great smells... Blue skies (when it isn't raining ;-) )... Now imagine what that smoking ban will do. It's going to be the greatest thing to hit Disneyworld since the Muppets ;-)
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